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'''System:''' Follow the general rules for Obfuscate. The effect lasts until the user moves or they are detected by other means.
'''System:''' Follow the general rules for Obfuscate. The effect lasts until the user moves or they are detected by other means. Additionally the vampire can place a hand on up to two other individuals and Rouse the blood once for each to conceal them as well. As long as everyone in the group remains motionless, the power conceals all of them; the vampire makes any necessary rolls to remain hidden.

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''<sub>Core Rulebook, pg. 261</sub>''
''<sub>Core Rulebook, pg. 261<br>Edited per ReVamped, pg. 51</sub>''
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'''Obfuscate''' •
''The vampire is able to supernaturally conceal small objects in their hands or on their person. The power doesn’t make visible objects invisible. Rather, it makes a searcher ignore them when they’d otherwise notice.''
'''Cost:''' Free
'''System:''' The Kindred can hide a number of small, hand-held objects in their hands or on their person equal to their Obfuscate rating. Mortals ignore dangerous or out-of-place objects that the user is enshrouding or miss them in a search. Kindred with Sense the Unseen or others with supernatural senses can attempt to notice them as usual. Objects in plain view cannot be hidden by this power, nor can animate creatures.
'''Duration:''' One Scene
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''<sub>Gehenna War, pg. 46</sub>''

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''<sub>Core Rulebook, pg. 261</sub>''
''<sub>Core Rulebook, pg. 261</sub>''
= '''LEVEL 2''' =


== CACHE ==
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'''Obfuscate''' ••

'''Prerequisite:''' Ensconce

''Rather than disguising themselves or their movements, some vampires focus on applying their Obfuscate to the world around them. This power allows them to supernaturally conceal any objects on their person: anything from a stolen wallet to an inconvenient corpse.''

''The vampire may use this power to hide objects and make them difficult to find just by touching them.''

'''Cost:''' Free

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''System:''' This power conceals a single inanimate object no larger than an average duffle bag. As long as the object does not leave the vampire's possession and is not used in a violent or attention- drawing action, observers will overlook it completely.

An observer who knows exactly what they're looking for, with some specificity, can see through this power without requiring a roll: ''"the Regent's notes on her new warding ritual"'' is specific enough, but ''"stolen papers"'' is not.
'''System:''' Objects affected by Ensconce need merely be touched, not held or carried by the Kindred. Furthermore, the user need not maintain physical contact with the object. The effect lasts for a scene. The user may make an additional Rouse Check to extend the duration for the remainder of the night. In that case, the enshrouded object remains hidden until dawn.

'''Duration:''' One Scene
'''Duration:''' One scene or until dawn

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''<sub>Homebrew Content, pg. XX</sub>''
''<sub>Gehenna War, pg. 47</sub>''

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'''Obfuscate''' ••
'''Amalgam:''' Auspex •
''Whereas most Kindred use the powers of Obfuscate to hide objects or their own actions, some Kindred use it to mask their speech. The user can say one thing and secretly convey another to a specific person without bystanders being none the wiser. This is the power to use when flirting with the Prince’s boyfriend right in front of their face.''
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''System:''' The Kindred adds a secret message (up to one sentence) to their words that only a single intended listener can hear. Anyone else present only picks up the message if they can beat the user’s Composure + Obfuscate with their Wits + Auspex.
'''Duration:''' One utterance

= '''LEVEL 2''' =
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''<sub>Blood-Stained Love, pg. 152</sub>''

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''The vampire can craft elaborate hallucinations, making any subjects in their vicinity see, hear, and feel whatever the user can devise. From seeing and tasting a takeout container filled with maggots and rice to a thunderous torrent of reeking, rancid blood boiling out of the sewers, Fata Morgana causes witnesses to experience circumstances that just aren’t real.
''The vampire can craft elaborate hallucinations, making any subjects in their vicinity see, hear, and feel whatever the user can devise. From seeing and tasting a takeout container filled with maggots and rice to a thunderous torrent of reeking, rancid blood boiling out of the sewers, Fata Morgana causes witnesses to experience circumstances that just aren’t real.''

There is no limit to the number of victims who can be affected simultaneously, but in order to be affected by Fata Morgana a subject needs to be able to see the user or vice versa, though they do not need to be actively aware of them. The vampire does not need to remain present once a victim is affected.
''There is no limit to the number of victims who can be affected simultaneously, but in order to be affected by Fata Morgana a subject needs to be able to see the user or vice versa, though they do not need to be actively aware of them. The vampire does not need to remain present once a victim is affected.''

Visual effects are always separate objects. They cannot be used to “mask” or otherwise disguise items or individuals, and can never entirely block line of sight. Fata Morgana hallucinations cannot appear to affect the surrounding reality: The torrent of blood won’t wash away cars parked in the street or pedestrians, and an explosion created with Fata Morgana does not cause any damage, hallucinatory or otherwise. A collapsing staircase won’t tumble anyone currently descending the staircase. Sensory effects created by Fata Morgana cannot blind or deafen or in other ways overload senses, not even those supernaturally augmented. Similarly, hallucinations are not caught on camera or other kinds of recording devices.''
''Visual effects are always separate objects. They cannot be used to “mask” or otherwise disguise items or individuals, and can never entirely block line of sight. Fata Morgana hallucinations cannot appear to affect the surrounding reality: The torrent of blood won’t wash away cars parked in the street or pedestrians, and an explosion created with Fata Morgana does not cause any damage, hallucinatory or otherwise. A collapsing staircase won’t tumble anyone currently descending the staircase. Sensory effects created by Fata Morgana cannot blind or deafen or in other ways overload senses, not even those supernaturally augmented. Similarly, hallucinations are not caught on camera or other kinds of recording devices.''

Latest revision as of 16:17, 16 September 2024


Stealth Mode | Cloaking | Chimerstry | Occulto | Veils

For any hunter, the ability to hide, move without being seen, and employ camouflage proves vital. For the Kindred practitioners of Obfuscate, the Discipline provides the perfect cover to get close to a victim, disguise themselves as harmless, and escape when the heat grows too much. Obfuscate experts may utilize the Discipline to lurk in the shadows while spying, change appearance in a crowd while under surveillance, or even spread the gift to a group of vampires looking to hide.


Discipline obfuscate.png
  • Type: Mental
  • Masquerade Threat: Low.
    Avoiding detection is the whole point of this Discipline.
  • Blood Resonance: Melancholic.
    The ignored and unseen, the homeless, forgotten, and depressed; spies, pickpockets, excellent servants, roadies and stagehands, and all the background people.

Ofuscate powers work through ambient, low-level mesmerism. Observers see the vampire but their minds choose to ignore it. Witnesses unconsciously move out of the way if the user blocks their path and rationalize their behavior if pressed. Obfuscate affects all five senses unless otherwise noted.

The Discipline does have limits: the illusion fails if the observer cannot ignore the user or if the user backs the observer into a corner. A vampire blocking a doorway cannot maintain Obfuscate against someone walking through it. Likewise, violent action jeopardizes the façade, as does actions like raised voices, failed pickpocket attempts, and weapons raised to strike. Whispering without breaking Obfuscate is still possible.

Generally, the Discipline offers no protection against machine surveillance. A human staking out the vampire has a hard time pointing the lens in the right direction, but automatic cameras and other types of detectors can catch them.

A vampire with Sense the Unseen (Auspex •) can detect Obfuscated characters by rolling Wits or Resolve + Auspex vs Wits + Obfuscate. Anyone can detect an Obfuscated vampire who draws attention to themselves; such observers detect such accidental revelations with a contest of Wits + Awareness (or Resolve + Awareness for an active searcher) vs Wits + Stealth. This also applies to surprise attacks from Obfuscate – a victim always has a chance to sense the danger a moment before the strike.