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Report 2020-06-16.png



  • Prince Cortés accepts Catalina's offer; for every Sabbat elder brought staked to the Camarilla, one member of clan Lasombra will be permitted entry into the Camarilla. This offer may or may not be recognized beyond the borders of New York City however, given the narrow scope of Prince Cortés' authority. Furthermore, before this policy can be implemented, it must be brought before the Primogen Council for a vote. The Prince suggests that Catalina can secure her own safe entry ⁠— as well as show a show of good faith ⁠— by bringing Jasib Alcala to the vote, with a stake in his heart.
  • At this point, the Prince considers the coterie's job done. She briefly notes her satisfaction with their performance, and before exiting, tells them to inform Cashmere that she owes them a boon.
  • Once alone, Catalina asks Aradia to keep her word, and protect her. She hopes that this extends to helping her find and bring Jasib in, thus securing her own safety. She offers a boon, as well as use of her family's properties ⁠— the Onyx Hotels ⁠— as payment. After a brief discussion, the coterie agrees to this continuing aid.
  • Though Anatoli had previously mentioned Jasib and his two ghouls arriving through LaGuardia Airport in Queens, Catalina cannot provide much further information. She assumes that he is indulging his taste for shady establishments though, probably looking to let his Beast off its leash, so to speak. The coterie figures the most likely locale will be the Gargoyle Room.
  • On their way out, the coterie notice that the Primogen have descended into the larger Elysium population. They decide this might be an opportune time to make contact with a few.
A lavish Elysium taking place in an enclosed courtyard at the MET. This one catering to Greco-Roman sculptures, many of which in the Hellenistic style.
  • Josi speaks with Khalid, the Nosferatu Primogen. She humbly requests access to the Nosferatu warrens that stretch beneath New York City. She's always been keen of underground landscapes such as these, but also wants the opportunity to spend more time with Alter Klein. Khalid seems receptive to the request, but will have Josi prove herself in time. As a show of good faith, he asks what the Prince has tasked her coterie with. While informing Khalid of the extent of her involvement with the defecting Lasombra, Josi is interrupted by an irate Dr. Crowley. The Malkavian Primogen is enraged at the idea of the Lasombra being permitted to enter the city, let alone join the Camarilla.
  • Leah approaches Sage just as a frustrated-looking Nicodemus is leaving. The two women speak briefly about Jasib, with Sage agreeing to get some boots on the ground to help in the hunt.
  • The coterie can't seem to find the Ventrue Primogen however. They were told it was she who hired the out-of-towners for the original hit on Catalina, and potentially dominated their driver, Mrs. Greene. Upon asking Cashmere about it, they are informed that there is no Ventrue Primogen, and hasn't been for many years. New York City has always upheld that whatever clan the Prince hails from, may not also be represented within the council.
  • The coterie is approached by Portia Galanis, the Toreador Primogen. She flirts with the group as only an experienced Toreador could, using her powers of Presence to ensnare Leah. She coxes quite a bit of information out of Leah ⁠— mostly to do with the Prince's plans for the Lasombra ⁠— before Aradia pulls her away, ushering the coterie outside.
  • Archer is still waiting outside with the car, and drives the group back to the Moshpit to get cleaned up. Leah, coming down from the high that Portia had her on, finds comfort in the arms of her herd. Aradia helps Catalina get changed into something more appropriate for the Gargoyle Room. All while Josi offers some "drugs" to a imposing fellow at the bar. Josi tries to extract some of his blood via a syringe in the restroom, but momentarily loses control, painfully biting into his neck. She is able to regain control of her facilities, and forces some of her own blood upon the man to calm his screams. This man ⁠— Chad Turner ⁠— hungers for more however, and begs to meet up again the following night.
  • As the coterie and Catalina arrive at the Gargoyle Room, they are stopped at the door by Alexa Santos, who flippantly tells them to get lost. Sheriff Conway is apparently already on the scene, and isn't to be disturbed. The coterie push their way past anyway and confront the Sheriff, who's none too pleased to see them. He's joined by Bennett Steadman, whose chest is covered in dried blood. Apparently Jasib was here. After he tore into an available mortal, he began to trash the place, eventually shoving a wooden chair through Bennett's chest and putting him in torpor.
  • In the parking lot outside, the coterie speaks with Erzulie. She claims to have been inside when this all went down. She did overhear Jasib asking some of the dancers where the nearest brothel was however. Though she doesn't know the exact location, she recalls the name ⁠— the Cherry Pit.
  • Josi calls Tiffany Lehane from a nearby pay phone, and asks if she knows anything about the Cherry Pit. Tiffany is thrilled to help, relaying what she knows of the location. She also offers to help Josi throw a cosmetics party at her house, where she would naturally receive a portion of the profits.
  • The Cherry Pit is in the basement of an apartment complex. It's simple entrance is accessed byway of an alley and recessed stairway. The only designating mark is a small, red neon sign that flashes "COME PLAY WITH ME". Once inside, the establishment is fronted by a small bar and gambling den. It's largely empty at the moment, though the coterie does recognize local TV anchorman, Kent Powers, in a corner. Aradia speaks with the bar tender, asking after Jasib. He hesitates to answer, given the establishment's policy of discretion, but is convinced to affirm the presence of Jasib and his two ghouls. They're apparently in the VIP room with four "entertainers".
  • Beyond the gambling den, the Cherry Pit opens up into a lavish lounge. A small dry bar occupies one corner, with two hallways running parallel, each with a private room at the end. A few women chat with each other, complaining about the screaming coming from the VIP room. They assume it's just some "extreme" play, but the coterie knows better.
The only distinguishing signage for the Cherry Pit, barely viewable in a narrow basement window.
  • Leah kicks in the metal door to the VIP room. Inside is a chamber splattered with blood, and dimly lit be an array of candles. On display in the center of the room is a pile of body parts ⁠— a leg here, an arm there, some bones, a few torsos, etc. Beyond that, on the bed, sits a shirtless and blood-covered Jasib. His two ghouls stand in the corner, sharing a joint.
  • Immediately as the door opens, the smell of fresh blood overwhelms both Josi and Aradia. The two practically dive into the pile of body parts on the floor, groping and licking at whatever piece they think may sate their hunger. Jasib lets loose a deep belly laugh, offering his snacks to whomever else wishes to partake.
  • Sophia expertly applies her singing voice to the situation, attempting to lull Aradia and Josi's Beasts. It works, but only just. Thankfully, Leah's combined coercion is enough to fully snap them out of it.
  • Josi is embarrassed and enraged, throwing herself at Jasib. She is batted away, but it doesn't matter ⁠— the room has already fallen to entropy, as Josi pulls the life force from everything around her. The bed sheets and plush walls become tattered, the hanging chains and handcuffs rust, the paper partitions crack and flake away. Perhaps most horrifyingly, the pile of bodies instantly putrefies, filling the room with a deathly scent. The two ghouls also fall over, clutching their chests as they visibly age.
  • Jasib responds by calling upon the powers of Oblivion himself. The room grows cold and dark, as the shadows along the floor and walls grow longer and begin to move of their own accord. Catalina follows suit, putting all of her concentration into keeping the shadows at bay. This battle of wills is hard fought, but to outside observers, appears as little more than shadowy tendrils dancing along the surfaces of the room.
  • The battle continues, with the environment itself being used as a weapon. Jasib grabs a severed arm for a bludgeon, while Aradia breaks a vanity stool into a convenient stake. Leah slashes with claws, and Josi falls back on her trusty pistol.
  • Unfortunately, in all of the chaos, one of the candles around the perimeter of the room is knocked over, quickly setting the paper partitions and plush curtains afire. Rötschreck kicks in, and each of the coterie's Beasts takes hold, forcing them to flee from the burning room. As they catch their breath in the hallway however, a decayed human torso comes flying through the air, knocking Catalina down. Followed quickly by a charging Jasib.
  • The coterie attack in unison, piling onto the charging Lasombra, as Aradia manages to stake him. Without hesitation, the group help Catalina back to her feet and carry Jasib's motionless body out of the building. Once secured in the trunk of Aradia's car, they drive toward Josi's haven at the Center for Thanatology Research and Education.
  • As dawn approaches, Josi arranges temporary havens for everyone at the center. Jasib is filed away in storage at the center's morgue. Leah calls to have some of her security team from the Moshpit setup outside of the center for the day. Aradia calls Camilla, and leaves a message on the answering machine.



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