Blood Hunt

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A Blood Hunt is an order given by a Camarilla official, calling for the destruction of another vampire. When such order is given by a Sabbat official, the procedure is called a "Wild Hunt" instead.

The traditional legal institution behind the Blood Hunt is the lex talionis, a legal principle that can be summarized as "an eye for an eye". Such an order is usually given whenever a Kindred has committed a serious offense, such as kinslaying, diablerie, breaching the Masquerade, invasion of domain that has resulted in any of the above offenses, repeated defiance of authority of the Prince, or any other behavior that a Prince deems to be a sufficient threat to the safety of the Masquerade and the Kindred of the city as a whole.

Any Kindred who hears the order for a Blood Hunt is expected to participate, although she is not required unless the Kindred in question has committed truly serious offenses (such as deliberately or repeatedly violating the Masquerade). Typically, the damned have until midnight to escape the city. If they do not, then they are open to retribution by their fellow Kindred. Any Kindred who provides assistance to the target of a Blood Hunt will often become the next to be hunted.