NPC Turner

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Chad Turner

Josi Lefévre's ghoul

Blood Bond: ☒☒☒☐☐☐
Fortitude (•) — Resilience
Merit: Linguistics (•) — Cantonese

Chad works at Pierce & Pierce, an international investment firm located across an entire floor of Trump Tower. He works with no-load stock options and mutual funds with a low level of initial purchase. These especially appeal to the young, inexperienced investor.

Though Chad presents a flashy facade during the workday, his home-life consists of little more than a rundown apartment in Hell's Kitchen. What little money he doesn't spend on designer shoes or gold wristwatches for the office rat-race, he puts toward cheap beer at dive bars where he decompresses by violently moshing.


  • Chad was unwinding at the Mosh Pit when Josi Lefévre approached him under the guide of selling drugs. The two went to the dingy bathroom to make the exchange, where Josi explained that it was delivered via syringe — and some of Chad's blood would be extracted to "make way" for it. However during the process, Josi lost control and attacked Chad — draining him with her painful bite. Panicked over the now dying mortal, Josi offered up her own vitae, creating a different addiction for Chad.2020-06-16