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(Alphabetized powers. Added "Melpominee" from Players Guide.)
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'''Presence''' ••
'''Presence''' ••

''The Kiss of a vampire induces near-ecstasy in the victim, but this power leaves other Kisses in the dust. Victims fed upon by the user are temporarily empowered, but also become addicted to the Kiss, obsessing over it and even seeking the vampire out for repeated feedings. Mortals often become anemic, self-harm, or even die from this addiction. Addicting other vampires is also possible, with the caveat that obsessed vampires demanding to be fed from risk the user becoming Blood Bound. Once under a Blood Bond, a vampire becomes unable to use this power on other vampires, being limited to employing it on mortals.''
''You use your powers of Presence to magnify the threat you pose to your enemies. Taunting them to take a shot at you before you crush them beneath your boots.''

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'''System:''' The vampire can choose to use this power during each feeding where they sate at least one Hunger. The victim gains a bonus equal to half the user’s Presence (round up) to one Social Attribute of their choice. This benefit lasts for a single night. Once it fades, withdrawal strikes and all the victim’s actions not spent working toward acquiring a new fix receive a dice penalty equal to the initial bonus. A victim in withdrawal can spend Willpower to ignore the penalties for a scene, and the penalties go away after a number of nights equal to the user’s Presence rating.
'''System:''' All nearby enemies immediately become aware of you. For the rest of the Scene they must make a Resolve + Composure roll at Difficulty 3 to target anyone else with an attack or power. If you display your vampiric nature when initially activating this power, all nearby mortal enemies also gain a -2 penalty on their attack rolls for one round. You cannot use Bring it On and Daunt simultaneously.

This power cannot be used on other vampires by a user who is under the thrall of a Blood Bond. Also, vampires with the Unbondable Merit cannot acquire this power.
'''Duration:''' One Scene
'''Duration:''' A number of nights equal to the user’s Presence rating.

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''<sub>V5 Companion, pg. 62</sub>''
''<sub>The Black Hand, pg. 85</sub>''

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'''Presence''' ••
'''Presence''' ••

''You can call to a nearby victim with your thirst. Your desire becomes a subliminal siren's call that can draw the unwary down dangerous paths and into your waiting arms.''
''The Kiss of a vampire induces near-ecstasy in the victim, but this power leaves other Kisses in the dust. Victims fed upon by the user are temporarily empowered, but also become addicted to the Kiss, obsessing over it and even seeking the vampire out for repeated feedings. Mortals often become anemic, self-harm, or even die from this addiction. Addicting other vampires is also possible, with the caveat that obsessed vampires demanding to be fed from risk the user becoming Blood Bound. Once under a Blood Bond, a vampire becomes unable to use this power on other vampires, being limited to employing it on mortals.''

'''Cost:''' None or One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' Free

'''Dice Pools:''' Manipulation + Presence vs Composure + Resolve
'''System:''' The vampire can choose to use this power during each feeding where they sate at least one Hunger. The victim gains a bonus equal to half the user’s Presence (round up) to one Social Attribute of their choice. This benefit lasts for a single night. Once it fades, withdrawal strikes and all the victim’s actions not spent working toward acquiring a new fix receive a dice penalty equal to the initial bonus. A victim in withdrawal can spend Willpower to ignore the penalties for a scene, and the penalties go away after a number of nights equal to the user’s Presence rating.

'''System:''' You summon a victim within 50 meters to your current location. If you cannot see your victim this power requires a Rouse check. Mortals normally succumb to this power without a roll but paranoid, wary, or particularly alert mortals may attempt to resist your call. A victim can only be targeted by this power once per Scene and they are drawn to you by an inexplicable urge, almost as if following a barely perceptible melody or scent.
This power cannot be used on other vampires by a user who is under the thrall of a Blood Bond. Also, vampires with the Unbondable Merit cannot acquire this power.

'''Duration:''' One Scene
'''Duration:''' A number of nights equal to the user’s Presence rating.

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''<sub>The Black Hand, pg. 85</sub>''
''<sub>V5 Companion, pg. 62</sub>''


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'''Presence''' ••
'''Presence''' ••

''You use your powers of Presence to magnify the threat you pose to your enemies. Taunting them to take a shot at you before you crush them beneath your boots.''
''The voice of the user becomes like that of a siren, able to entrance or terrify by itself, without the user having to be present. The voice can affect anyone within earshot but does not retain its ability if recorded or electronically transmitted.''

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'''System:''' All nearby enemies immediately become aware of you. For the rest of the Scene they must make a Resolve + Composure roll at Difficulty 3 to target anyone else with an attack or power. If you display your vampiric nature when initially activating this power, all nearby mortal enemies also gain a -2 penalty on their attack rolls for one round. You cannot use Bring it On and Daunt simultaneously.
'''System:''' The vampire is able to use ''Awe'', ''Daunt'', ''Dread Gaze'', ''Entrance'', and ''Majesty'' through their voice alone. They do not need to see the target, and the target does not have to be in their presence save to be close enough to hear their voice.
'''Duration:''' N/A
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''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 80</sub>''
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'''Presence''' ••
''You can call to a nearby victim with your thirst. Your desire becomes a subliminal siren's call that can draw the unwary down dangerous paths and into your waiting arms.''
'''Cost:''' None or One Rouse Check
'''Dice Pools:''' Manipulation + Presence vs Composure + Resolve
'''System:''' You summon a victim within 50 meters to your current location. If you cannot see your victim this power requires a Rouse check. Mortals normally succumb to this power without a roll but paranoid, wary, or particularly alert mortals may attempt to resist your call. A victim can only be targeted by this power once per Scene and they are drawn to you by an inexplicable urge, almost as if following a barely perceptible melody or scent.

Revision as of 21:28, 2 April 2023


Enthrallment | Superstardom | Melpominee | Sublimitas

Most vampires are creatures of grace and lethality. Associated with horrific violence and devastating beauty, Kindred embody opposites, alternating between nightmare and dream depending on the onlooker and the vampire’s whims. Presence is a Discipline that expresses this bipolar existence. Used to attract victims or disperse them in fear, Presence allows crowd control, emotional manipulation, and enforced devotion. A mortal’s greatest fear could stand before them and suddenly look like the most radiant creature on Earth.

Many Presence practitioners use this Discipline to easily acquire feeding vessels, while others use it do stalk the night as creatures of horror, making weak-willed kine flee terrified, unsure of what they’ve just seen. Effective as a lure as well as a defense, vampires with Presence enjoy an easier nightlife at the expense of forgetting what feelings projected at them are normal and which are compelled.


Discipline presence.png
  • Type: Mental
  • Masquerade Threat: Low-Medium.
    A subtle power, people seldom realize Presence has affected them at all. As with most Disciplines, its higher powers can leave puzzled witnesses behind, especially once the effects wear off.
  • Blood Resonance: Sanguine.
    The beautiful and lustful, those completely infatuated with the vampire, models and actors and movie stars, compelling public and private speakers from politicians to car salesmen, YouTube sensations and Instagram influencers.

Presence affects the emotions of those subject to it, not the minds. While this is useful in that victims are cognizant (unlike Dominate), they are not under the direct control of the user and are thus often unpredictable. In order to be affected by Presence, the subject must be in the physical presence of the user or at least within earshot. The Discipline does not transmit electronically unless the user possesses Star Magnetism (Presence 5). Detecting the use of Presence is very hard unless one has access to Sense the Unseen (Auspex 1) and can even then be too subtle to notice unless one is looking for it specifically.

Presence power effects do not stack, so someone using Awe and Entrancement on the same subject would only add their Presence rating once for any Social-based Persuasion rolls.

In combat, only the Dread Gaze and Majesty powers have any effect, as charm is of little use when someone has decided they want you hurt.