Chantry of the Five Boroughs

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The Chantry of the Five Boroughs is a collection of smaller Tremere chantries of New York City that answer to one central location. The chief chantry is situated at The Kenilworth. It acts as the main "hub" to several satellite chantires throughout the city, such as the Jewish Museum, Barnard College, the Schwarzman Building, and the so-called Red Room.


High Regent: Lord Ephraim Wainwright

The Kenilworth is 12-floor luxury apartment building in the French Second Empire style. The building itself has forty-two apartments, mostly inhabited by unaware mortals. Some however have been converted into sunproofed havens, lounges, and in rooms in which to entertain those rare visitors who find themselves in the facility. The bulk of the chantry's operational space exists on a hidden thirteenth floor, only accessible byway of a mystically concealed elevator button.

The Kenilworth, located at 151 Central Park West, 75th Street.

The building overlooks Central Park, and the nearby Gryphon bookstore provides occasional rarities and esoteric tomes. The chantry's proximity to the American Museum of Natural History and the New York Historical Society also yields interesting artifacts from time to time, and the more socially graceful among the Kenilworth Tremere maintain contact with representative of these organizations.

Traditional Hermetic sorcery is the focus of the Kenilworth chantry, and Wainwright tolerates no deviance from these lines. He and his acolytes are oppressively suspicious of outside "visitors" to their repository of lore.


Regent: Aisling Sturbridge

Barnard College is a highly selective and prestigious women's liberal arts college, affiliated with Columbia University. As one of the "Seven Sisters", Barnard has a stereotype of being the school for bookish "girl next door" types. It has produced more women PhDs and professors than any of the other Seven Sisters.

Front entrance to Milbank Hall, on the Barnard College campus.

The traditional chantry sits on campus, masquerading as an extremely exclusive sorority house, belonging to Sigma Delta Tau (ΣΔΤ). But during the Sabbat occupation of New York, Barnard functioned as a war chantry, and its auxiliaries slowly grew, spreading throughout the college as a series of secret passages, hidden libraries, and underground vaults. It is, without a doubt, the largest chantry of the New York City network. In modern nights, it often serves as location for assemblies, convocations, social events, and statements of progress.

Membership of the Barnard Chantry is strictly female, much like the college it inhabits. Its regent, Aisling Sturbridge, values her responsibility to those beneath her in the Pyramid over those above her. As such, she is sympathetic toward the teachings of House Carna, but still a loyalist to clan Tremere. Still, her chantry is largely made up of gifted misfits, as well as rebels whom she has brought back into the fold. The teachings of the chantry tend to be polytheistic, with a focus on the sacred feminine found throughout neopaganism.


Regent: Abraham DuSable

The main branch's 5th Avenue entrance.

Designated a landmark in the 1960s, the central reference building is one of four research libraries in the New York Public Library system. The library chantry primary operates out of the Rare Book Division, which occupies the third floor and is closed to the public. The third floor features an enormous glass roof, long since sunproofed.

The relatively small membership of the library chantry come specifically to hear DuSable's teachings. He hopes to guide these neophytes to a more humane path so that like him, they can seek Golconda. He doesn’t ask for any deep loyalty however, as it recalls the bondage that the Pyramid and his own sire kept him in. Rumors have begun to spread throughout the chantries that some of these Golconda-seeking Tremere are able to manifest the Third Eye of Saulot.


The museum, housed at 1109 Fifth Avenue.

Regent: Mordechai Gurvich

Located in a turn-of-the-century Gothic mansion built for financier Felix Warburg — and renovated in 1933 — the Jewish Museum chantry also sprawls into an adjoining building. The chantry touts an all-male membership, though not every member is Jewish. It is also the center for House Hashem, with a particular focus on numerology and Kabbalah. Rumor has it that the museum is host to a rather old golem or gargoyle who served Mordechai during the Sabbat occupation.


The entrance to the Red Room may appear anywhere.

Regent: Eugenio Estevez

While the Kenilworth serves as the Tremere's internal center of communications, the Red Room is where the Tremere meet with Kindred from other clans. Its physical location is known to few, but its entrance — an ornate red door — can appear almost anywhere. Is is the smallest of all the chantries, existing as a series of ever-changing hallways connecting a handful of small rooms. It is richly appointed, intended to show the power and value of clan Tremere. While it has only two resident Kindred — Eugenio Estevez and his assistant — it is without a doubt one of the most active chantries in the city. Rumors also persist that the physical location — wherever it may be — houses at least one, if not more, wraiths.