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! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
|'''Anarch Comrades'''
|'''Favored Blood (••••)'''
|Befriended an Anarch group, act as a one dot Anarch Mawla.
|You can buy dots in any Discipline even if you’ve never tasted the blood of another vampire with that Discipline. Cannot be taken with the Muddled Blood Flaw (see p. 127).
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shunned by the Anarchs'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''FLAW'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">They've done something and the Anarch's shun them, more likely to throw them to the Camarilla than help. Cannot take Anarch Comrades with this Flaw.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">FLAW TEXT</span>
|'''Camarilla Contact'''
|'''Mark of Caine (••)'''
|Caught the attention of someone within the Camarilla, acts as a one dot Camarilla Mawla.
|You bear a mark, either physical or spiritual, that gives other vampires pause. Noddists might target you for special attention. You gain two bonus dice on any attempt to intimidate, bully, or cow other vampires who subscribe to the myth of Caine. Anyone attempting to commit diablerie on you cannot add their Blood Potency to the roll and any failure to their roll results in a bestial failure.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Branded by the Camarilla'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Befouling Vitae (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">An unhealable and painful brand given by the Camarilla to know what they are. Can take Camarilla Contact with this Flaw.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Any mortal you Embrace or kill by feeding returns as a desperate wight within a few nights. While these unfortunates are often too weak to be much of a threat, sometimes a trick of the Blood sees a real monster arise. Your unlife is a steady stream of clean-up jobs, for as soon as the local Prince or Baron gets wind of your condition you are likely to receive a personal (and terminal) visit from the powers that be.</span>
|'''Catenating Blood'''
|'''Mockingbird (•••)'''
|Can create Blood Bonds and embrace other thin-bloods.
|For one night after drinking one Hunger die worth of blood from a vampire, you can choose and employ one Discipline power possessed by the Kindred from whom you fed. The power cannot be of a level higher than your highest Discipline, though you do not need to possess the same Discipline. Roll Rouse Checks as normal to activate this power. Any other rolls required to use the power use the donor’s Discipline level and your Attributes. During this time, you mimic the donor’s clan bane with the same severity level as the donor. Only one power can be “borrowed” in this way per night.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Bestial Temper'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Clan Curse (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Frenzy test as normal vampire rules.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You suffer from a vampire clan bane of your choice, likely that of your sire (if you even know who they are). Its severity is halved (round down, minimum of 1).</span>
|'''Day Drinker'''
|'''Sun-Scarred (•••••)'''
|Able to walk in the sun. Sunlight halves their Health Tracker (rounded up) and removes all vampiric abilities.
|The first turn you are exposed to Sunlight in a scene, take no Health damage, take 1 Aggravated Willpower damage, and automatically succeed on any rolls to resist terror frenzy. For the remainder of the scene all Aggravated Health damage you take from sunlight is instantly converted into Superficial damage.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Clan Curse'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Debt Peon (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Cursed by the bane of a clan. Bane Severity becomes 1. Can only take Banu Haqim, Gangrel or Brujah bane if they have Bestial Temper and the Tremere Bane if they have Catenating Blood.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You owe several minor boons, or even a few major boons, to a high-Status vampire, possibly originally incurred by your Sire. Tracking these debts proves pointless, as the creditor extracts new boons whenever they have leverage over you and only considers any boon settled when forced to by their peers. They have a two-dice bonus to Social combat against you in front of other Kindred. Refusal to honor your debt adds the Shunned (••) Flaw, and may even result in a Blood Hunt against you.</span>
|'''Discipline Affinity'''
|'''Uncle Fangs (•••)'''
|Natural ability for one Discipline. Gain one dot and can retain additional levels at the experience cost of out of clan. Consuming matching resonance does not reward them with extra temporary dots.
|You have easy access to a local coterie of three to five thin-bloods. They often know what’s happening on the street before anyone else, and can sometimes provide you with Alchemical concoctions. Treat this group as an Ally group. Cannot be taken with Liquidator (p. 127).
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Vitae Dependency'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Liquidator (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Must slake one hunger of vampire vitae each week else they'll lose access to all their vampiric powers.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Thin-bloods call you a Pander and avoid you whenever possible. They even refuse to speak openly with your coterie mates or other associates. Take a two-dice penalty to all your Social skill dice pools against thin-bloods, other than Intimidation. Cannot be taken with Uncle Fangs (p. 127).</span>
|Has a heartbeat, can eat food and enjoy sexual activities. Most medical checks reveal nothing, as long as it's during the night.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Dead Flesh'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Muddled Blood (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Medical inspections will report them as deceased and take a one die penalty to face to face Social tests with a mortal. Cannot take Lifelike with this Flaw.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Even if you already possess a Discipline you must drink the Blood of someone who possesses it in order to buy dots in it. Cannot be taken with the Favored Blood Merit (see p. 126).</span>
|'''Thin-blood Alchemist'''
|Gain one dot and one formula of Thin-blood Alchemy.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Baby Teeth'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Walking Omen (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Never developed fangs.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Any scrying, premonitions, or other forms of future or fortune telling in your domain regularly points to you as a source of disaster and misfortune. The effects of this Flaw are ultimately up to the Storyteller, but it should at the very least cause one serious altercation per story.</span>
|'''Vampiric Resilience'''
|Take damage like a regular vampire.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Mortal Frailty'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Word-Scarred (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Mend like a mortal, unable to rouse the blood. Cannot take Vampiric Resilience with this Flaw.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your body or a portion of it is covered in ancient texts of vampiric lore. Perhaps your sire inscribed them upon you, or they appeared on their own after the Embrace. The major occult foe or force in the chronicle often interferes in your life, seeking to imprison, flense, mind-wipe, Blood Bond, or otherwise neutralize you. (They would never lower themselves to recruit a Caitiff, don’t be silly. You’re just a lost, disobedient book to them.) Maybe two such forces fight over the right to edit you! Any other character who “reads” the full text on your skin learns a terrible secret regarding Gehenna, Noddist prophecy, Bahari mysteries, or the like. You and the Storyteller may decide this together, or it may be a mystery to you!</span>

Revision as of 11:36, 5 April 2023

Alongside their Attributes, Skills, and Disciplines, Kindred also have Advantages from before they began the Chronicle. Advantages are broken down into different types — Merits, Backgrounds, Loresheets, and Bloodlines. The opposite end of Advantages are Flaws, which are ongoing problems for the characters.

Unless otherwise stated, Advantages and Flaws without a rating may be taken at any level from • to •••••.

For other Advantages see Loresheets or Coterie Backgrounds and Merits.