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Report 2021-02-23.png



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  • January 28, 1986 — Tuesday. Josi, still bearing the brunt of her scorched arm, falls into torpor during the day. Pius Augustus finds her, having grown impatient while waiting for Josi to deliver his evening meal. It is only through his good grace — and a mouthful of his potent vitae — that Josi is awoken.
  • As the sun sets, the rest of the coterie awaken from their cold, dreamless, unmoving day sleep. But this evening carries a heavy weight — because on the front page of every newspaper, in the breaking stories of every channel, and upon the lips of each passersby is word of what happened earlier in the morning. At 11:39am — while the Kindred slept dead in their havens — the world watched as the much-publicized
    Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated during launch. The footage played and replayed is indelible, as contrails in the sky billow out like leafy stems from a fiery flower. Closeups of Grace Corrigan peering skyward, etched in confusion, her face shaded by a hand. She scours the Florida skyline for the spacecraft, but sees only smoke and debris. Her daughter — and media darling — Christa McAuliffe was aboard the shuttle with six other astronauts. All died either in the initial explosion or on impact with the ocean surface.
  • The machinations of Kindred society rarely pause however, and our coterie are on the precipice of an important evening. For tonight is the long awaited Anarch armistice — or Parley Partay, as the coterie has so dubbed it. It is on this note that Aradia is approached by a large sewer rat, with a small parchment scroll neatly attached to its tail. It's from Khalid — the Nosferatu Primogen — declaring his regretful absence from tonight's parley.
  • Kalliste and Hannah are already at the Mosh Pit when Aradia and Rasmodius, and Josi and Alter arrive in pairs. In private, Kalliste basically offers to "adaopt" Hannah, so that if ever questioned, she can point to her as a surrogate Sire. Hannah agrees, almost tearing up at the thought of once again having a family.
  • The typical layout of the Mosh Pit has been rearranged at Leah's behest, creating a horseshoe-shaped table and chair arrangement facing the stage. Place cards have been positioned at each seat, accompanied by some of Aradia's origami napkins. The small contingent of mortal security guards find themselves blocking back rooms and private offices, while Archer himself stays on the move in order to deal with issue as they arise.
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  • Rudi and Sage arrive early. Josi goes over the plan, asking Rudi to wait backstage during the parley itself. The hope is to get as many concessions out of the Barons as possible, before Rudi is dramatically revealed to still be alive. Amused, Rudi reiterates that Nero dies tonight.
  • Baron Bruck shows up, with the Jawbreakers in the tow. Jezebel sticks close to Bruck, but the rest of the Jawbreakers take positions at entry ways for the duration of the evening. Josi reminds Bruck that they are going to cast blame over him during the parley, before double-crossing Baron Callahan.
  • Just afterward, Baron Callahan arrives with a roar of motorcyles. His childe, Nero, is with him. He states that he has his men, the Pendragons, guarding the exterior — a demonstration of the type of security he will be providing to the future Anarch Elysium.
  • Doyle comes through the door right on time. He seems to relax immediately upon seeing Hannah and the familiar faces of the coterie. He admits to not being sure what to expect, but Leah reassures him that he belongs and is valued — as are all of the Duskborn.
  • As everyone is trash-talking the Camarilla, almost as if on cue, Omar Fehr arrives. All eyes are on him, as Josi herself feels inexplicably attracted. The two exchange a warm greeting before Omar dismisses the invitation to the event as "garish" — much to Aradia's delight. Still, Omar hopes to be a bridge between the sects, to help foster a truly functional Anarch entity capable of interfacing with and governing alongside the Ivory Tower.
  • Persephone Rosselini makes an appearance, seemingly overdressed in a slinky black dress, raven feather boa, mourning veil, and designer pumps. Her and Aradia talk art, with Persephone mentioning that she may need a few mural painted in her club. She also chides Aradai for having turned Rasmodius so young, as opposed to training him through a proxy kiss.
  • Rosa Hernández, the Gangrel Primogen, arrives. Josi greets her, explaining what to expect from the proceedings. She also makes overtures to potentially help with Rosa's previously discussed lupine problem — either byway of this nascent Anarch council, or even Leah's position as Camarilla Sheriff.
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  • An unfamiliar figure enters, introducing himself as Reverend Elijah Stokes. He claims that Marcel Francois was unable to attending, and the he is here in his stead. After all, someone has to represent New Jersey interests.
  • Baron de Troyes arrives, and seems quite impressed by the overall theatrics of the layout. She is especially pleased with the design and delivery of Aradia's invitation. She notices the origami napkins and is enthralled, clutching one to herself. She asks Aradia if it would be possible to make them larger, and perhaps even out of different material... like supple leather.
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  • Arriving late, and as the last person, is Baron Erik Thostenson. The room erupts into murmur as he casually chats with the coterie and takes a seat. It would seem as though few knew he was even back in the city.

The Anarch Armistice...

  • The lights dim, and Josi takes to the stage to begin the presentation she had prepared. She clicks on the projector, and slides out her telescopic pointer. The crux of the presentation is dynamic tension, as outlined by Charles Atlas and later expanded by Kurt Vonnegut. Therein, it is the belief that "good societies can be built only by pitting good against evil, and by keeping the tension between the two high at all times."
  • Josi claims that what has been seen in the Bronx — the contest of wills between Baron Bruck and Rudi's Army — is little more than theater, to keep people distracted and even entertained by a struggle of "evil in the palace" versus "good in the streets." She then ponders why the same stratagem has not been applied to the Camarilla. Why the Anarchs have squabbled amongst themselves, as opposed to collectively being the "good in the streets."
  • With a call to unity, Josi suggests that the Mosh Pit could operate as a sort of "Anarch Elysium" and opens the floor to discussion.
  • The room erupts into debate. The suggestion is made to simply mirror the Camarilla's rules for Elysium — that is: no violence is permitted on the premises, the Elysium is neutral ground that is welcoming to all Kindred, and one should not attract attention while coming or going.
  • Some are not keen at the prospect of being on equal footing with the Thin-Bloods, with Baron Bruck voicing concerns about being "first among equals" and dealing with "motorcycle thugs" and "half-breeds." Jezebel visibly grits her teeth. He only seems to concede the point when the assembled Kindred are convinced by his proposal of structuring a so-called Central Council — that is: all boroughs will recognize the decisions of the council, decisions will require a two-thirds qualified majority to pass, and a two-thirds quorum to even be brought to a vote.
  • Suzette, as previously agreed, will help to better assimilate the Duskborn into broader Kindred society.
  • Debate continues as to the size of the council itself. Eventually it is decided that two representatives from each borough would be most appropriate — an existing Baron, and a minority representative. This includes:
Erik Thostenson Leonard Callahan Edmond Bruck Suzette de Troyes Elijah Stokes
Josi Lefévre Persephone Rossellini Sage Matthews Doyle n/a


  • Omar will function as "Amicus Curiae" — friend of the court — much as he does for the Camarilla. He's neutral, representing the interests of those who are otherwise unrepresented, and may act as a tie-breaking vote.
  • Kalliste will fill the role of Harpy throughout the boroughs.
  • Leah will continue in her role as Sheriff, given its technical purview over all Kindred.
  • Omar suggests expanding this into a proper "Shadow Cabinet." He believes that he could — with some persuasion and a more liberal-minded Prince like Cortés — position this new Anarch council to truly counterbalance the Camarilla. Members could be chosen to shadow and mirror the positions of those on the Primogen Council. While this would not necessarily give the chosen Anarch any hard power, it would allow them to scrutinize the policies and actions of the majority government, as well as to offer alternatives.
  • Suzette makes overtures to personally meet with the Prince at some point, hoping that Omar can set something up.
  • Details to be decided at a later, official, meeting will include: mechanisms to uphold the Masquerade, enforcement of council decisions, and plans to defend against possible counter-revolutions.

The Main Event...

  • Rev. Elijah Stokes gives a rousing speech, mentioning his privileged upbringing in South Carolina, and his eventual path of abolition. He refences Galatians 5:1, comparing the yoke of slavery to what is felt even in the immortal lives of Kindred. He stresses unity in the face of adversaries who would enslave the lot, and encourages those attending to stress their grievances so that they may be assisted
  • Callahan stands, claiming to have a grievance with Baron Bruck. Hoping to ride the wave of suspicion that Josi previous cast on Bruck, Callahan continues, accusing the Baron of assassinating his political rivals — like Rudi Robinson.
  • Josi, still at the stage, interrupts. She explained that her coterie dug into the facts surrounding Rudi's murder. It seemed necessary since they were initially blamed for it — and since this Anarch Elysium was inspired in part by his Rant. She lays out the facts of the case, leading the room to believe that Bruck is to blame. However, as the shaky film clip from Tom Riley’s vide of the Rant plays overhead, Josi reveals that it was Nero Rivera who fired the shots, on the order of Baron Callahan. Once the film ends, the spotlights hit the stage and the curtain pull back to reveal... not Rudi, but a 12’ tall Kodiak bear!!!
  • The bear roars before falling forward, standing back on all fours. It snarls, spittle practically raining from its muzzle as it swats at the air with its 6" long claws. It seems to be putting on a bit of a show, as it has not yet moved to actively attack those nearest — Nero and Callahan.
  • Callahan jumps up, putting himself between the bear and Nero. He spins a yarn for the room, admitting that he knew Nero had pulled the trigger, but was gathering evidence before coming forward. His own — unbiased — investigation shows evidence that Nero was in fact mesmerized by Dr. Margaret Crowley, the Malkavian Primogen. She was even reportedly seen by multiple witnesses at the Rant itself. Callahan figures that given Rudi's complaints with Bruck, that Crowley say him as a natural ally to the Queen barony should he ever usurp the Bronx.
  • Furthermore, Callahan claims that Josi and her coterie are Camarilla sympathizers themselves. They've added their voice to the Primogen Council, strengthening the sect by poaching Magisters for it. One among their ranks, Leah, was even promoted to the position of Sheriff for the effort.
  • Kalliste interjects, cutting Callahan's story to pieces with a level of social grace not common in such surroundings.
  • Callahan continues, stating that the coterie has reportedly met with Crowley's underling, Flyboy, on various occasions. He himself occupies a tenuous position in Queens, and stands to benefit greatly in the absence of a strong Anarch presence. What Josi is saying is clearly a coordinated attempt to discredit Callahan's baronial praxis and allow Queens to be annexed by the flanking Camarilla domains in Manhattan and at JFK International Airport.
  • Aradia attempts — and fails — to extinguish Bruck's vitae and send him into a frenzy. She instead receives a vicious glare from the Baron.
  • Kalliste approaches the stage in a show to prevent violence, calming the bear and asking it to please shift back. As it transforms into Rudi himself, the audience is once again agast as the totality of the scene sets in. Rudi is alive and wel... and pissed.
  • Callahan applauds Kalliste for keeping the peace, stating that it is a great step to ensuring the longevity of the Anarch Armistce. He goes on to state that he is still in favor of the Anarch Elysium — and that if Nero must be punished, he will do so himself. He is willing to deliver his childe to the Final Death.
  • Rudi agrees, but conditionally. Nero will die, but Callahan must also cede domain on the border of Queens and the Bronx. Furthermore, he must expunge any and all Boons he holds over the participants present tonight.
  • Callahan agrees and steps onto the stage. Him and Rudi share a nod, before Nero is called forth. For his part, Nero submits willingly, kneeling before Callahan. He apologizes to his Sire for making him suffer this task. Callahan removes the motorcycle chain from his belt loop, wrapping it around Nero's throat. As he's bent forward, he kisses the top of Nero's head, whispering something softly. He straightens up and steels himself before ripping the chain in either direction, immediately decapitating Nero. The headless body slump forward, Callahan catching it against his stomach, holding it tightly as it crumbles to dust. Callahan turns to the assembly, blood running through the tracks of his tears, and state "It is done."



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