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Report 2020-09-08.png



  • Aradia awakens from her day-sleep hungry... real hungry. She can hear the Beast murmuring in the back of her mind, as open wounds gently weep blood from her forehead, abdomen, wrists, and ankles. Camilla takes her to get a quick bite to eat at the Hummus Hut, a Lebanese restaurant in Manhatten. The selected young man, Eli Haddad, tastes as good as expected. It's enough to sate Aradia, allowing her to seal the wounds of her stigmata.

  • The coterie meets up at the location of the Elysium. It's a teen marketed fashion boutique, called Apple Blossoms. The storefront is open, despite being well past business hours. Inside, the single guard checks for weapons and lets them into the basement storeroom. Moving among the boxes of product in this large, open basement are about two dozens individuals. The entire Camarilla Court is present, including the Prince, Principal of Faith, Herald, and Primogen Council. The coterie also recognizes Catalina, the Lasombra refugee they previously aided.
  • Josi speaks with Khalid, the Nosfertu Primogen. He mentions that he may have a job for her — a first step in earning her admittance into the Warrens. It seems that a number of fellow Nosferatu have recently gone missing. Although it isn't uncommon for the more solitary vampires to come and go, these specifics dissonances were uncharacteristic. Furthermore, the body of one of the neonates was discovered, baring odd wounds. The superstitious among the Warrens have whispered concerns of the Nictuku — violent proto vampires that hunger for Kindred flesh. Others have begun question the already circulating rumors of a so-called Second Inqusition, led by human governments. Khalid is not convinced either way, and will have the body sent to Josi to be examined more closely.
  • Aradia greets the stranger standing at the head of the room. She is garbed in a hijab and jilbab with just enough contemporary touches to seem stylish. She makes no effort to hide the kris dagger at her hip, nor the belt of vials around her waist. She introduces herself as Fatima al-Iram. The two continue their conversation, switching back and forth from English to Arabic, and back again. They admire one another's athame, and briefly discuss the paths of Blood Sorcery. Fatima seems somewhat dismissive of the Hermetic Thaumaturgy that the Tremere practice, instead boasting about the origin of her own Quietus — practiced almost exclusively by the Banu Haqim.
  • Josi interrupts a tense conversation between Portia and Rosa. She asks the Toreador Primogen how Argos is this time of year, reminding Portia that she knows her identity as "Helena of Argos". The Toreador warns Josi of her conduct before excusing herself, obviously flustered. Rosa, the Gangrel Primogen, smirks to herself. She doesn't seem to care much for Portia.
  • Josi pointedly asks Rosa about the lupine patrols she runs. It seems that Rosa believes that Prince Michaela was not killed by the Sabbat, but rather a pack of werewolves. She has evidence that the werewolves have a somewhat complex social order, and that it is focused on the cairns found throughout Central Park. She has remained in the Camarilla and on the Primogen Council as a sort of "single issue" presence, ensuring that she receives as many resources — scant as they are — as possible for her patrols. Josi offers to raise zombies to help... a novel offer that intrigues Rosa.
  • Speaking with Nicodemus, Aradia learns that he operates the so-called "Academy Eternal", a finishing school of sorts with caitiff, Thin-Bloods, and such. It exists to teach these miscreants the finer points of the Traditions, Kindred society, and Camarilla court etiquette. He confirms that a good many of his Thin-Blood students hail from Staten Island.
  • The festivities are interrupted as Prince Cortés nods to Fatima, who briefly disappears into a side room. When she returns, she is leading a beaten and bloodied Rico Conway behind her in chains. The Prince reads the charges against Conway, and opens the floor for discussion. Leah and Catalina suggest clemency, with no one else speaking for or against.
  • The Prince strips Conway of his position as Sheriff, and with it, the position's carte blanche hunting rights. She further order a series of public lashings, using a flail barbed with lupine teeth and claws. The honor of inflicting this punishment is offered to Leah, who refuses. Not wanting this olive branch to wither, Josi steps up. She takes the flail and proceeds to whip Conway instead. In between each lashing, Anatoli recites one of the seven Traditions.
  • When the lashes cease, the Prince proclaims that Conway is barred from using his Kindred gifts to heal any injuries sustained, until such a time that she feels the lesson has been learned. Then, nodding to Fatima, the Scourge produces a pair of pliers and pulls out Conway's fangs, leaving them to lie in a pool of placid vitae.
  • As the guests begin to leave, Prince Cortés asks the coterie to stay. Speaking in a small, back office, the Prince offers the now vacant position of Sheriff to Leah. She explains that the Nosferatu have proven to be levelheaded investigators, capable of handling punishment should the need arise. She was impressed by the coterie's performance in regards to the Lasombra refugee, and particularly impressed with how Leah handled Conway at the original Primogen vote. Leah says that she will consider the offer, but gets the sense that she shouldn't take too long to deliver an answer.
  • Before leaving the Elysium, Leah checks in on Conway. He's chained in the bathroom, with Fatima keeping guard. She apologizes for all that has happened, even giving the battered Nosferatu her jacket to cover himself. He spits at her however, a bloody projectile landing square in her mouth. Fatima mentions that she looks forward to working alongside Leah, should she accept the position.

  • The coterie arrives at the RadioShack in Flushing. They're hoping to track down Tom Riley, who may have have inadvertently filmed evidence of their innocence in regards to Rudi and the Anarch rant.
  • The salesperson, Dave Williams, is excited to receive a potential customer before closing for the night. He answers all of the questions Josi has about Sony camcorders. But when asked about Tom directly, he avoids answering.
  • Aradia senses that Dave is somehow different. His aura is difficult to discern, but she believes that he's a ghoul. Knowing this, Aradia tries to intimidate him into giving up Tom, whom she assumes is his master. Dave initially freaks out, but once Aradia reveals that they too are vampires, he becomes absolutely excited. He's never met anyone else like Tom. He can't stop talking about how amazing it must be to be a vampire. He's an absolute groupie. He agrees to tell Tom that they are looking for him, and can be found at the Mosh Pit.
  • For further incentive, Josi purchases a rather expensive camcorder, with an extended warranty. Dave's sales quota is going to look great this week! He has Josi fill out the warranty card, giving her a copy for her own records.

  • The coterie makes a brief stop at Avalon, to finalize agreements with Baron Callahan. While there, Aradia convinces Ajax to leave his game of pinball and join her in the cellar for some "fun". Josi attempts a similar feat with Nero, but he's all business. :(



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