NPC Thostenson

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Polaroid-erik thostenson.png

Erik Thostenson

Baron of Brooklyn



Brooklyn, NY

Erik Thostenson is known by reputation as the Anarch Baron of Brooklyn, though his hands-off approach to leadership and curiously long absences have led many to question whether he actually believes in the cause or not. Though physically quite imposing, Erik has a surprisingly sociably gentleness about him, and even considers himself something of a skáld. Though he isn't often keen to elaborate upon his past, stories he has shared indicate that he is nearly 1,000 years old, and originally hails from Norway — though was only embraced once he was in Newfoundland.

A select few know of Erik's long-dead daughter, Astrid. Described as brave and beautiful, she was a skilled shield-maiden within the aett. Sadly she was cutdown in battle against the Children of Fenrir — an act of retribution for her clan's deceitful use of the Ghost Council ceremony. And while the plan to execute the Children of Fenrir's Völva was successful, the price of Astrid's death assured Erik that he was being punished by the Aesir for his dishonorable actions.

In more recent nights, Erik travels between his domain in New York City and an abandoned logging camp in Ontario, Canada. He owes a debt to the forest there, and has sworn to protect it alongside the other inhabitants...