Jacques and Didier
Jacques & Didier
Justine Flaubert's ghouls
Blood Bond: ☒☐☐☐☐☐
Presence (•) — Daunt
Celerity (•) - Cat's Grace
Few remember when these two mysterious regulars first started coming around Club Medea. Some claim that they were friends, others claim they were brothers. No one remembers their real names. What people do remember is how they always seem to appear in the shadows only just within view when Justine enters the room. Always dressed in full body black latex suits with gas masks obscuring their faces. They never speak — only obey. There are rumors among those who know of Justine that they are her ghouls, or that she inflicted Tabula Rasa upon them to permanently erase their pasts and keep them under her control. Or perhaps they just can’t help but simp for Mommy. And Mommy is strict... but Mommy is kind.
- Jacques & Didier were offered the chance to take their relationship with Justine to the next level. In her dressing room, with a chalice of warm vitae between the three of them, she offered them immortality by becoming her ghouls... by having a piece of her within them forever. 2023-08-21