NPC Nicodemus

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Prof. Nicholas Greenwald
Brujah Primogen



The Academy Eternal, Manhattan

Nicodemus is known for his keen, incisive questioning and intense wit. Though this made him both compelling to the intelligentsia and sophists of ancient Athens and Delphi, he is not so well tolerated now. His fellow Primogen know him to be a man of ethics — at least on the surface — but are loath to indulge his constant treatises on the philosophical ramifications of Council votes, or worse yet, the never missed opportunity to play devil's advocate.

Students of his will know that Nicodemus and his Sire spent centuries journeying across the Mediterranean and North Africa, meeting and debating with the greatest thinkers of the time. Eventually, the two made their way to Carthage — the center of Clan Brujah. The clan used the city to plan for a new golden age of Kindred and kine, where philosopher-kings would rule with logic, respect, and democratic debate. Nicodemus was quickly swept up by the grand vision, and he became passionately devoted to the cause. He was exploring China when he heard the news of Carthage’s fall, as well as rumors of his sire’s death.

Heartbroken — this time by the brutal prejudice of the Ventrue and Malkavians — Nicodemus frequently fell into frenzies. It was only when he tore the throat out of a child that he realized his monstrous deeds. He decided to leave civilization and became a nomad, feeding only on animals and refusing the blood of mortals. He spent centuries slipping in and out of torpor before eventually coming to the New World, becoming emmeshed in the ornate and complex tapestry of New York City.

Though largely satisfied to lecture mortal students under the guise of Prof. Nicholas Greenwald at New York University, Nicodemus’ deep political skill and wit, sharpened on millennia of intellects, caused him to quickly ascend to the position of Primogen. With his station, Nicodemus saw a chance to enact real change in Kindred society. He convinced Prince Cortés of the tangible benefits of his "Academy Eternal" concept — itself a replacement for his long since destroyed Entelechy School. Nicodemus now proves his clan’s fealty to the Camarilla through implementation of this education program, taking freshly Embraced fledglings — especially Caitiff and Duskborn — and schooling them hard in the Traditions. Failure is not an option for these childer, as Prince Cortés has authorized the Scourge to quietly eliminate any new vampires who pose a risk to New York’s Masquerade.