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Clan of the Moon | Oracles | Lunatics | Jesters | Children of Malkav

It has long been the misconception that few Kindred families are as disparate as the Clan of the Moon. Other clans see them and reason, “they are each mad, so why should their respective origins matter?” To the Malkavians, origins matter a great deal. Though sires may pick childer from all walks of life, age groups, ethnicities, and genders, every mortal selected for the Embrace possesses something only visible to a Malkavian.

One of the gifts the Malkavians look for in a mortal is what they call “second sight.” If a person interprets dreams, can perceive spirits, or unerringly predicts future events, the Malkavians take notice. Such a person acts as a beacon, calling out to every member of the clan that sees them.

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Another gift revered by the Malkavians, is that of “insight.” A high level of empathy, finely-tuned knowledge of complex subject matter, or just an obsessive drive to pursue the answers to philosophical questions each appeal to the clan. As insight is often tied to profession, the clan benefits from a range of academics and doctors — especially therapists and psychologists.

Finally, the Clan of the Moon are fascinated by the “broken” – individuals who have been changed by traumatic experiences or who were simply born slightly detached from themselves and the rest of society. To the Malkavians, they are but one gentle push away from having access to an altogether different plane of reality. Rather than treating them as burdens, the clan sees them as having great potential.

All Malkavians suffer mental illness following the Embrace — sometimes accentuating an existing condition, other times adding a new dimension to their instability. As if their thoughts and actions were based on otherworldly logic, there seems to be no knowing when their condition will manifest destructively or when it will offer important perspectives where such were previously lacking. As a rule, no other Kindred feels completely comfortable around a known Malkavian, often viewing them as unpredictable maniacs whose flashes of insight are rarely worth the fits of insanity.

Some Malkavians claim there is a common factor to their madness; that they are all psychically linked through a communal wavelength, a shared consciousness of sorts. Those who are aware of its existence refer to it as the cobweb or, more recently, the Network.


Auspex: Malkavians use Auspex to enhance their senses, strengthening their sight or hearing to a supernatural level, or to determine a mortal’s fears, illusions, and mental weaknesses, so they can play on them horribly as they prepare to feed. Many a Malkavian has persuaded a vessel to “tell them all about it,” before draining their weeping victim not ten minutes later.

Dominate: Some Malkavians use Dominate to lift all distractions from a victim’s mind, completely enthralling them; others use the Discipline to draw forth or inflict psychoses, through the infamous variant known as Dementation. While some do it mainly for the sake of experimentation, getting into a mortal’s head and convincing them that they want to give up their blood greatly assists the clan in surviving night to night.

Obfuscate: The Malkavians do not advertise their use of Obfuscate, conveniently allowing many Kindred to forget they even have access to this Discipline. What they use it for differs vastly. While some Malkavians might want to observe the court from secluded corners or play tricks on their prince, others secrete themselves in the houses, wards, and care homes of the kine, watching the sleeping faces before discreetly feeding.


Afflicted by their lineage, all Malkavians are cursed with at least one type of mental derangement. Depending on their history and the state of their mind at death, they may experience delusions, visions of terrible clarity, or something entirely different.

When the Malkavian suffers a Bestial Failure or a Compulsion, their curse comes to the fore. Suffer a penalty equal to your character’s Bane Severity to one category of dice pools (Physical, Social, or Mental) for the entire scene. This is in addition to any penalties incurred by Compulsions.

You and the Storyteller decide the type of penalty and the exact nature of the character’s affliction during character creation.

Clan Bane Variant

Unnatural Manifestations: Even the most mundane-seeming Oracle raises the hackles of those around them when they tap into the powers of their eerie Blood. Although they rarely recognize the source of these sensations, mortals respond with notable unease when a Malkavian uses their powers, and other vampires can readily recognize the presence of a fellow undead.

Whenever a Malkavian uses a Discipline power, mortals in close proximity (roughly in the same room or equivalent) are spooked and any social interaction with them apart from intimidation suffers a dice penalty equal to the Malkavian’s Bane Severity. This sensation isn’t Masquerade-breaking, but the mortal is struck by a sudden fear or dislike of the vampire, lasting one scene. Other vampires experience a similar sensation, instantly recognizing the Malkavian as a vampire, though no penalties apply to interactions with them.

Players Guide, pg. 57



Their extrasensory gifts running wild, the vampire experiences what might be truths or portents, but what others call figments of imagination, dredged up by Hunger.

While still functional, the vampire’s mind and perceptions are skewed. They receive a two-dice penalty to rolls involving Dexterity, Manipulation, Composure, and Wits as well as on rolls to resist terror frenzy, for one scene.

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Influencing Presence

This visionary is addicted to the thrill of reinventing and presenting themselves in different ways, thriving on the attention they get through the stories they tell. They seek to influence others through words, images, or the use of their Disciplines — whether it be for the purpose of pleasure, to forget their problems, or to comply with the whispers of the cobweb. As a mortal they might have had an extended network of followers on social media or led the destructive life of the mythomaniac.


The ability to sense and register more than any other Kindred afflicts the members of Clan Malkavian with its infamous instability but it can also reward them with great insight. Some find ways to use and benefit from their curse openly without breaching the Masquerade, such as the medium who reveals fictitious or existing spirits attached to objects, areas, and individuals — to help the grieving or for personal gain.

Bad Analyst

Some Malkavians instinctively know how to pick apart and reassemble minds, whatever state they are in. Maybe the analyst was a therapist in life, excelling in helping others through personal crises. Or maybe they use the experiences of their own agonized psyche as a guiding light, prying open the minds of their patients and victims with the purpose of finally healing themselves. The analyst is respected as well as feared for their ability to travel the labyrinth of the mind — and trap another inside it.


Malkavians are prone to fanaticism fueled by mental instability. Fanatics each have one purpose that consumes most of their existence. This could be anything from a strong religious or political convictions to an immense passion for detective novels or 9/11 conspiracy theories. Devoted to this one passion, it is safe to say the fanatic knows almost all the details and information there is to obtain about it.

Pure Blood Addict

Defined by bizarre insight and fringe beliefs, many Malkavians feel that certain blood calms their symptoms or derangements. For the blood addict, this has become a constant goal and all they think of. In life, they abused prescription drugs, had hypochondria, or were perhaps a gourmand, and now they cannot help but drink and drink until the gnawing noises quiet down or the anxiety lessens. They know which vessels to pick to obtain the best, most filling blood, and they take every meal seriously.