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(Alphabetized powers. Moved "Mental Maze" to Level 3, per Players Guid.)
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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Amalgam:''' Presence •

''With this power, the vampire can now move around while staying hidden. The user is functionally invisible, per the usual Obfuscate limitations.''
''The vampire can create brief but vivid hallucinations, distracting and drawing the attention of those affected. A hallucination can affect any single sense — it can be visual, auditory, tactile, etc. — and occurs long enough to make an impression before ceasing. The user decides on the specifics of the hallucination, though due to its brief nature it cannot convey more than something glimpsed in the corner of the eye or a voice faintly heard (it cannot be employed to create a fake ID, for example).''

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Dice Pools:''' Manipulation + Obfuscate vs Composure + Wits

'''System:''' As long as the user emits no overpowering odors and no sound louder than a whisper, this power automatically works. Only if the observer has their attention drawn to the user can they make a detection roll.
'''System:''' The vampire rolls their Manipulation + Obfuscate. Anyone unprepared and within eyesight of the vampire and eligible to experience the hallucination (by being in line of sight of its projected appearance, or by being the target of a tactile sensation) is distracted, losing two dice on their next action. Additionally, those who fail to resist using their Composure + Wits lose their next active action if they fail. (However, they can still defend and resist as normal, with a two-dice penalty.) Unlike most Presence powers Chimerstry can be used during a stressful physical conflict such as combat, but targets can only be affected once per conflict.

Sense the Unseen (Auspex •) can also detect the hidden vampire, as per the general Obfuscate rules.
Other effects resulting from the hallucination are up to the Storyteller, but they are advised to err on the side of caution.

Note that the user cannot use this power to disappear while being actively observed; it automatically fails in such a case.
These hallucinations can never be recorded or transmitted (such as by using Ghost in the Machine).

'''Duration:''' One scene or until detection
'''Duration:''' One turn

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''<sub>Core Rulebook, pg. 261</sub>''
''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 76</sub>''


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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Obfuscate''' ••

'''Amalgam:''' Auspex ••
'''Amalgam:''' Animalism •

''The user can throw her voice so only the intended recipient hears her.''
''The vampire can bestow a measure of subtlety to the animals under their influence, masking their steps from mundane methods of tracking.''

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check

'''Dice Pools:''' Wits + Obfuscate

'''System:''' Animals under the user’s influence that the user targets with this power leave no track or trace that can be seen by mundane means. Sense the Unseen (Auspex 1) can still discern signs of an effected creature’s passing however, as per the general Obfuscate rules.

'''System:''' The user may send a telepathic message directly to the mind of a recipient within line of sight, which nobody else can hear or intercept. This message must be brief (no more than a dozen words or so). The person may then respond with a brief message of their own if they so desire. A person may choose to roll Resolve + Composure against the user’s Wits + Obfuscate to block out these messages if they do not want to hear them.

'''Duration:''' One session
'''Duration:''' One scene or until detection

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''<sub>Fall of London, pg. 148</sub>''
''<sub>Forbidden Religions, pg. 18</sub>''


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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Obfuscate''' ••

'''Amalgam:''' Dominate
'''Amalgam:''' Presence

'''Prerequisite:''' Cloud Memory

''Though rarely witnessed outside of those following the Path of Paradox, this power allows a vampire to mentally enter the dream of a mortal while feeding on them.''

''Serpents maintain that the power to Obfuscate is less about illusion and more about perception. Mental Maze is the ability to remove all sense of direction and location from a victim, allowing the vampire to make their target a prisoner in their current environment, such as a home, a nightclub, or worse — a vampire’s cellar. The victim finds their location folding back on itself, subtly altering their perception of previously visited rooms, convincing them that an actual exit will only lead deeper into the maze, and eventually breaking them down into a state of panic and fragility.''

'''Cost:''' Free

'''Cost:''' One or Three Rouse Checks
'''Dice Pools:''' None

'''Dice Pools:''' Charisma + Obfuscate vs. Wits + Resolve

'''System:''' The vampire can briefly enter a mortal's dream while feeding on them. This allows them the ability to communicate with the mortal covertly and to experience their current dream as a direct bystander. Most mortals will have no memory of the intrusion or what secrets they may have revealed unless the vampire goes out of their way to make an impression during the dream. Some vampires even use this power to hide messages in the dreams of their vessels. While in a dream the vampire cannot use any other powers.

'''System:''' The vampire personally speaks the words “you cannot escape” to their victim and rolls Charisma + Obfuscate versus the target’s Wits + Resolve, with lower Generation vampires being able to negate the roll with a Willpower point as per Dominate’s characteristics (see Vampire: The Masquerade p. 255). On a win, the victim struggles to find their way out of the building they’re in. An additional two Rouse Checks allows this power to be used in a single room or a densely packed outdoor environment (such as a construction site or forest).

'''Duration:''' One Scene
Mortals cannot attempt to escape but supernatural creatures can make a Resolve + Awareness test each scene using the vampire’s initial successes as the Difficulty, suffering a point of Superficial Willpower damage for every missing success if they fail. This roll cannot benefit from Teamwork, as any guidance given does not match what the victim sees. This power ends if the environment becomes dangerous (e.g. the building catches fire), unless the vampire has Terminal Decree (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 257).
'''Duration:''' One night

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''<sub>Cults of the Blood Gods, pg. 85</sub>''
''<sub>The Black Hand, pg. 82</sub>''


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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Obfuscate''' ••

'''Amalgam:''' Presence •

''With this power, the vampire can now move around while staying hidden. The user is functionally invisible, per the usual Obfuscate limitations.''
''The vampire is able to create brief but vivid hallucinations, distracting and drawing the attention of those affected. A hallucination can affect any single sense — it can be visual, audial, tactile, etc. — occurring long enough to make an impression before ceasing. The user decides on the specifics of the hallucination, though due to its brief nature it cannot convey more than something glimpsed in the corner of the eye or a voice faintly heard (it cannot be employed to create a fake ID, for example).''

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check

'''Dice Pools:''' Manipulation + Obfuscate vs Composure + Wits

'''System:''' As long as the user emits no overpowering odors and no sound louder than a whisper, this power automatically works. Only if the observer has their attention drawn to the user can they make a detection roll.

'''System:''' The vampire rolls their Manipulation + Obfuscate. Anyone unprepared and within eyesight of the vampire and eligible to experience the hallucination (by being in line of sight of its projected appearance, or by being the target of a tactile sensation) is distracted, losing two dice on their next action. Additionally, those who fail to resist using their Composure + Wits lose their next active action if they fail. (However, they can still defend and resist as normal, with a two-dice penalty.)

Sense the Unseen (Auspex •) can also detect the hidden vampire, as per the general Obfuscate rules.

Other effects resulting from the hallucination are up to the Storyteller, but they are advised to err on the side of caution.

Note that the user cannot use this power to disappear while being actively observed; it automatically fails in such a case.

These hallucinations can never be recorded or transmitted (such as by using Ghost in the Machine).

'''Duration:''' One scene or until detection
'''Duration:''' One turn

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''<sub>V5 Companion, pg. 25</sub>''
''<sub>Core Rulebook, pg. 261</sub>''


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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Obfuscate''' ••

'''Amalgam:''' Animalism •
'''Amalgam:''' Auspex ••

''The vampire can bestow a measure of subtlety to the animals under their influence, masking their steps from mundane methods of tracking.''
''The user can throw her voice so only the intended recipient hears her.''

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check

'''Dice Pools:''' Wits + Obfuscate

'''System:''' Animals under the user’s influence that the user targets with this power leave no track or trace that can be seen by mundane means. Sense the Unseen (Auspex 1) can still discern signs of an effected creature’s passing however, as per the general Obfuscate rules.

'''System:''' The user may send a telepathic message directly to the mind of a recipient within line of sight, which nobody else can hear or intercept. This message must be brief (no more than a dozen words or so). The person may then respond with a brief message of their own if they so desire. A person may choose to roll Resolve + Composure against the user’s Wits + Obfuscate to block out these messages if they do not want to hear them.

'''Duration:''' One session

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'''Duration:''' One scene or until detection
''<sub>Forbidden Religions, pg. 18</sub>''
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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Amalgam:''' Presence •
''Though rarely witnessed outside of those following the Path of Paradox, this power allows a vampire to mentally enter the dream of a mortal while feeding on them.''
'''Cost:''' Free
'''Dice Pools:''' None
'''System:''' The vampire can briefly enter a mortal's dream while feeding on them. This allows them the ability to communicate with the mortal covertly and to experience their current dream as a direct bystander. Most mortals will have no memory of the intrusion or what secrets they may have revealed unless the vampire goes out of their way to make an impression during the dream. Some vampires even use this power to hide messages in the dreams of their vessels. While in a dream the vampire cannot use any other powers.
'''Duration:''' One Scene

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''<sub>The Black Hand, pg. 82</sub>''
''<sub>Fall of London, pg. 148</sub>''

Revision as of 20:50, 2 April 2023


Stealth Mode | Cloaking | Chimerstry | Occulto | Veils

For any hunter, the ability to hide, move without being seen, and employ camouflage proves vital. For the Kindred practitioners of Obfuscate, the Discipline provides the perfect cover to get close to a victim, disguise themselves as harmless, and escape when the heat grows too much. Obfuscate experts may utilize the Discipline to lurk in the shadows while spying, change appearance in a crowd while under surveillance, or even spread the gift to a group of vampires looking to hide.


Discipline obfuscate.png
  • Type: Mental
  • Masquerade Threat: Low.
    Avoiding detection is the whole point of this Discipline.
  • Blood Resonance: Melancholic.
    The ignored and unseen, the homeless, forgotten, and depressed; spies, pickpockets, excellent servants, roadies and stagehands, and all the background people.

Ofuscate powers work through ambient, low-level mesmerism. Observers see the vampire but their minds choose to ignore it. Witnesses unconsciously move out of the way if the user blocks their path and rationalize their behavior if pressed. Obfuscate affects all five senses unless otherwise noted.

The Discipline does have limits: the illusion fails if the observer cannot ignore the user or if the user backs the observer into a corner. A vampire blocking a doorway cannot maintain Obfuscate against someone walking through it. Likewise, violent action jeopardizes the façade, as does actions like raised voices, failed pickpocket attempts, and weapons raised to strike. Whispering without breaking Obfuscate is still possible.

Generally, the Discipline offers no protection against machine surveillance. A human staking out the vampire has a hard time pointing the lens in the right direction, but automatic cameras and other types of detectors can catch them.

A vampire with Sense the Unseen (Auspex •) can detect Obfuscated characters by rolling Wits or Resolve + Auspex vs Wits + Obfuscate. Anyone can detect an Obfuscated vampire who draws attention to themselves; such observers detect such accidental revelations with a contest of Wits + Awareness (or Resolve + Awareness for an active searcher) vs Wits + Stealth. This also applies to surprise attacks from Obfuscate – a victim always has a chance to sense the danger a moment before the strike.