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Supposedly discovered by an ancient vampire named Saulot, Golconda is a state of perfect equilibrium between Humanity and the Beast. A vampire walking Golconda’s path can temper their Beast’s outrage, subdue their Hunger, and even stand in the daylight, or so it is said. The gifts accompanying Golconda’s achievement are great, and so many vampires make the pilgrimage. Few succeed on the journey.

The route to reaching the state of Golconda has never been accurately recorded. Indeed, Saulot’s followers claim the journey is different for every vampire, dependent on their sins. What Golconda does to a vampire when they reach it is also disputed. Some claim it leads to a state of perfect serenity, while others say it makes a vampire into a cold-blooded shark of a predator, no longer susceptible to mindless rage, but just as hungry for blood.