NPC Wainwright

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Lord Ephraim Wainwright

High Regent of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs,
Regent of the Kenilworth Chantry



The Kenilworth, Manhattan

Though from a noble family, their status had seen better days. Born into an already crumbling estate, Ephraim was the last to benefit from such generational wealth. With low responsibilities, he squandered what his parents had left behind, spending much of it on opium and alcohol fueled benders. When not writing morose poetry, he corresponded with like-minded persons via letter. The main topic of interest always seemed to be debunking the charlatans who pushed spiritualism and other cons disguised as magic. It was this skepticism, coupled with an otherwise working knowledge of Hermetic symbol systems, that made Ephraim so attractive to his Sire.

Following the Sabbat Occupation of New York, Wainwright specifically put forward Aisling Sturbridge for a position on the nascent Primogen Council. He was honestly too busy as High Regent to consider the role for himself, but more so, he hoped that Sturbridge’s relative inexperience would allow her to make a fool of herself and undermine her otherwise growing chantry. Barring that, allowing her to present a more "progressive" face of the Tremere wouldn't be bad PR.


Ephraim Wainright was found to be an accomplice in the reconstruction of the Gargoyle Creation Ritual. Upon reveal, Prince Cortés publicly executed him byway of beheading. All of those under his tutelage at the Kenilworth Chantry were slaughtered soon there after by the Scourge.