PC Span

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Polaroid-Verona Span.png

As portrayed by: Tina

Verona's upper-class American education and penchant for sport hunting allowed her into the good graces of the otherwise gender segregated Explorers Club. While the club’s mission statement of discovery and research of extra-mundane oddities saw multiple expeditions launched into the African interior, Verona was instead sent north to the Arctic Circle. Her task was to locate the hypothesized polar tunnel connecting the Earth’s outer shell to its hollow core. Conditions were more perilous than expected however, and her scouting party fell victim to hypothermia and situational cannibalism. Verona was personally rescued by the arrival of a seemingly primitive protohuman — or ape-woman — and nursed back to health. Lost to the wilderness for years, the pair formed an understanding of sorts, and "Yeren" — as the ape-woman seemed to call herself — taught Verona survival techniques previously thought impossible to the so-called civilized world. It was mere happenstance that a hunting party out of the City of Dawson found Verona, her "rescuers" returning her to a society she has become ill-equipped for.