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Report 2020-07-21.png



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  • The coterie agrees to go to the Primogen vote, loading a staked and incapacitated Jasib into a bodybag and onto one of the cadaver transport vans from the Center for Thanatology. Catalina accompanies the coterie as they split into two groups, one taking the van, with the other taking Aradia's car.
  • Both parties indulge a brief detour at Forest Park, where Camilla is waiting with her own vehicle. Aradia speak with her privately, updating Camilla on all that has happened. Camilla is cautious of the politics at play, but believes that the Sabbat is currently too weak to launch another assault on the city, lending some credence to the Lasombra claim.
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  • Camilla relays her past few nights as well. She was in Staten Island, looking into rumors that the Thin-Bloods have developed some sort of blood sorcery of their own. She was only able to make contact with a couple who had graduated from Nicodemus' Academy Eternal, but learned that something was hunting them. Camilla feared that she herself had become a target, and had to lay low for a few nights.
  • Continuing onto the Primogen vote, the coterie arrives at Central Park. They drive in as far as possible before having to park. They load Jasib onto a gurney in order to push his body through the Ramble and to their final destination. The gurney is loud however, and apparently attracts the attention of something in the woods. The coterie tries to speed up, but only succeed in tipping the gurney and throwing Jasib's body to the ground.
  • Preparing for the arrival of whatever is approaching, Aradia drinks a potion that she had previously prepared, Josi causes the trees to decay and collapse into a makeshift blockade, while Kalliste and Catalina guard Jasib, and Sophia lies in wait for an ambush.
  • What actually parts the perimeter of the treeline is Baron Callahan, a handful of his Pendragon underlings, and — perhaps most surprisingly — Kira. He's pleasant enough, but doesn't waste time on many pleasantries. He knew that the coterie was lying about their airport job all along, and decided to keep tabs on them. Now he wants them to release Jasib into his custody, so that he may be blood-bound and eventually unstaked in service of the Anarch Movement.
  • Josi seems in favor of this, with Aradia even seeming to side with her. Catalina is furious at the mere suggestion, and begins to drag the body bag away on her own, threatening any who would stop her from achieving her mission. Leah doesn't much care about the politics involved, but desperately wants to see Jasib face justice for what happened at the Cherry Pit — justice that only the Camarilla seem to be offering.
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  • Kalliste — using all of their Presence — tries to negotiate with Baron Callahan. For his part, Callahan is unwilling to accompany the coterie to the Primogen vote. He is, however, intrigued when informed of Baron Bruck's plans to oust Baron Thostenson from power, empowering the coterie to claim his position over Brooklyn. While being sandwiched between two enemy domains would obviously endanger Baron Callahan's own authority in the Bronx, the coterie would rather see Bruck fall. They outline a plan to play along with Bruck's aspirations, while actually tipping off Baron Thostenson and working with Baron Callahan.
  • Baron Callahan seems pleased with the proposed machinations. In lieu of pushing the issue of Jasib — or cashing in the boon owed to him by the coterie — he agrees to help in the coup against Baron Bruck. As a gesture of enduring partnership, he even releases Kira back to Aradia's care, ensuring her that the effects of Domination will wear off in the near future.
  • Upon Baron Callahan's exit, the coterie completes their journey through the thick of the Ramble and onto the shore of the accompanying lake. It is here the the Primogen Council have been assembled, each accompanied by a small contingent from their clan. The clearing is illuminated by the pale light of the full moon and an accompanying circle of electric torches. The center piece of the setting seems to be a chair, perched atop a pile of tinder.
  • Sheriff Conway and his two Hounds — Santos and O'Conner — greet the coterie. Sheriff Conway demands that Jasib be handed over so that he may be properly secured and readied for execution. After a brief back-and-forth, the coterie relents, allowing the Sheriff and his Hounds to strap Jasib into the chair atop the lumber. He is doused in an accelerant, ready to be set afire after the vote.
  • Catalina is motioned over to Prince Cortés, leaving the coterie to interact with the present Primogen. Before they decide on a course of action however, Jezebel appears and sucker-punches Aradia. Aradia punches her in return. Grinning, Jezebel says "Bruck sent us. I remembered I didn't like you, but we're cool now."
  • Jezebel is accompanied by another member of the Jawbreakers, Vixen. While Jezebel seems keen to flirt a bit with Sophia, Vixen remarks on Leah's ability to get under Conway's skin. Bruck sent both of them as backup, in case things went south for the coterie. It is apparently Bruck's hope that the Lasombra gain entry to the Camarilla.
  • The coterie split up, each targeting a different Primogen. The goal is to get a feel for how the clans will be voting, and to perhaps guide naysayers to a more supportive position.
  • Aradia speaks with Aisling Sturbridge, Regent of the Barnard College Chantry and Primogen for Clan Tremere. She seems stressed, and explains that even though she represents her clan as Primogen, she is still technically subordinate to Lord Ephraim Wainwright, as he claims the position of High Regent over the whole of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs. Given their longstanding contention, she suspects that he may have only recommended her for the position of Primogen as a means to embarrass her. Still, she is under pressure to vote in favor of the Lasombra, as Ephraim believes they could be persuaded to reveal the secrets of Abysss Mysticism.
  • Josi and Leah speak with Khalid, of Clan Nosferatu. He is delighted to reveal that he will be voting in favor of the resolution.
  • Kalliste speaks with Dr. Margaret Crowley, of Clan Malkavian. She is firm in her opposition to the resolution. During the conversation however, she begins speaking of the fae. She has seen portents that indicate the rise of the Unseelie Court. Kalliste agrees to aid in the protection of the Seelie fae, should Dr. Crowley call upon them.
  • Josi speaks with Portia Galanis, of Clan Toreador. Josi reveals the identity of her sire, Pius Aurelius Augustus, which seems to put Portia on edge. Josi further stresses the point by revealing her knowledge of Portia's true identity — Helena of Argos. Portia is furious, only holding back her full rage out of fear of what Pius might do should his childe be slain. Josi promises to never reveal this information so long as Portia votes in favor of the Lasombra tonight.
  • Aradia and Sophia have Jezebel speak with Rosa Hernández, of Clan Gangrel. Jezebel relays that Rosa intends to vote in favor of the Lasombra. She also explains that Rosa isn't particularly a Camarilla loyalist, nor does she tend to care much for the politics of the city. She is more concerned about potential lupine incursions, and utilizes the Camarilla's considerable resources to maintain active patrols.
  • Anatoli Petropoulos, Principal of Faith, calls the Primogen Council to order. Prince Cortés sets the tone for the evening, before calling upon the coterie to explain exactly what it is Clan Lasombra is offering. Josi gives a rousing speech, detailing the treaty, and asking the Primogen to accept the Lasombra into their sect.
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  • Anatoli begins the role call proper, asking each Primogen for their clan's final vote.
  • Dr. Crowley screams her opposition to the proposal, even as her fellow Malkavians bulk, seemingly shocked by her answer.
  • Portia, speaking on behalf of Clan Toreador, votes in favor of the Lasombra. She also stresses that the Toreador are against the barbaric burning of Jasib, much preferring a civilized beheading.
  • Nicodemus, of Clan Brujah, states "With respect to the spirit of democracy, and despite my personal wishes, I must regrettably vote no."
  • Aisling Sturbridge votes against the motion on behalf of Clan Tremere, stating that it will bring nothing but chaos. This is seemingly against the wishes of High Regent Wainwright, though the consequences are not immediately apparent.
  • Rosa Hernández doesn't even bother standing as she mutters a quick "Yes" while glaring at Portia. Very few Gangrel are present, and none speak up against their nominal Primogen.
  • Khalid, of Clan Nosferatu, votes in favor of the defecting Lasombra, bearing in mind all that could be learned from them.
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  • Finally, Omar Fehr, the so-called Amicus Curiae, is called upon. Rather than impose upon the Council the vote of The Ministry, Omar instead cedes his authority to the coterie. Josi, speaking on their behalf, votes in favor of the Lasombra.
  • A terrifying rush runs through the veins of the Kindred present as they realize they will now share domain with the Lasombra. Sheriff Conway storms into the circle, declaring the he will no longer step aside as the Traditions are made a mockery of. He swears that he and his Hounds will hunt down every last Lasombra entering New York City, and slay them for the Sabbat beasts that they are.
  • Prince Cortés grabs Conway, throwing him to the dirt like a ragdoll, and commanding Leah to "muzzle him". As Leah subdues Conway, his Hounds watch on, obviously incised, but smart enough to stay put. They're quietly led away by a scheming Dr. Crowley.
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  • Prince Cortés regains control of the crowd, and pushes forward with the evening. She checks Jasib's bindings and removes the stake from his chest, allowing him his final words. He rambles angrily. He damns the Amici Noctis while maintaining his loyalty to the Sabbat cause. He curses those who would accept this treaty, drenched in inevitable genocide as it is. He laughs as he recounts the "coming storm" that has already swallowed entire war packs whole, and even now Beckons some of those among the Primogen to its hungry maw.
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  • Prince Cortés hands Catalina her sword, should she wish to give Jasib a merciful death. Catalina nods, uncomfortably hefting the blade, resting the tip against Jasib's clavicle. With a calculated swing, she parts his head from his shoulders. His body drops, rapidly crumbling to ash in the chair. The Prince places a hand on Catalina's shoulder, takes the sword back, and turns toward the crowd to speak: "Catalina Castaneda of Clan Lasombra, welcome to the Camarilla."



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