PC Medrano

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Jezmina Medrano

As Portrayed By:

Agrafina Lavrovskaya



Vogelkäfig Theater, Vienna

Jezmina is beauty and grace embodied. Every muscle, every tendon, every bone in her body moves with mercurial expressiveness and implicit control. She is poetry in motion, and everyone knows it. As a performer in the elite Bolshoi Ballet based out of Moscow, Jezmina has traveled the world while honing not only her craft, but her flesh as well, each city offering a buffet of fresh ideas — and faces.

But Jezmina was not always in such a position of honor. After her parents’ death she lived and worked on the mean streets, fighting for every scrap until being noticed and taken in by an underworld boss. Now, at the direction of her Ballet Mistress, Jezmina spends most evenings acting as an exquisite reward for a deserving few — and a horrifying punishment for those who would dare defy the organization.

Jezmina seeks the skull of a musical genius to contribute to her ongoing metamorphosis — bone imbued with such perfection that she must assert dominion by making it a part of her own magnificent form.