Blood Sorcery: Difference between revisions

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(Added Craftmaster, Depths of Nightmare, Elemental Grasp, Le Sang de l’Amour, Silent Mortis, Tiamat Glistens, and Viscera Garden from "Blood Sigils")
(Added ritual from Blood Sigils — Compel the Inanimate, Egregore Consultation, Land's Sustenance, Riding the Earth's Veins)
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= LEVEL 4 =
= LEVEL 4 =
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'''Blood Sorcery''' ••••
''This ritual allows a vampire to take control of an object for a single moment, with just enough time to step away and deny plausibility.''
'''Ingredients:''' Any inanimate object.
'''Process:''' The caster smears a glyph on an inanimate object with one Rouse Check's worth of their Blood and gives the object a quick order. After the caster's Blood dries on its surface (about five minutes), the object carries out the order to its best ability.
'''System:''' A win on the Ritual roll allows the object to understand their order as the caster intended it. A critical win allows for one additional order, which does not have to be carried out at the exact same time as the first order but must be carried out before the night's end.
Orders must be simple commands, not complex sentences: fall over, crash, or erase your databanks. Objects do not have concepts of time and cannot easily recognize individual people, so orders concerning a specific time or person cannot be carried out perfectly. The caster must be in the same relative environment as the object when the order is carried out, such as a caster ordering a lamppost in a park to shut off must still be in the park, a caster who commands a museum suit of armor to tumble must be in that museum, etc.
Sense the Unseen (Auspex 1) can detect the caster with a contest of Wits + Auspex vs. the caster's Composure + Blood Sorcery.
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''<sub>Blood Sigils, pg. 69</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' ••••
''This proprietary plague oracle (page 108) ritual focuses on the influenza virus, so its caster must be hosting influenza to use it.''
''Mystics use the term egregore for a sort of unified oversoul of a region, people, or spiritual category. In this case, it means the combined knowledge and instincts of everyone within twenty kilometers who has the flu. In addition to drawing on their own training, the plague oracle can access—at least in part—the wide and relevant experiences of every sick person in range.''
'''Ingredients:''' Live influenza viruses in caster's Blood, worms, flukes, or other parasites, a knife, a magnet.
'''Process:''' The caster chops up the worms with the knife and smears them on the magnet. Holding the magnet in their left hand and facing north, they intone the ritual chant.
'''System:''' The sorcerer picks a Skill they wish to enhance before making the Ritual roll. On a win, the next three times the plague oracle uses that Skill in a pool, they get a dice bonus equal to one plus their margin on the Ritual test. If the Storyteller decides the Skill is only somewhat uncommon, add a die to that bonus; if the skill is very common, add two dice. On a critical win, add a free Specialty or another bonus die if the caster already has the desired Specialty. For example, a Tremere in Cairo hunted by an Islamic anti-vampire society could use this to speed her research in this ancient center of learning. She rolls six successes: a margin of 1 plus 1 die, plus 1 more die for the numerous fluey scholars in the area. She gets three dice to add to her next three Academics rolls. She could similarly play the stock market with Finance in New York or Shanghai, or get off a crack shot or three in Dallas.
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''<sub>Blood Sigils, pg. 70</sub>''

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'''System:''' Make a Ritual roll versus the target’s Resolve + Willpower. On a successful roll, the target cannot consume blood for one night, vomiting it up as if it were mortal food and drink. Only ashes sate their Hunger and cannot bring it lower than 3, though few victims think of eating ashes unless told of the spell.
'''System:''' Make a Ritual roll versus the target's Resolve + Willpower. On a successful roll, the target cannot consume blood for one night, vomiting it up as if it were mortal food and drink. Only ashes sate their Hunger and cannot bring it lower than 3, though few victims think of eating ashes unless told of the spell.

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''By imbibing the Blood of a willing Kindred, a vampire can relive the memories of the donor, who guides them through the donor’s past experiences. This can allow the vampire to “recall” memories from before they were born! In addition, these guided journeys can unlock Discipline powers, Merits, and potentially other gifts of the donor’s Blood.''
''By imbibing the Blood of a willing Kindred, a vampire can relive the memories of the donor, who guides them through the donor's past experiences. This can allow the vampire to “recall” memories from before they were born! In addition, these guided journeys can unlock Discipline powers, Merits, and potentially other gifts of the donor's Blood.''

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! '''Guided Memoriam...'''
! '''Guided Memoriam...'''
| '''Powers:''' This power is independent of the sorcerer’s other powers and does not count against the limit of powers they can possess in a single Discipline, although they still need to fulfill the Discipline rating requirement. This power cannot be used as a requirement to learn another power, but a character could gain an Amalgam power temporarily if they already knew the other prerequisite power.
| '''Powers:''' This power is independent of the sorcerer's other powers and does not count against the limit of powers they can possess in a single Discipline, although they still need to fulfill the Discipline rating requirement. This power cannot be used as a requirement to learn another power, but a character could gain an Amalgam power temporarily if they already knew the other prerequisite power.

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'''Entering the Guided Memoriam:''' A guided Memoriam follows all of the same rules as a standard Memoriam except the Kindred donating the Blood and memories rolls the required Rouse check. The donor remains present throughout the scene as a spiritual or disembodied presence or guide that only the Kindred experiencing the Memoriam can interact with. Everyone experiencing the guided Memoriam must partake of the offered Blood.<br><br>Walking through another Kindred’s memories is a particularly unnatural experience and inflicts penalties based on how far back in time the journey delves. The Blood offered by the Kindred donor is always considered a deep drink (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 312) and the bonuses supplied from that usually offset some of these penalties.
'''Entering the Guided Memoriam:''' A guided Memoriam follows all of the same rules as a standard Memoriam except the Kindred donating the Blood and memories rolls the required Rouse check. The donor remains present throughout the scene as a spiritual or disembodied presence or guide that only the Kindred experiencing the Memoriam can interact with. Everyone experiencing the guided Memoriam must partake of the offered Blood.<br><br>Walking through another Kindred's memories is a particularly unnatural experience and inflicts penalties based on how far back in time the journey delves. The Blood offered by the Kindred donor is always considered a deep drink (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 312) and the bonuses supplied from that usually offset some of these penalties.

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'''Process:''' The caster must acquire the toy of an innocent mortal child and use the ritual to mystically infuse it with the power of their Kindred vitae, drawing the child’s innocence into their aura. The caster must then carry the toy on their person to mask themselves from the powers of Auspex.
'''Process:''' The caster must acquire the toy of an innocent mortal child and use the ritual to mystically infuse it with the power of their Kindred vitae, drawing the child's innocence into their aura. The caster must then carry the toy on their person to mask themselves from the powers of Auspex.

'''System:''' The caster makes a Rouse Check and makes their Ritual test. Upon success, the caster’s aura is altered to make them appear mortal, with any stains of diablerie rendered invisible. Auspex users employing Scry the Soul on the caster will perceive their aura as mortal until the effects of the ritual dissipate, unless they make a contested roll between their Intelligence + Auspex versus the caster’s Intelligence + Blood Sorcery + four dice. The ritual lasts one night unless the ritual test is made at +2 to difficulty which extends it until the end of the story. A Critical Win doubles the ritual’s duration. Note that there is no recorded instance of Nicolai sharing this ritual with his fellow Tremere and can only be learned by capturing Nicolai’s notes or via other method of the Storyteller’s determination.
'''System:''' The caster makes a Rouse Check and makes their Ritual test. Upon success, the caster's aura is altered to make them appear mortal, with any stains of diablerie rendered invisible. Auspex users employing Scry the Soul on the caster will perceive their aura as mortal until the effects of the ritual dissipate, unless they make a contested roll between their Intelligence + Auspex versus the caster's Intelligence + Blood Sorcery + four dice. The ritual lasts one night unless the ritual test is made at +2 to difficulty which extends it until the end of the story. A Critical Win doubles the ritual's duration. Note that there is no recorded instance of Nicolai sharing this ritual with his fellow Tremere and can only be learned by capturing Nicolai's notes or via other method of the Storyteller's determination.

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'''System:''' When throwing the prepared link at a target the user makes a Ritual roll against the target’s Strength + Resolve. The target is unable to move from the spot for one hour per success in the margin as long as the chain link remains intact and within three yards / meters of them. A bound target suffers a four-dice penalty to any physical defense tests as well as to brawl and melee actions.
'''System:''' When throwing the prepared link at a target the user makes a Ritual roll against the target's Strength + Resolve. The target is unable to move from the spot for one hour per success in the margin as long as the chain link remains intact and within three yards / meters of them. A bound target suffers a four-dice penalty to any physical defense tests as well as to brawl and melee actions.

The chain link corrodes to dust at the end of the Ritual’s effect.
The chain link corrodes to dust at the end of the Ritual's effect.

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''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 102</sub>''
''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 102</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' ••••
''This ritual allows a Blood sorcerer to "feed" from a place of power. They transform it into a place of suffering, from which they stave off their own Hunger for a small while. The kolduny call their version of this ritual Mouth of the Land.''
'''Ingredients:''' A place of power such as a furcus, anything that demarcates a territory such as police tape, a sign post, an enclosed space, etc., a dagger.
'''Process:''' Over four nights, the caster uses a dagger to carve occult symbols into the corner of a plot of land or the corners of a wall within a place of power, one corner for each night. On the fifth night, the caster must stain all these symbols with half of a Rouse Check's worth of blood, circumventing the entire location and staining them before the night ends. With the other half, the vampire stains something that demarcates the territory they've carved out and places it either around the area (if it's something like police tape) or in a corner of the area (if it's something like a sign).
'''System:''' On a win, the land the vampire marked off hungers. A simple cut turns into a laceration. An otherwise harmless fall breaks necks. In general, injuries and accidents become bloodier. As the land sups on the blood of innocents, the benefits mystically pass on to the caster. Once per session, the caster may choose to automatically pass a number of Rouse Checks equal to their margin on the Ritual test. This ritual lasts until the end of the story. After that, the caster must recoat the symbols with a Rouse Check and a Ritual roll.
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''<sub>Blood Sigils, pg. 70</sub>''

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'''System:''' The caster produces two Rouse Checks’ worth of their blood, with the blood of a rabid vampire bat and gives it to the target to drink. The ritual is cast, and upon a successful ritual roll, the target is transformed into a bat per the Metamorphosis ability of the Protean Discipline. The target may elect to resist this transformation with a Stamina + Occult roll. If the target rolls more successes than the ritual’s practitioner, they prevent the transformation, while their Total Failure can leave them in a horrifically deformed, half-human, half-bat state. The half-bat creature gains +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina, and +1 Presence up to a maximum of 5, but cannot communicate verbally, reduces its Manipulation to 0, and takes 1 aggravated Health damage for every turn exposed to bright light, artificial or otherwise. The ritual can be cast on both Kindred and humans and lasts for a full evening or until the caster dispels the ritual via a successful ritual test. The duration of Protean Curse can be extended by making a Rouse Check and a successful ritual roll at the beginning of each night the caster wants to maintain the ritual. A Critical Win for the practitioner doubles the duration of Protean Curse. The caster cannot use this Ritual on themselves.
'''System:''' The caster produces two Rouse Checks' worth of their blood, with the blood of a rabid vampire bat and gives it to the target to drink. The ritual is cast, and upon a successful ritual roll, the target is transformed into a bat per the Metamorphosis ability of the Protean Discipline. The target may elect to resist this transformation with a Stamina + Occult roll. If the target rolls more successes than the ritual's practitioner, they prevent the transformation, while their Total Failure can leave them in a horrifically deformed, half-human, half-bat state. The half-bat creature gains +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina, and +1 Presence up to a maximum of 5, but cannot communicate verbally, reduces its Manipulation to 0, and takes 1 aggravated Health damage for every turn exposed to bright light, artificial or otherwise. The ritual can be cast on both Kindred and humans and lasts for a full evening or until the caster dispels the ritual via a successful ritual test. The duration of Protean Curse can be extended by making a Rouse Check and a successful ritual roll at the beginning of each night the caster wants to maintain the ritual. A Critical Win for the practitioner doubles the duration of Protean Curse. The caster cannot use this Ritual on themselves.

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''<sub>Chicago by Night, pg. 173</sub>''
''<sub>Chicago by Night, pg. 173</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' ••••
''If a Blood sorcerer has access to a furcus, this ancient Banu Haqim ritual serves as a last resort when escaping enemies. There's a catch: the caster has no control where they end up. Riding the planet's secret rails means casting your fate to the wind, literally.''
'''Ingredients:''' A furcus, a physical sign of entrance such as a ticket, key, or doorknob.
'''Process:''' At the furcus, the caster bathes the sign of entrance in a Rouse Check's worth of Blood while singing praises to a deity or famous figure representing escape, travel, or the wind. Traditionally, this ritual calls upon the Mesopotamian god Enlil. After ten minutes, pour the Blood on the ground.
'''System:''' Make no Ritual roll until the vampire touches the soil (or floor) of their chosen furcus with their physical sign of entrance. On a win, the caster dissolves into a bloody mist, drawn into the Earth's veins and reincorporated twenty minutes later at a furcus of the Storyteller's choosing. On a critical win, they arrive at the nearest furcus to their Haven or to a place of power attuned to the caster by Tiamat Glistens (p. 64). This ritual is one-way, and only activates at the specific furcus where the sorcerer first cast it.
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''<sub>Blood Sigils, pg. 71</sub>''

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''This Ritual wards an item against all vampires except the caster. Any attempt by them to touch the item triggers the effect. However, a vampire examining the Ward with Auspex can read the name of the caster in it with a successful contest of Intelligence + Auspex vs. the caster’s Intelligence + Blood Sorcery. This ward uses the standard rules for Wards.''
''This Ritual wards an item against all vampires except the caster. Any attempt by them to touch the item triggers the effect. However, a vampire examining the Ward with Auspex can read the name of the caster in it with a successful contest of Intelligence + Auspex vs. the caster's Intelligence + Blood Sorcery. This ward uses the standard rules for Wards.''

Revision as of 17:05, 7 October 2023


Thaumaturgy | Quietus | Koldunism | Akhu | Nahuallotl | Sadhana

The Tremere maintain that Blood Sorcery, or “Thaumaturgy” as they call it, was their invention. To hear the Banu Haqim give their version, “Quietus” was their blood right long before the Tremere became vampires. Other clans make the same statements. While its origins are murky, the dreaded nature of Blood Sorcery is not. Few Kindred trust the wielders of a power that can manipulate the vitae in their veins and turn Blood into poison.

Unlike other Disciplines, which could be described as advancing organically through the victims chosen by the vampire, practitioners of Blood Sorcery require teachers. The Tremere once relied on their pyramidic clan hierarchy to arrange tutelage for neonate apprentices, while the Banu Haqim stress the sire-childe relationship as being the best form of mentorship. These nights, many a Child of Haqim washes up in Europe or America far from their sire, and with the Pyramid broken Tremere neonates frantically search through moldy tomes and palimpsests for scraps of true lore. Genuine masters of this Discipline develop their own Rituals, though many guard them from others, revelling in the mystery surrounding their unknown cache of abilities. To practice Blood Sorcery is to twist one’s own Blood into submission. Any form of this power reminds a vampire that they’re far from human, as no mortal could wield magic in this way.


Discipline blood-sorcery.png
  • Type: Sorcery
  • Masquerade Threat: Low - High.
    The individual appearance of the powers and Rituals in Blood Sorcery varies as widely as their effects.
  • Blood Resonance: Sanguine.
    Although not inherent in the Blood itself, Blood Sorcery responds eagerly to blood from human occultists, sorcerers, and cult leaders, as well as hemophiles and bibliophiles.

Blood Sorcery is a special Discipline in that it both confers powers, like other Disciplines, and also unlocks the ability to perform Rituals up to and including the level the user holds in the Discipline. Ghouls of Blood Sorcerers or thin-bloods drinking from Sanguine temperaments gain temporary access to the Discipline powers, but not to Rituals. Its regular powers seem comparatively weak, but the versatility of the Rituals more than compensates, assuming the user can learn them. At character creation, a player can choose one Level 1 ritual if they have at least one dot in Blood Sorcery. Characters can buy new rituals at the cost of the ritual’s level x 3 experience points. Learning new Rituals during play requires both experience and time — requiring the square of its level in weeks, though a good teacher or excellent grimoire may shorten this period.