PC Haas

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Fabienne Haas

As Portrayed By:

Allegria Iglesias

Daughters of Cacophony


At the Asphodels, Vienna

Miss Haas is a rare bird in a gilded cage, at once both artist and muse, she embodies the divine soul of music and is placed on a high pedestal for it. Fabienne burst onto the Vienna opera scene as a fresh-faced ingénue with a voice so high and so piercing that it makes the Empress herself tremble.

Her performances invoke the most passionate and desperate emotions in those who behold her — but such brilliance never comes without a cost. Fabienne spends every waking moment awash in wells of deep sorrow, pain, anger, fear, and unrequited love that radiate from those around her. Their stifled emotions flood into her cracked-porcelain psyche and threaten to boil over, ruining the delicately constructed façade like an overstimulated child toppling a house of cards.

Fabienne seeks the skull of Maestro Ludwig von Beethoven in the hopes that his unfortunate ailment might help deafen the tragic chorus that invades her own tortured mind.