Second Inquisition

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The "Second Inquisition" is a term used in Kindred society to give a name to the upswing in targeted anti-vampire attacks perpetuated by world governments. In reality, it is not so much a singular, coordinated effort as it is a loosely defined zeitgeist. It includes a diaspora of various groups, organizations, and individuals working to uncover ⁠— and eliminate ⁠— supernatural threats to humanity. Few of these groups actively coordinate with one another however, setting the Second Inquisition apart from its original namesake. This has much to do with paranoia, as "inquisitors" believe that any official could be compromised and secretly in service to the vampire threat.

These so-called inquisitors tend to work in small cells at most, and operate via clandestine channels. They can include anything from the solo occult investigator advising local law enforcement on Satanic ritual abuse, to fringe agents at SAD or Quantico cataloging reports spit out by the nascent ViCAP. They can also include true believers from the Society of Leopold, the singularly focused Imbued, or even factions within the Orpheus Group.


Any interorganizational actions taken tend to fall under the official banner of something called PROJECT: FIRSTLIGHT. Little is known about this moniker however, as operational security has — thus far — remained largely intact. In fact, the word "vampire" is never even used in official briefings. Instead, inquisitors speak of "blankbodies", referring to the low body temperature of the undead that marks them as inhuman.