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Report 2020-08-25.png



  • The night of the Anarch rant: Cassidy Scott is new to the scene. She's come to gain a sense of the world beyond the courts of the Ivory Tower, and to perhaps suss out potential allies. She quickly ingratiates herself to Jezebel and Vixen, who recognize her from the syndicated television drama, "The Day I Died", where she plays a ghost detective.
  • Jezebel mentions that she's fond of the current speaker, Sage Matthews. Sage says what she means, and is always ready to back it up if challenged. She goes on to say that Rudi "The Bear Gangrel" Robinson is generally "okay", but admits that her Baron, Edmund Bruck, doesn't appreciate the attention he gets in the Bronx.
  • Kalliste approaches the group, introducing herself. Her reputation precedes her however, as Cassidy recognizes her from some of the more mainstream drag venues. The two discuss the local sex trade, with Kalliste pointing to the Gilded Lion in Coney Island, and Cassidy mentioning her sire, Valentino Rose. Neither vampire is particularly fond of Valentino, as he has a reputation as a pusher and a pimp, regardless of his hoity-toity clientele.
  • A man with a shouldered camcorder interrupts and attempts to interview the vampires, but Jezebel drives him away with a snarl. Then, Rudi takes to the stage. His speech has the crowd pumped, but is cut short with a hail of gunfire, knocking him to his back. Chaos ensues as the Anarchs scatter in any given direction. Within moments, a police helicopter is overhead, and a line of SWAT units marches on the gate of Van Cortlandt Park.
  • Kalliste and Cassidy decide to stick together as they make their way out of the park. The two of them used their combined Presence to brush past the police barricade, with Kalliste going so far as to knock the megaphone out of one's hand. They get into Cassidy's Porsche 914 and head toward the Mosh Pit, hoping to rendezvous with the rest of the coterie.
  • The Mosh Pit is dead, save for a couple of stragglers, and Chad Turner. Our two vampires head back into the VIP area, where Leah keeps her... food. Cassidy seduces and feeds from one of the women present, as Kalliste watches.

  • The following night: Josi and Aradia awaken in the Onyx hotel. They find a selection of new clothing waiting in the cart by the door, thoughtfully provided by Catalina Castaneda. The two get cleaned up just in time for Camilla's arrival.
  • Camilla agree to use some of her more potent blood to rouse Leah from torpor. Given clan Tremere's inability to blood bound, this presents little negative effect for Leah. However, Camilla does demand a vial of the Nosferatu's blood in return, for reasons she is unwilling to elaborate upon. With little choice, Josi and Aradia make the call, exchanging a vial of Leah's blood for a feeding of Aradia's. It's enough to bring Leah out of torpor, but she desperately needs to feed. She finds a working girl in the hotel lounge to bring back and feed from.
  • Kalliste and Cassidy arrive at the hotel, having been informed of the coterie's location by Catalina. The two groups exchange information about the previous night, though very little is made clear.
  • Josi calls some of her professional contacts, putting out feelers for Rudi and Sophia's bodies.
  • Alter shows up at the hotel, cloaked in Obfuscate. With everyone present, Josi hands out the tickets she purchased from Nathaniel. They're for an upcoming production of "Bram Stoker's Dracula" at the Théâtre de Douleur, in Staten Island. Josi is excited because her friend, Étienne is in it. Alter, however, seems less than impressed at the mention of Étienne. Camilla is intrigued though, and reminds everyone of the Thin-Blood presence in the borough.
  • After a lengthy discussion, the coterie decides to try to get back in contact with Baron Erik Thostenson. The coterie makes the short walk to Central Park, calling out for Erik. It takes only ten minutes before a large owl swoops down, transforming into Erik before their very eyes.
  • Erik pushes the coterie to concentrate their power in Brooklyn, suggesting that they setup a permanent Anarch-styled Elysium. He suggests that the other Barons may be willing to provide mutual aid in the endeavor, but also speaks to the possibility of bringing otherwise unaligned Kindred into the fold, such as the Thin-Bloods.
  • The coterie decides to feign their continual working relationship with Baron Bruck, and to see him soon, to brief him on what went down at the rant. But first, they decide to pay a visit to Baron Callahan in Queens.
  • The coterie walk into Avalon like they own the place. Aradia sets her sights on Ajax, flirtatiously coaxing whatever intel she can from him. According to Ajax, word on the street is that the coterie was behind the attack on Rudi. A nearby Pendragon attests to this, and begins to slander the coterie. Kallise steps up, and gives this random biker a tongue lashing, thoroughly embarrassing him in front of his comrades. So much in fact that he frenzies, as the bar erupts into violence.
  • As this is happening, Josi meets Nero halfway up the stairs in the bar. She demands that the Pendragons aid her coterie in clearing their names and setting up an Elysium. He thinks that the idea, and the route chosen to convey it, are both incredulous. Josi presses the matter however, using whatever wiles she has to her advantage.
  • The bar brawl is interrupted as Baron Callahan shouts down from the overlooking loft office. He demands that the coterie come up to answer for themselves. Though a tense exchange, the coterie is able to eventually convince the Baron to lend aid for their endeavor. He offers up his coterie as guards for this nascent Elyiusm, but demands hunting rights throughout Brooklyn. He also requires that Baron Thostenson cede domain of several border neighborhoods, specifically; Cypress Hill, Bushwick, East Williamsburg, and Greenpoint.



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