Primogen Council

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Primogen is a term used to describe Camarilla officials that, at least in theory, serve as the representatives of their respective clans to the prince of a city ruled by the sect. The term is both singular and plural, and refers to both individual representatives and to the Primogen council as a whole.

As with many Camarilla offices, the Primogeniture predates the very existence of the sect, and was pretty common during the Dark Ages. Theoretically, a primogen is the oldest vampire of his clan, and serves as a representative and voice for the clan in city affairs. In general, the ruling vampires of the city value the Primogens and their opinions. They are called in to consult on decisions, and their recommendations carry great weight.

In the modern era, the officeholder is usually decided within the clan proper by voting, violence, or someone higher up giving the orders, rather than simply comparing ages. Primogen traditionally make up a council that is the second most powerful institution in the city after the Princedom.

The power of the primogen varies with the power of the vampires that make it up: in some cities they are a rubber stamp for the prince, while in other cities they manage all affairs.

New York's Primogen

Related Stations

Past Primogen

The Camarilla court of NYC is made up of the Prince, clan representatives, and several auxiliary roles.

Voting Records, circa 1986 CE

Lasombra Amnesty

Should select members of Clan Lasombra be permitted entrance to the NYC Camarilla? 2020-07-21

Primogen Clan Vote
Dr. Margaret Crowley Malkavian.png Malkavian NO
Portia Galanis Toreador.png Toreador YES ✔
Rosa Hernández Gangrel.png Gangrel YES ✔
Khalid Nosferatu.png Nosferatu YES ✔
Nicodemus Brujah.png Brujah NO
Aisling Sturbridge Tremere.png Tremere NO
Omar Fehr Ministry.png The Ministry YES ✔ [1]
Result: Members of Clan Lasombra shall be permitted to join the NYC Camarilla, on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible they must present a staked Sabbat elder as sacrifice. Though bound by the Traditions, no Lasombra shall hold domain or title within the Camarilla until deemed otherwise.

The Gargoyle Question

Given the evidence of a newly formulated Gargoyle Creation Ritae, should Regent Gurvich be censured for disregarding the Montmartre Pact? 2021-09-07

Primogen Clan Vote
Dr. Margaret Crowley Malkavian.png Malkavian YES ✔
Portia Galanis Toreador.png Toreador YES ✔
Rosa Hernández Gangrel.png Gangrel YES ✔
Khalid Nosferatu.png Nosferatu YES ✔
Nicodemus Brujah.png Brujah YES ✔
Aisling Sturbridge Tremere.png Tremere YES ✔
Omar Fehr Ministry.png The Ministry YES ✔
Result: Regent Gurvich was found guilty, and a Blood Hunt was called on him. His chantry was liquidated and his domain, the Jewish Museum, was given to Clan Nosferatu as restitution. High Regent Wainwright protested, seeing this as a gross violation of Clan Tremere's autonomy — he was executed on the spot by Prince Cortés.

The Lupine Problem

Following warnings from, and attacks upon, local Gangrel, should the lupine population of NYC be dealt with by force? 2022-03-21

Primogen Clan Vote
Dr. Margaret Crowley Malkavian.png Malkavian NO
Eugenio Estevez Tremere.png Tremere YES ✔
Portia Galanis Toreador.png Toreador YES ✔
Rosa Hernández Gangrel.png Gangrel YES ✔
Khalid Nosferatu.png Nosferatu NO
Nicodemus Brujah.png Brujah NO
Omar Fehr Ministry.png The Ministry YES ✔
Result: The Lupine population had clearly become a problem that needed a remedy. Nicodemus' impassioned speech swayed the Council to try diplomacy first — if only to suss out weaknesses. It was agreed that the Player Coterie should use their knowledge of the Ghost Council to this end.

Cull the Thin-Bloods

An influx of unsanctioned childer has led to widespread poaching, the hastening spread of a blood pestilence, and potentially diablerie. Should the Traditions be enforced byway of mass Final Death? 2022-11-28

Primogen Clan Vote
Dr. Margaret Crowley Malkavian.png Malkavian YES ✔
Eugenio Estevez Tremere.png Tremere NO
Portia Galanis Toreador.png Toreador YES ✔
Khalid Nosferatu.png Nosferatu YES ✔
Nicodemus Brujah.png Brujah NO
Deirdre O'Connor Gangrel.png Gangrel YES ✔ [2]
Omar Fehr Ministry.png The Ministry NO
Result: With the Council in favor of — or at least apathetic toward — the Principal of Faith's plan, Prince Cortés tries to save face by placing all unathorized Kindred on the Red List for the proceeding 72 hours. The coterie with the most confirmed kills is to be awarded prime domain within Manhattan.


  1. As Amicus Curiae, Omar Fehr ceded his vote to the Player Coterie.
  2. In the absence of Primogen Hernández, Gangrel Clan Whip Deirdre O'Connor is asked to vote.