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Report 2023-07-10.png


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Razor Blade Alley...


Thea Nolan awakens in her Ethan Eaton's bed, snuggled against her Sire's cold body — she's absolutely starving. Ethan does not stir as Thea slips out the window, descending onto the street via the fire escape. Thea stalks the nearby alleyways looking for someone to sate her hunger. Few pedestrians dare to make the trek as the streetlights are still out, hinting at the continuing catastrophe at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant. Nonetheless, Thea is alerted to the presence of an unhoused man, letting loose a wolf whistle in her direction.

Thea approaches, trading lewd remarks before accepting the man's outstretched bottle of liquor, itself carefully concealed in a brown paper bag. Rather than take a swig however, Thea promptly smashes it over the old pervert's skull. He falls face first onto the wet pavement, a mixture of sanguine fluids and cheap ethanol fillings the cracks of the alley. She wastes no time in puncturing his neck, too hungry to care about the smell... and taste. As she fills her stomach however she begins to feel the effects of the man's alcoholism and pulls away.

With the beggar left merely concussed, Thea continues her hunt. She finds a mature looking man, seemingly still in his dockworker's overalls, leaned against a wall fishing around in his pants. Thea sidles up alongside him and mimics his motions, catching his gaze. She commands him to relax, and begins to feed on the Dominated mortal as he... pleases himself. Thea finishes, and helps him finish, before making her exit. She has an important task to take care of this evening — hauling a stolen car full of experimental drugs across to Tiffany Lehane's haven.

The House That Jack Built...

Aradia Mercoledi awakens in a second story bedroom at the House on Highland Avenue, her head spinning with guilt. So much has happened of the course of a week — leaving her little time to reorient herself after her visions of Vienna. She fears she may have betrayed her own principles when she so mercilessly murdered Melissa Lawson, and that Rasmodius' reaction to that event is in fact justified. She convinces herself that she has to make things right, at least with Rasmodius, and probably even with Kira. She's not entirely sure how, but she's convinced that an earnest, honest approach will be best. She fucked up, and she knows it...

Tarot five-of-cups.png

Justine Flaubert awakens in the bathtub of the connecting en suite, her boys curled up in a puddle of latex on the floor. She rises and emits a faux cough to alert Jacques and Didier, who both stand to attention. Justine is famished, and lets the boys know that there won't be any need for rock/paper/scissors tonight — she wants both of them! They're quick to kneel, offering up a slip of wrist through the seams of shiny black sleeves and gloves. She's gentle, as always, and dabs the corner of her lips dry. As Jacques and Didier regain their composure, Justine draws a card for the night — the Five of Cups.



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