NPC Klein

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Alter Klein

H.H. Holloway,
Josi Lefèvre's fiancè





Alter Klein

Alter has watched the burgeoning punk scene with great interest and styles himself as such. He wears his thick black hair slicked up into a small mohawk and has patchy beard stubble. He has pierced his large, pointed ears in several places, and has a nose-ring on his right nostril. He has a series of barbell piercings running down his back like a ladder, one for each vertebrae. He is tall and fairly muscular, his arms seem a little too long, and his large hands bare long, gnarled fingers. He has several facial scars running over his eyes, and his olive skin is muddled with age spots. His eyes have deeply sunken sockets, and his large nose shows signs of being broken at least once. Most of his body is covered in age spots as his face, and long, wide, laceration scars. He has a tattoo on his left bicep of his regiment insignia, and the Hebrew word "זכור" on the inside of his right wrist. He favors loose, layered clothing, hooded coats, punk battle jackets, and fingerless gloves, hiding as much of his body as he can. He has a deep, gruff voice with a typical Brooklyn New York accent.

Brooklyn College cir. 1949

Alter Klein was raised in a small, tight-knit Jewish community in the Brooklyn area by his mother Matya, a seamstress who came to America as a young girl from Hungary, and his father, Samuel, whose mixed race parentage via his Jewish father and African American mother put the family on the outskirts of an already marginalized community. Despite their social status, The Klein's ran a successful butcher shop with a small restaurant counter for many years, which helped put Alter and his younger sister, Ruth through college. Ruth, along with her husband a two sons, still runs the shop today, though sadly both of her parents have since passed on. Ruth keeps pictures of them, and her late brothers Alter, and Jacob, who died in infancy, in her home, and in the office of the shop. Alter has, by proxies, managed to keep an eye on the family business, and has been an angel investor during a hard time or two. Occasionally, he wanders by the shop at night to catch a glimpse of Ruth and her happy family.

Sam's Delicatessen in Brooklyn, New York.

Alter was barely a man when the US entered into WW2, but he put the pursuit of his journalism degree on hold and enlisted in the US Army as soon as he heard the news. He toured extensively through France and Germany with the 1104 Engineer Combat Battalion, 78th Infantry Division as a combat engineer, even participating in the liberation of two concentration camps. Alter keeps a box of patches from the camp uniforms of the people he could not save. Though he entered the war because of his Jewish heritage, he left it with an understanding that if one group of people can be so oppressed, any of us can. He made it a personal creed to fight for disenfranchised peoples from all walks of life.

The 1104 Engineer Combat Battalion, 78th Infantry Division, US Army.

Upon returning home from the war, Alter resumed his education and graduated from Brooklyn College with degrees in Journalism and Business Management. After that, he worked at a local newspaper for a few of years, where he began working on a story about a deep seated crime ring in the heart of Brooklyn with lots of ties to politicians and other community leaders. Just as he was about to expose them, he went missing, and his family, his coworkers, and more importantly, his enemies, presumed him dead.