Lore Sheets

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Background: Loresheet (• — •••••)

You may purchase one or more Advantages from a single Loresheet. Each level of a Loresheet is self-contained and must be bought separately. They may be purchased in any order, but do not automatically convey the “lower” levels of that Loresheet.

Unless otherwise authorized by your Storyteller, you may only purchase dots in a single Loresheet.


Background: Bloodline (• — •••••)

You have been Embraced into a distinct bloodline with unique qualities. This gives you access to a second Loresheet that only members of your bloodline possess. All other rules and limitations of the Loresheet Background (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 190) apply — “Bloodline” is a distinct Background, and as such you can possess an Advantage from both it as well as the Loresheet Background.

Storytellers might decide that previously-published bloodline-related Loresheets (such as “Descendant of Hardestadt” and “Descendant of Helena” — Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 390-391) count as Bloodlines, allowing characters with those Loresheets to take an additional, non-lineage-related Loresheet.