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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''A terrifying technique employed by the assassins of the Banu Haqim, this Ritual lets the user rupture the very blood vessels of the victim from afar, having only touched them but briefly previously. Mortals expire rather messily, and even vampires must fear this silent killer.''
''This ritual sharpens the caster’s hands to a razor’s edge.''

'''Ingredients:''' A gold inlaid ceremonial dagger.
'''Ingredients:''' A pair of razor blades, two drops of Kindred vitae.

'''Process:''' Before proceeding with the ritual the victim must be exposed the caster’s Blood, either by drinking it or having it touch an open wound or even their bare skin: a single drop smeared across the arm is enough. After an hour but before a week has passed the caster can perform the ritual by piercing their own skin with the ceremonial dagger, shedding blood. As their Blood hits the ground the ritual takes effect.
'''Process:''' The caster places a razor blade in each palm, gripping them tightly as the ritual is cast. At the end of the ritual, they vanish into the caster’s person, leaving a pair of supernaturally sharp hands in their wake.

'''System:''' Make a Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Resolve roll. Every point of margin on a win does a point of damage to the victim, as their blood vessels burst and their lungs fill with blood. This damage is Aggravated for mortals, but only Superficial on vampires. The caster can repeat this process up to two more times, each time requiring them to make an additional Rouse Check.
'''System:''' The caster must make a successful Ritual test and two Rouse Checks. Success turns the caster’s hands into light piercing Brawl weapons with a +2 damage modifier. The caster must be very careful about what they touch while employing Bladed Hands (+1 difficulty to all rolls to handle delicate objects). A Critical Win increases the damage to +3. The ritual lasts for a single evening.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 278</sub>''
''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 174</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''By performing this ritual the vampire protects themselves from being staked. The first stake that would pierce their heart shatters before penetrating the skin.''
''The culmination of Hutter’s study of the Blood, this Ritual is deceptively easy to learn and to cast, but far-reaching in its effects.''

'''Ingredients:''' An unconscious human, a flawless crystal chalice.

'''Ingredients:''' Wood splinters or shavings.

'''Process:''' The caster chants scripture over the human target for three hours. Over the course of the ritual, the human gradually weakens, while the chalice fills with a clear, sweet-smelling liquid.

'''Process:''' The vampire mixes the shavings with their Blood and draws a circle around themselves. They must then meditate in this circle for an hour, concluding by placing one splinter of wood under their tongue.

'''System:''' A successful Ritual fills the chalice to the brim at the end of three hours and kills the human victim. The clear liquid produced functions exactly like fresh blood from the human victim for the next hour, carrying any Resonance and Dyscrasia the victim exhibited. Since the victim must be unconscious during the ritual, anything but a Phlegmatic resonance is difficult to obtain. If a vampire drinks nothing but the liquid produced by this ritual for a period of one month, her Vitae turns completely clear.

'''System:''' Make no Ritual roll until the vampire is staked. If the Ritual roll is a win, the stake shatters as it touches the skin of the vampire. (A critical win blinds the attacker for two turns, showering their face with splinters.) This only works on genuine attempts at staking - merely holding the stake against the vampire does not trigger the effect. The protection lasts until the end of the night or until the splinter is removed from under the tongue of the vampire, whichever comes first.
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| Though it mostly functions as normal, this clear Blood has an unusual effect on Kindred who consume it: until the next sunset, they are vulnerable to diablerie. A would-be diablerist gains three dice to her Strength + Resolve roll against the victim, and she may use the experience points she gains to increase her Blood Potency by at least one point, regardless of her victim’s power. She also does not gain the black veins in her aura that usually accompany the act. Hutter keeps these properties of clear vitae a secret even from his truest believers.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 278</sub>''
''<sub>Forbidden Religions, pg. 66</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''The caster creates a potion that when imbibed allows for limited flight. The Camarilla frowns upon the use of this Ritual, due to the extreme risk of Masquerade breaches; for this reason, its popularity has lessened considerably in the modern nights.''
''The vampire steals a victim's voice and traps it in a sealed bottle.''
'''Ingredients:''' A glass bottle, a tallow seal, the caster's vitae.

'''Process:''' The caster's vitae is used to line the rim of the bottle. The glass bottle is then pressed to a victim's lips while the caster speaks an incantation binding their voice. The bottle is then sealed with tallow and usually marked with the victim's name or initials.

'''Ingredients:''' Leaves and berries of belladonna.

'''Process:''' The caster steeps the belladonna in their Blood, reducing the brew over a brazier while incanting words of power.
'''System:''' If the ritual is successful the victim remains mute for as long as the vampire has the sealed bottle in their possession. If the seal or bottle are ever damaged, the victim's voice is restored. Opening the bottle quickly enough to "inhale" the contents allows for the stolen voice to be used as if it were your own for one scene.

'''System:''' Make the Ritual roll when reducing the mixture. (A critical win prepares two doses worth of potion.) The caster can tell whether the ritual succeeded, so they won’t end up with a dud. The resulting black potion retains its potency for a night and activates when imbibed. The potion enables the caster (and only them) to fly or hover at approximately running speed for a scene. The caster can carry a human-sized mass, though their speed drops to walking speed. Grabbing and carrying aloft an unwilling subject, or pulling the flier to the ground, both require a contest between the caster’s Strength + Blood Sorcery and the other’s Strength + Athletics.
Vampires and other supernatural creatures can have their voices bottled but they must either willingly submit to the ritual or the caster must restrain the victim throughout the rite and then score a critical win on the ritual test.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 278</sub>''
''<sub>The Black Hand, pg. 90</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''A painful ritual to perform, this allows the caster to make themselves and even their comrades resistant to fire.''
''Based on sanguinary properties similar to the Vaulderie, this Ritual allows a Pack Priest to share their Blood Potency with their pack, while strengthening their own ability to keep those packmates in line.''

'''Ingredients:''' A fingertip of the caster.
'''Ingredients:''' One fingernail of the Pack Priest

'''Process:''' The vampire cuts one of their fingertips off and burns it together with their Blood in a golden chalice or bowl.
'''Process:''' The Priest tears a nail from their finger and breaks it into pieces, one for each member of the Pack. They place their own portion of the torn nail in the Vaulderie chalice, while the other members place theirs under their tongue. If the Ritual is successful, the pieces of nail dissolve into the Vaulderie blood consumed.

'''System:''' Make a Stamina + Resolve test (Difficulty 3) to cut off a fingertip. On a winning Ritual roll, a bluish flame consumes the Blood and fingertip, signaling the completion of the ritual. For the rest of the night fire damage to the caster is halved. This ritual can be performed on others, but the fingertips sacrificed must all belong to the caster. The mutilation is not enough to count as damage to the caster; the fingertip regrows during day-sleep.
'''System:''' In addition to the effects of the Vaulderie, the members of the Pack have their Blood Potency raised to the same level as the officiating Priest. Additionally, the Priest gains three dice on any Dominate or Presence tests against other members of the Pack. The effects last for one night.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 279</sub>''
''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 50</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This Ritual wards an item against werewolves, in any form. Any attempt by them to touch the item triggers the effect. This ward uses the standard rules for Wards (p. 275).''
''A terrifying technique employed by the assassins of the Banu Haqim, this Ritual lets the user rupture the very blood vessels of the victim from afar, having only touched them but briefly previously. Mortals expire rather messily, and even vampires must fear this silent killer.''
'''Ingredients:''' A gold inlaid ceremonial dagger.
'''Process:''' Before proceeding with the ritual the victim must be exposed the caster’s Blood, either by drinking it or having it touch an open wound or even their bare skin: a single drop smeared across the arm is enough. After an hour but before a week has passed the caster can perform the ritual by piercing their own skin with the ceremonial dagger, shedding blood. As their Blood hits the ground the ritual takes effect.

'''Ingredients:''' A handful of silver dust mixed with the Blood.
'''System:''' Make a Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Resolve roll. Every point of margin on a win does a point of damage to the victim, as their blood vessels burst and their lungs fill with blood. This damage is Aggravated for mortals, but only Superficial on vampires. The caster can repeat this process up to two more times, each time requiring them to make an additional Rouse Check.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 279</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 278</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This Ritual creates a circular Ward on the floor or ground, intended to prevent the passage of spirits. Although more difficult than some Warding circles, it is one of the most commonly found in grimoires and other sources. A human occultist could potentially reconstruct a functioning version of this Ritual with an Intelligence + Occult test (Difficulty 6), although they could not cast it without vitae or some other supernatural aid or element. This ward uses the standard rules for Warding circles (p. 275).''
''By performing this ritual the vampire protects themselves from being staked. The first stake that would pierce their heart shatters before penetrating the skin.''
'''Ingredients:''' Wood splinters or shavings.
'''Process:''' The vampire mixes the shavings with their Blood and draws a circle around themselves. They must then meditate in this circle for an hour, concluding by placing one splinter of wood under their tongue.

'''Ingredients:''' The caster draws the Warding circle with an iron knife dipped in salt and Blood.
'''System:''' Make no Ritual roll until the vampire is staked. If the Ritual roll is a win, the stake shatters as it touches the skin of the vampire. (A critical win blinds the attacker for two turns, showering their face with splinters.) This only works on genuine attempts at staking - merely holding the stake against the vampire does not trigger the effect. The protection lasts until the end of the night or until the splinter is removed from under the tongue of the vampire, whichever comes first.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 279</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 278</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''Certain Kindred develop a close relationship with a favored weapon, in some rare cases carried with them for centuries of use. Such a weapon never rusts or dulls so long as it remains in the vampire’s possession.''
''The caster creates a potion that when imbibed allows for limited flight. The Camarilla frowns upon the use of this Ritual, due to the extreme risk of Masquerade breaches; for this reason, its popularity has lessened considerably in the modern nights.''

''If someone else physically claims it as their own, it ages rapidly, like a ghoul denied vitae. If the weapon remains usable following this degeneration, it can inflict grievous harm on its original owner — the blood sorcerer — if used against them.''
'''Ingredients:''' Leaves and berries of belladonna.

'''Process:''' The caster steeps the belladonna in their Blood, reducing the brew over a brazier while incanting words of power.

'''Ingredients:''' A melee weapon and enough of the caster’s vitae to fully immerse it.

'''System:''' Make the Ritual roll when reducing the mixture. (A critical win prepares two doses worth of potion.) The caster can tell whether the ritual succeeded, so they won’t end up with a dud. The resulting black potion retains its potency for a night and activates when imbibed. The potion enables the caster (and only them) to fly or hover at approximately running speed for a scene. The caster can carry a human-sized mass, though their speed drops to walking speed. Grabbing and carrying aloft an unwilling subject, or pulling the flier to the ground, both require a contest between the caster’s Strength + Blood Sorcery and the other’s Strength + Athletics.
'''Process:''' The vampire submerges their chosen weapon in their own vitae and swears an oath dedicating their unlife to the weapon. The weapon must remain submerged without interruption until the following sunrise.
'''System:''' Once the Blood is collected and the weapon is submerged, make a Ritual roll. On a win, the weapon becomes mystically dedicated to the user. It remains of immaculate quality unless subjected to intentional harm when outside the caster’s ownership. Additionally, if again anointed by the Blood of the user it gains a two-dice bonus when used in combat. The anointment takes a single turn, forces a Rouse check and lasts for a full scene. A vampire can never possess more than one weapon dedicated this way. In order to perform this ritual on a new weapon, the previous dedicated weapon must first be destroyed.
If used against its original owner it deals Aggravated damage but gains no additional dice.

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''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 101</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 278</sub>''

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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual heals obvious wounds on a corpse, causing a body to appear as though it died a natural death.''
''This Ritual allows a vampire to invoke the anguish of fire in a victim’s blood. Blistering heat ravages the target’s veins and causes intense pain. This Ritual differs from the Cauldron of Blood power (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 274); it is usable from a distance and a more efficient way to incapacitate rather than kill the victim.''

'''Ingredients:''' A white feather.
'''Ingredients:''' A sample of the target’s blood, a visual depiction of the target such as a photo, painting, or video recording, and a candle made from red wax or a lighter made of iron.

'''Process:''' The caster must symbolically “dust” the body with a white feather.
'''Process:''' The vampire concentrates on the visual depiction of their target (which can be the individual in person) and burns the target’s b lood sample, usually held in a Petri dish, glass bottle, or vial, over the flame. The effect occurs almost immediately, as the victim’s blood heats up in their veins.

'''System:''' A successful Ritual test causes a corpse to appear as if it died a natural death. This ritual does not add blood to the corpse, but does reduce the chance that this blood loss will be discovered (increase difficulty of all rolls to determine cause of death by three). The body must have at least half its original blood for this ritual to succeed. A Critical Win increases the difficulty of all rolls to determine cause of death by five.
'''System:''' Make a Ritual roll following the incantation versus the target’s Resolve + Occult (or Resolve + Fortitude, if the target is a creature with this Discipline). Each point of the caster’s margin is applied as Superficial Health damage that also inflicts wracking pain upon the victim, forcing them to incur a two-dice penalty to Physical pools for the remainder of the scene. On a critical win, the penalty increases to three dice. A Kindred target must make a Rouse Check due to the damage to their vitae. A victim can only be affected by this Ritual once per night.

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''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 172</sub>''
''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 100</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual fortifies the target’s mind against frenzy.''
''A painful ritual to perform, this allows the caster to make themselves and even their comrades resistant to fire.''

'''Ingredients:''' Crystal glass, Kindred vitae.
'''Ingredients:''' A fingertip of the caster.

'''Process:''' The caster shares blood with the target of the ritual while the caster whispers quietly into the target’s ear, weaving a temporary cage around the target’s beast.
'''Process:''' The vampire cuts one of their fingertips off and burns it together with their Blood in a golden chalice or bowl.

'''System:''' The caster must share a glass of blood with their target. A successful Ritual test grants the target a four-die bonus to resist frenzy for one scene. A Critical Win extends this duration to an evening. The caster must share blood with another and cannot cast this ritual upon themselves.
'''System:''' Make a Stamina + Resolve test (Difficulty 3) to cut off a fingertip. On a winning Ritual roll, a bluish flame consumes the Blood and fingertip, signaling the completion of the ritual. For the rest of the night fire damage to the caster is halved. This ritual can be performed on others, but the fingertips sacrificed must all belong to the caster. The mutilation is not enough to count as damage to the caster; the fingertip regrows during day-sleep.

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''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 172</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 279</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual forces Lupines into their wolf form.''
''This Ritual violently disrupts electrical currents in the area, shorting out or fusing all wiring in the vicinity. Used to kill alarms, surveillance, and artificial lighting, the element of stealth is often short-lived, as collateral damage in the form of fires usually follows. Many Sabbat packs consider this less a flaw than a feature, though.''

'''Ingredients:''' Wolf blood, Kindred vitae, a silver jug.
'''Ingredients:''' A copper coin

'''Process:''' The caster mixes Kindred vitae with wolf’s blood and pours the mixture from a silver jug around a specific area. This can be as small as a meter or large enough to encircle a house.
'''Process:''' The caster smears their Blood on the coin, drops it to the ground and grinds their foot on it, as if they were extinguishing a cigarette. If the Ritual is successful, the coin shatters like porcelain as a Blood-borne current ravages the electrical systems of the surrounding area.

'''System:''' The caster makes three Rouse checks to summon the blood necessary for the ritual and marks out a closed area with a mixture of Kindred vitae and wolf’s blood. A successful Ritual test forces all Lupines crossing the threshold defined by the caster to automatically transform into their Lupus form, unless they succeed on a contested Willpower test against the casters Intelligence + Blood Sorcery or the number of successes scored on the initial ritual roll (if yearlong). The ritual dissipates at dawn unless the initial ritual roll is made at +2 to difficulty. If successful, the ritual lasts a year and a day. A Critical Win doubles the number of successes the Lupine needs on its roll to defeat the ritual. The Unseen Change forces the target Lupine into their form as a normal wolf, denying them the raw power of their dreaded half-wolf form.
'''System:''' The Ritual instantly wrecks wiring in the vicinity to the extent that all electrical equipment ceases to function. This includes isolated circuits such as cars on batteries and any backup generators running or starting up within a minute of the casting. The area affected is equivalent to a large warehouse or a three-story building, though it can be extended at casting by adding a level of Difficulty for each additional building or building-equivalent. On a critical win the outage is relatively discreet, but will otherwise cause at least one fire, together with random bursts of static electricity raising hell with speakers, car alarms, and other loud electrical objects.

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''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 172</sub>''
''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 51</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual forms a small rat out of Kindred vitae that goes wherever the caster instructs and observes whatever the caster desires.''
''This ritual fortifies the target’s mind against frenzy.''

'''Ingredients:''' Kindred vitae, small quantities of alcohol, silver bowl.
'''Ingredients:''' Crystal glass, Kindred vitae.

'''Process:''' The ritual is cast over the course of 20 minutes while the caster fills a silver bowl with vitae and measured doses of alcohol. A rat made of blood slowly forms as the caster stirs the mixture, becoming ever more solid until it scampers out of the bowl to serve its master.
'''Process:''' The caster shares blood with the target of the ritual while the caster whispers quietly into the target’s ear, weaving a temporary cage around the target’s beast.

'''System:''' A successful Ritual test summons a rodent made of Kindred blood from the bowl that is bound to the caster and allows them to see through its eyes. The rat will go wherever the caster instructs it to go and observe whatever the caster tells it to look for. The rat can be instructed to steal small items, but the caster must be very explicit as to what they want stolen and where it is located. The rat remains in service until sunrise. A Critical Win allows the caster to provide the creature with extremely precise instructions.
'''System:''' The caster must share a glass of blood with their target. A successful Ritual test grants the target a four-die bonus to resist frenzy for one scene. A Critical Win extends this duration to an evening. The caster must share blood with another and cannot cast this ritual upon themselves.

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''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 174</sub>''
''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 172</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual sharpens the caster’s hands to a razor’s edge.''
''This ritual creates the illusion that a vampire’s haven is haunted.''

'''Ingredients:''' A pair of razor blades, two drops of Kindred vitae.
'''Ingredients:''' Vitae from a Kindred who possessed the Discipline of Obfuscate

'''Process:''' The caster places a razor blade in each palm, gripping them tightly as the ritual is cast. At the end of the ritual, they vanish into the caster’s person, leaving a pair of supernaturally sharp hands in their wake.
'''Process:''' The caster places a drop of Kindred blood on all entrances and exits to the haven in addition to all exterior walls and the roof over the course of a three-hour ritual.

'''System:''' The caster must make a successful Ritual test and two Rouse Checks. Success turns the caster’s hands into light piercing Brawl weapons with a +2 damage modifier. The caster must be very careful about what they touch while employing Bladed Hands (+1 difficulty to all rolls to handle delicate objects). A Critical Win increases the damage to +3. The ritual lasts for a single evening.
'''System:''' The caster makes three Rouse Checks in addition to a Ritual test. Upon success, the haven assumes an ominous cast and rumors begin to circulate that the house in haunted. Casual passersby will avoid the house at all cost and even the most courageous mortals will think twice before entering. Mortals attempting to enter the haven must make a successful Composure + Resolve test against the number of successes the caster made on their ritual roll. Success indicates they can enter while failure bars their passage (although they can spend Willpower to enter a turn). The effects of Haunted House last for 10 years, after which the haven appears strange and run down, but not “haunted.” Dr. Mortius spent decades crafting this ritual with vampires of Clan Ravnos, inspiring Clan Tremere to forbid its use as a threat to the Masquerade (and their power), but knowledgeable Kindred may be willing to share it with others for a price.

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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual shrouds the caster in the illusion of a nondescript person that blends easily into crowds.''
''This ritual heals obvious wounds on a corpse, causing a body to appear as though it died a natural death.''

'''Ingredients:''' A plain white mask , vitae from a Kindred with the Discipline of Obfuscate, and a chameleon’s skin.
'''Ingredients:''' A white feather.

'''Process:''' The caster performs an hour-long ritual that concludes when they don a featureless white mask and consume a concoction of vitae and lizard skin. A sweat of blood forms under the mask, spreading across the caster’s body until they are coated in a ruby crust that mystically conceals their true identity. The mask itself slowly turns crimson until the ritual wears off.
'''Process:''' The caster must symbolically “dust” the body with a white feather.

'''System:''' A successful Ritual test is required to activate this ritual. Upon success, the caster is cloaked in the illusion that they are an ordinary person in their mid-20s, with a nondescript face and average body similar to the Obfuscate ability Mask of a Thousand Faces. The nondescript appearance of this vampire shifts across different faces, seen as different by individuals who can all see the caster. This can of course lead to confusion and alarm. The caster can only see their own reflection in mirrors and photographs. Illusion of Perfection can be pierced by the Auspex ability Sense the Unseen, with a contested Wits + Auspex vs. the successes scored on the ritual roll. Illusion of Perfection lasts one scene, but a Critical Win extends its duration to an entire evening.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual test causes a corpse to appear as if it died a natural death. This ritual does not add blood to the corpse, but does reduce the chance that this blood loss will be discovered (increase difficulty of all rolls to determine cause of death by three). The body must have at least half its original blood for this ritual to succeed. A Critical Win increases the difficulty of all rolls to determine cause of death by five.

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''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 174</sub>''
''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 172</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This ritual creates the illusion that a vampire’s haven is haunted.''
''This ritual shrouds the caster in the illusion of a nondescript person that blends easily into crowds.''

'''Ingredients:''' Vitae from a Kindred who possessed the Discipline of Obfuscate
'''Ingredients:''' A plain white mask , vitae from a Kindred with the Discipline of Obfuscate, and a chameleon’s skin.

'''Process:''' The caster places a drop of Kindred blood on all entrances and exits to the haven in addition to all exterior walls and the roof over the course of a three-hour ritual.
'''Process:''' The caster performs an hour-long ritual that concludes when they don a featureless white mask and consume a concoction of vitae and lizard skin. A sweat of blood forms under the mask, spreading across the caster’s body until they are coated in a ruby crust that mystically conceals their true identity. The mask itself slowly turns crimson until the ritual wears off.

'''System:''' The caster makes three Rouse Checks in addition to a Ritual test. Upon success, the haven assumes an ominous cast and rumors begin to circulate that the house in haunted. Casual passersby will avoid the house at all cost and even the most courageous mortals will think twice before entering. Mortals attempting to enter the haven must make a successful Composure + Resolve test against the number of successes the caster made on their ritual roll. Success indicates they can enter while failure bars their passage (although they can spend Willpower to enter a turn). The effects of Haunted House last for 10 years, after which the haven appears strange and run down, but not “haunted.” Dr. Mortius spent decades crafting this ritual with vampires of Clan Ravnos, inspiring Clan Tremere to forbid its use as a threat to the Masquerade (and their power), but knowledgeable Kindred may be willing to share it with others for a price.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual test is required to activate this ritual. Upon success, the caster is cloaked in the illusion that they are an ordinary person in their mid-20s, with a nondescript face and average body similar to the Obfuscate ability Mask of a Thousand Faces. The nondescript appearance of this vampire shifts across different faces, seen as different by individuals who can all see the caster. This can of course lead to confusion and alarm. The caster can only see their own reflection in mirrors and photographs. Illusion of Perfection can be pierced by the Auspex ability Sense the Unseen, with a contested Wits + Auspex vs. the successes scored on the ritual roll. Illusion of Perfection lasts one scene, but a Critical Win extends its duration to an entire evening.

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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This Ritual allows a vampire to invoke the anguish of fire in a victim’s blood. Blistering heat ravages the target’s veins and causes intense pain. This Ritual differs from the Cauldron of Blood power (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 274); it is usable from a distance and a more efficient way to incapacitate rather than kill the victim.''
''Certain Kindred develop a close relationship with a favored weapon, in some rare cases carried with them for centuries of use. Such a weapon never rusts or dulls so long as it remains in the vampire’s possession.''
''If someone else physically claims it as their own, it ages rapidly, like a ghoul denied vitae. If the weapon remains usable following this degeneration, it can inflict grievous harm on its original owner — the blood sorcerer — if used against them.''
'''Ingredients:''' A melee weapon and enough of the caster’s vitae to fully immerse it.

'''Ingredients:''' A sample of the target’s blood, a visual depiction of the target such as a photo, painting, or video recording, and a candle made from red wax or a lighter made of iron.
'''Process:''' The vampire submerges their chosen weapon in their own vitae and swears an oath dedicating their unlife to the weapon. The weapon must remain submerged without interruption until the following sunrise.

'''Process:''' The vampire concentrates on the visual depiction of their target (which can be the individual in person) and burns the target’s b lood sample, usually held in a Petri dish, glass bottle, or vial, over the flame. The effect occurs almost immediately, as the victim’s blood heats up in their veins.
'''System:''' Once the Blood is collected and the weapon is submerged, make a Ritual roll. On a win, the weapon becomes mystically dedicated to the user. It remains of immaculate quality unless subjected to intentional harm when outside the caster’s ownership. Additionally, if again anointed by the Blood of the user it gains a two-dice bonus when used in combat. The anointment takes a single turn, forces a Rouse check and lasts for a full scene. A vampire can never possess more than one weapon dedicated this way. In order to perform this ritual on a new weapon, the previous dedicated weapon must first be destroyed.

'''System:''' Make a Ritual roll following the incantation versus the target’s Resolve + Occult (or Resolve + Fortitude, if the target is a creature with this Discipline). Each point of the caster’s margin is applied as Superficial Health damage that also inflicts wracking pain upon the victim, forcing them to incur a two-dice penalty to Physical pools for the remainder of the scene. On a critical win, the penalty increases to three dice. A Kindred target must make a Rouse Check due to the damage to their vitae. A victim can only be affected by this Ritual once per night.
If used against its original owner it deals Aggravated damage but gains no additional dice.

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''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 100</sub>''
''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 101</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

'''Ingredients:''' Blood of Willerton’s Judas tree (though possibly the blood from another mystical landmark), opium.
''This ritual forms a small rat out of Kindred vitae that goes wherever the caster instructs and observes whatever the caster desires.''
'''Ingredients:''' Kindred vitae, small quantities of alcohol, silver bowl.

'''Process:''' The sorcerer distills and boils the blood of the Judas Tree until only a black tar-like substance remains. They mix this with an equal amount of opium, which can either be used as a paste or re-liquefied with no loss of effect.
'''Process:''' The ritual is cast over the course of 20 minutes while the caster fills a silver bowl with vitae and measured doses of alcohol. A rat made of blood slowly forms as the caster stirs the mixture, becoming ever more solid until it scampers out of the bowl to serve its master.

'''System:''' The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when the target is drugged. On a normal success, the victim may oppose by rolling dice equal to their remaining undamaged Health boxes. A critical success immediately incapacitates a vampire and kills a mortal or ghoul. Sleep of Judas wears off after a number of hours equal to the sorcerer’s Intelligence.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual test summons a rodent made of Kindred blood from the bowl that is bound to the caster and allows them to see through its eyes. The rat will go wherever the caster instructs it to go and observe whatever the caster tells it to look for. The rat can be instructed to steal small items, but the caster must be very explicit as to what they want stolen and where it is located. The rat remains in service until sunrise. A Critical Win allows the caster to provide the creature with extremely precise instructions.

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''<sub>Let the Streets Run Red, pg. 77</sub>''
''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 174</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''Based on sanguinary properties similar to the Vaulderie, this Ritual allows a Pack Priest to share their Blood Potency with their pack, while strengthening their own ability to keep those packmates in line.''
'''Ingredients:''' Blood of Willerton’s Judas tree (though possibly the blood from another mystical landmark), opium.

'''Ingredients:''' One fingernail of the Pack Priest
'''Process:''' The sorcerer distills and boils the blood of the Judas Tree until only a black tar-like substance remains. They mix this with an equal amount of opium, which can either be used as a paste or re-liquefied with no loss of effect.

'''Process:''' The Priest tears a nail from their finger and breaks it into pieces, one for each member of the Pack. They place their own portion of the torn nail in the Vaulderie chalice, while the other members place theirs under their tongue. If the Ritual is successful, the pieces of nail dissolve into the Vaulderie blood consumed.
'''System:''' The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when the target is drugged. On a normal success, the victim may oppose by rolling dice equal to their remaining undamaged Health boxes. A critical success immediately incapacitates a vampire and kills a mortal or ghoul. Sleep of Judas wears off after a number of hours equal to the sorcerer’s Intelligence.
'''System:''' In addition to the effects of the Vaulderie, the members of the Pack have their Blood Potency raised to the same level as the officiating Priest. Additionally, the Priest gains three dice on any Dominate or Presence tests against other members of the Pack. The effects last for one night.

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''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 50</sub>''
''<sub>Let the Streets Run Red, pg. 77</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''This Ritual violently disrupts electrical currents in the area, shorting out or fusing all wiring in the vicinity. Used to kill alarms, surveillance, and artificial lighting, the element of stealth is often short-lived, as collateral damage in the form of fires usually follows. Many Sabbat packs consider this less a flaw than a feature, though.''
''This ritual forces Lupines into their wolf form.''

'''Ingredients:''' A copper coin
'''Ingredients:''' Wolf blood, Kindred vitae, a silver jug.

'''Process:''' The caster smears their Blood on the coin, drops it to the ground and grinds their foot on it, as if they were extinguishing a cigarette. If the Ritual is successful, the coin shatters like porcelain as a Blood-borne current ravages the electrical systems of the surrounding area.
'''Process:''' The caster mixes Kindred vitae with wolf’s blood and pours the mixture from a silver jug around a specific area. This can be as small as a meter or large enough to encircle a house.

'''System:''' The Ritual instantly wrecks wiring in the vicinity to the extent that all electrical equipment ceases to function. This includes isolated circuits such as cars on batteries and any backup generators running or starting up within a minute of the casting. The area affected is equivalent to a large warehouse or a three-story building, though it can be extended at casting by adding a level of Difficulty for each additional building or building-equivalent. On a critical win the outage is relatively discreet, but will otherwise cause at least one fire, together with random bursts of static electricity raising hell with speakers, car alarms, and other loud electrical objects.
'''System:''' The caster makes three Rouse checks to summon the blood necessary for the ritual and marks out a closed area with a mixture of Kindred vitae and wolf’s blood. A successful Ritual test forces all Lupines crossing the threshold defined by the caster to automatically transform into their Lupus form, unless they succeed on a contested Willpower test against the casters Intelligence + Blood Sorcery or the number of successes scored on the initial ritual roll (if yearlong). The ritual dissipates at dawn unless the initial ritual roll is made at +2 to difficulty. If successful, the ritual lasts a year and a day. A Critical Win doubles the number of successes the Lupine needs on its roll to defeat the ritual. The Unseen Change forces the target Lupine into their form as a normal wolf, denying them the raw power of their dreaded half-wolf form.

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''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 51</sub>''
''<sub>Chicago Folios, pg. 172</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''The culmination of Hutter’s study of the Blood, this Ritual is deceptively easy to learn and to cast, but far-reaching in its effects.''
''This Ritual wards an item against werewolves, in any form. Any attempt by them to touch the item triggers the effect. This ward uses the standard rules for Wards (p. 275).''

'''Ingredients:''' An unconscious human, a flawless crystal chalice.
'''Ingredients:''' A handful of silver dust mixed with the Blood.
'''Process:''' The caster chants scripture over the human target for three hours. Over the course of the ritual, the human gradually weakens, while the chalice fills with a clear, sweet-smelling liquid.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual fills the chalice to the brim at the end of three hours and kills the human victim. The clear liquid produced functions exactly like fresh blood from the human victim for the next hour, carrying any Resonance and Dyscrasia the victim exhibited. Since the victim must be unconscious during the ritual, anything but a Phlegmatic resonance is difficult to obtain. If a vampire drinks nothing but the liquid produced by this ritual for a period of one month, her Vitae turns completely clear.
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| Though it mostly functions as normal, this clear Blood has an unusual effect on Kindred who consume it: until the next sunset, they are vulnerable to diablerie. A would-be diablerist gains three dice to her Strength + Resolve roll against the victim, and she may use the experience points she gains to increase her Blood Potency by at least one point, regardless of her victim’s power. She also does not gain the black veins in her aura that usually accompany the act. Hutter keeps these properties of clear vitae a secret even from his truest believers.

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''<sub>Forbidden Religions, pg. 66</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 279</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••

''The vampire steals a victim's voice and traps it in a sealed bottle.''
''This Ritual creates a circular Ward on the floor or ground, intended to prevent the passage of spirits. Although more difficult than some Warding circles, it is one of the most commonly found in grimoires and other sources. A human occultist could potentially reconstruct a functioning version of this Ritual with an Intelligence + Occult test (Difficulty 6), although they could not cast it without vitae or some other supernatural aid or element. This ward uses the standard rules for Warding circles (p. 275).''

'''Ingredients:''' A glass bottle, a tallow seal, the caster's vitae.
'''Ingredients:''' The caster draws the Warding circle with an iron knife dipped in salt and Blood.
'''Process:''' The caster's vitae is used to line the rim of the bottle. The glass bottle is then pressed to a victim's lips while the caster speaks an incantation binding their voice. The bottle is then sealed with tallow and usually marked with the victim's name or initials.
'''System:''' If the ritual is successful the victim remains mute for as long as the vampire has the sealed bottle in their possession. If the seal or bottle are ever damaged, the victim's voice is restored. Opening the bottle quickly enough to "inhale" the contents allows for the stolen voice to be used as if it were your own for one scene.
Vampires and other supernatural creatures can have their voices bottled but they must either willingly submit to the ritual or the caster must restrain the victim throughout the rite and then score a critical win on the ritual test.

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''<sub>The Black Hand, pg. 90</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 279</sub>''

Revision as of 13:00, 3 April 2023


Thaumaturgy | Quietus | Koldunism | Akhu | Nahuallotl | Sadhana

The Tremere maintain that Blood Sorcery, or “Thaumaturgy” as they call it, was their invention. To hear the Banu Haqim give their version, “Quietus” was their blood right long before the Tremere became vampires. Other clans make the same statements. While its origins are murky, the dreaded nature of Blood Sorcery is not. Few Kindred trust the wielders of a power that can manipulate the vitae in their veins and turn Blood into poison.

Unlike other Disciplines, which could be described as advancing organically through the victims chosen by the vampire, practitioners of Blood Sorcery require teachers. The Tremere once relied on their pyramidic clan hierarchy to arrange tutelage for neonate apprentices, while the Banu Haqim stress the sire-childe relationship as being the best form of mentorship. These nights, many a Child of Haqim washes up in Europe or America far from their sire, and with the Pyramid broken Tremere neonates frantically search through moldy tomes and palimpsests for scraps of true lore. Genuine masters of this Discipline develop their own Rituals, though many guard them from others, revelling in the mystery surrounding their unknown cache of abilities. To practice Blood Sorcery is to twist one’s own Blood into submission. Any form of this power reminds a vampire that they’re far from human, as no mortal could wield magic in this way.


Discipline blood-sorcery.png
  • Type: Sorcery
  • Masquerade Threat: Low - High.
    The individual appearance of the powers and Rituals in Blood Sorcery varies as widely as their effects.
  • Blood Resonance: Sanguine.
    Although not inherent in the Blood itself, Blood Sorcery responds eagerly to blood from human occultists, sorcerers, and cult leaders, as well as hemophiles and bibliophiles.

Blood Sorcery is a special Discipline in that it both confers powers, like other Disciplines, and also unlocks the ability to perform Rituals up to and including the level the user holds in the Discipline. Ghouls of Blood Sorcerers or thin-bloods drinking from Sanguine temperaments gain temporary access to the Discipline powers, but not to Rituals. Its regular powers seem comparatively weak, but the versatility of the Rituals more than compensates, assuming the user can learn them. At character creation, a player can choose one Level 1 ritual if they have at least one dot in Blood Sorcery. Characters can buy new rituals at the cost of the ritual’s level x 3 experience points. Learning new Rituals during play requires both experience and time. Expect a Ritual to take at least the square of its rating in weeks to learn.