Advantages: Difference between revisions

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(Added Business Establishment, Furcus, Machine Shop, and Shared from Players Guide.)
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|'''Haven: Laboratory (• +)'''
|'''Haven: Laboratory (• +)'''
|Each dot of this merit contributes to dice rolls related to one Science or Technology specialty or for Alchemy pools when using Fixatio. Not available in one dot havens.  
|Each dot of this merit contributes to dice rolls related to one Science or Technology specialty or for Alchemy pools when using Fixatio. Not available in one dot havens.  
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shared<br>(• — ••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shared<br>(• —or •••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Mortals regularly use the space. Whilst you are you at risk of a mortal casually walking in during the day to open the curtains, you cannot use the space with perfect freedom. In addition, any Social dice pools to command, intimidate or negotiate with Kindred guests are made at a two-dice penalty. <sup>(Homebrew, pg. XX)</sup></sup></span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your haven is not entirely your own. Other Kindred, besides you and your coterie, have access to it and can make decisions about it without consulting you. Tremere chantries, Nosferatu warrens, and Ministry temples might be one or two-dot shared havens.</sup></span>
|'''Haven: Library<br>(• +)'''
|'''Haven: Library<br>(• +)'''
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|'''Haven: Luxury<br>(•)'''
|'''Haven: Luxury<br>(•)'''
|Rich and full of value, the haven is well decorated with high-end décor and items. +2 dice bonus to Social tests when mortals are inside the haven. Without at least 3 dots in Resources, these items are stolen or illegally obtained.
|Rich and full of value, the haven is well decorated with high-end décor and items. +2 dice bonus to Social tests when mortals are inside the haven. Without at least 3 dots in Resources, these items are stolen or illegally obtained.
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|'''Haven: Business Establishment<br>(•• or •••)'''
|You rent out your haven to a separate business: a 9–5 call center, coffee shop, laundromat, or salon. The kine mill around living their daily lives while you sleep in the repurposed storage basement, or one of the server rooms where all of the out of service equipment is stored. The business pays a monthly rent (or profit, if you own it), providing you with a steady stream of funding. The downside: A lot of strangers walking around, and exposure to local officials, and business taxes that potentially put you very much on the grid. Dots in this Merit roughly equate to their Resources equivalent, and the Storyteller may let you use its dots instead of Resources if the substitution makes sense. It also adds two dice to pools to do things related to your business’ activities.
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|'''Haven: Machine Shop<br>(• +)'''
|Each dot of this Merit adds one to the dice pool for Craft rolls, or to other tests related to building, repairing, or disassembling a piece of machinery or equipment. Small havens with this Merit can only add to pools for one specialty of Craft: they don’t have enough room for a general machine shop or for automotive work.
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|'''Haven: Workshop<br>(• +)'''
|'''Haven: Warding<br>(• +)'''
|Each dot of this Merit adds one to the dice pool for rolls relating to one Craft specialty, or to a Firearms specialty related to crafting (e.g. Gunsmithing). Small havens limit this Merit to a maximum of one dot. <sup>(Hombrew, pg. XX)</sup>
|This haven possesses some type of magic warding that repels supernatural entities. Each dot of this merit adds one die to pools to resist supernatural scrying and whatever else the Storyteller allows.
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|'''Haven: Warding<br>(• +)'''
|'''Haven: Furcus<br>(•—•••)'''
|This haven possesses some type of magic warding that repels supernatural entities. Each dot of this merit adds one die to pools to resist supernatural scrying and whatever else the Storyteller allows.
|Your haven lies over a knot or fork in the veins of the Earth, or a frayed spot in the Veil. While invisible to normal sight, it underlies a prominent area: the top of a staircase, a fountain in the garden, the center of a room. Each dot in this Merit adds one die to Ritual (or Ceremonial) dice pools used at the furcus. (At the Storyteller’s discretion it may also subtract one die from Social pools used to calm or seduce mortals.)
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Revision as of 09:43, 5 April 2023

Alongside their Attributes, Skills, and Disciplines, Kindred also have Advantages from before they began the Chronicle. Advantages are broken down into different types — Merits, Backgrounds, Loresheets, and Bloodlines. The opposite end of Advantages are Flaws, which are ongoing problems for the characters.

Unless otherwise stated, Advantages and Flaws without a rating may be taken at any level from • to •••••.

For other Advantages see Loresheets or Coterie Backgrounds and Merits.