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<small>''To emphasize that learning redworking is hard work, define the specific rituals or formulae a given work provides. Some very clear or magically forceful books might speed the learning process from the standard square of the Ritual's Level in weeks: halving it, or reducing it by two-thirds. In addition to blood craft knowledge, many tomes might provide the equivalent of a free Specialty in Occult, or a bonus on a Memoriam pool investigating its revelations. Only the most powerful and versatile of texts should add even one die to Blood Sorcery or Thin- Blood Alchemy pools across the board, although adding one die to specific kinds of rituals, formulae, or wards makes a fair compromise.''</small>
<small>''To emphasize that learning redworking is hard work, define the specific rituals or formulae a given work provides. Some very clear or magically forceful books might speed the learning process from the standard square of the Ritual's Level in weeks: halving it, or reducing it by two-thirds. In addition to blood craft knowledge, many tomes might provide the equivalent of a free Specialty in Occult, or a bonus on a Memoriam pool investigating its revelations. Only the most powerful and versatile of texts should add even one die to Blood Sorcery or Thin- Blood Alchemy pools across the board, although adding one die to specific kinds of rituals, formulae, or wards makes a fair compromise.''</small>

Latest revision as of 17:18, 9 October 2023

Artifacts are rare, often sought-after items with special powers. The older an item's lineage is the more potential energy it carries and the more effective it may be as ab implement for blood crafts.

System: Distinguishing an actual sorcerous artifact in the wild usually requires Intelligence + Occult against a Difficulty of 2 or higher if the maker intended to conceal its nature. Some such items radiate in spectra perceptible by Auspex.

An item in ritual use for three centuries — not just any 17th-century antique — makes one die in a Ritual or other magical pool as a success: if you have a seven-die pool, flip one of them to a 9 before you roll the other six dice.

  • At 600 years of magical use, the item pins two dice as successes.
  • At 1,200 years of use, it pins three dice.
  • At 2,400 years of use, it pins four dice, and so on.

You can’t just use the item in every ritual, though: it either has to be required in the ritual's ingredients list, or otherwise specifically, magically connected to that ritual. If there’s any doubt in the Storyteller’s mind, it’s not suitable. Of course, items that old have lots of former owners who might haunt them, have cursed them, or even come looking for them...