NPC DeBreno

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Camilla DeBreno

Mircalla Karnstein,
Aradia Mercoledi's sire





A product of assault, Camilla "Luna" DeBreno was born in secret to an Italian midwife. Much of Camilla’s history is unknown before her embrace in 1832. Camilla herself, seldom speaks of these times, and will frequently deflect, if asked.

What is known is that Camilla first became aware of Aradia in 1936, not too long after her clan’s arrival to Sicily. In the evenings, she would venture to her camp to observe, quickly becoming fixated on Aradia during an evening display of ritual, where Aradia - entranced by her spellwork, danced naked in praise of the goddess, who had shown them favor during their travels. As she danced about the fire, amidst lively music, she spun into the air, hovering high above the fire - eyes rolled back - exclaiming loudly in Kalderash, the music rising to a ferver - the rest of the clan chanting in unison, until at its peak, a gust of wind came like a shriek through the camp, extinguishing the fire, and silencing the music. A moment later, when all was again still, Aradia dropped to the ground, collapsing onto her side.

When Aradia was Arrested in the square, it was Camilla’s influence that got her placed with the nuns, thereby avoiding execution. Years passed. Camilla kept a watchful eye on Aradia, observing her ritual work. By day, her informants continued to follow and report on Aradia, with almost nightly updates.

On the night that Aradia ventured to the Noto Cemetery, Camilla followed at a distance, intent on at last revealing herself to Aradia and bonding her. Her time had finally come. She did not expect Aradia’s suicide however, and was at once impressed with her devotion and conviction, while also feeling sudddenly paniced and angry, thinking she had waited too long.

When Aradia - with one foot already in the shadow realm - asked for her to help enact her revenge, Camilla did not hesitate. Camilla had been long dissatisfied with the Mafia ties Her clan had made and felt it was time to cleanse the power structure of the region in favor of the Tremere.

It was 2 months later when She and Aradia invaded the mafia stronghold. Camilla knew not the darkness that had rooted in Aradia’s heart, and was stunned at the ferocity she displayed. Leading up to the attack, Aradia fasted to the point of triggering her stigmata as she dangerously approached a frenzy. She stepped away from the goddess and instead, channeled the god, Tanus; the Sun, and Anubis, the God of Death. On the eve of the attack, Aradia took Camilla deep into the woods, tracking a large, grey wolf. In a clearing, she disrobed and engaged the beast. She overcame it, feeding, beckoning Camilla to join her. Camilla declined, Destesting the gamey taste of animal blood, but watched, transfixed, as Aradia drained the wolf. She tore it’s heart out at last, and drank, offering the remains to the gods in blood sacrifice.

In the end, Camilla and Aradia showed little mercy as they descended upon the mafia. In the beginning, it was meant to look like a rival family from the mainland was to blame. Camilla, a gifted strategist, planted key evidence linking the other family about the compound, as Aradia snapped necks and stabbed one guard after another with frightening speed and ease. It wasn’t until Aradia entered the bedchamber of the Don and his wife - fast asleep in their plush bed, that she came across a box of treasures. It contained seemingly random items, a broken watch, a pinky ring… and a locket. Aradia immediately recognised it as Lavinia’s. In it was a small picture of her, Luca, and Aradia. Camilla came into the room, after finishing off the remnants of the Dons’ 130 or so men, to find Aradia screaming; covered in blood and viscera, the pieces of the Don and his wife strewn about the room. Camilla was enthralled with her progeny and later that night, in their shared haven, she allowed Aradia to drink from her, to ease her fury, and presented her with the legendary blade of Elizabeth Bathoroy. They made love well into the morning, before collapsing. During that day, Camilla’s herd packed up their home, and readied for their move to the United States.


Camilla met the final death in 1986. It come at the hands of her childe, Aradia Mercoledi, when it was discovered that Camilla had murdered Aradia’s entire family and had been manipulating her ever since.