Advantages: Difference between revisions

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(Added "Blatant Diablerist", "Inherited Bane", and the Diablerie Flaws chart.)
(21 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|'''Remarkable Feature (•)'''
|'''Remarkable Feature (•)'''
|You possess a rare, memorable feature such as a striking eye color, atypical pupils, or an unusual complexion, providing a two-dice bonus to social interactions with strangers. Take a one-die penalty to disguise yourself.
|You possess a rare, memorable feature such as a striking eye color, atypical pupils, or an unusual complexion, providing a two-dice bonus to social interactions with strangers. Take a one-die penalty to disguise yourself.
||<span style="color:darkred">'''Unblinking Visage (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You count your Humanity as two levels lower for the purpose of Blush of Life and other life-mimicking activities, such as mortal intercourse or food consumption.</span>
||'''Semblance of the Methuselah (• - ••)'''
|With an appearance strikingly similar to a methuselah, gain one die on rolls to impress, intimidate or attract the attention who recognize your face. As well as gain other bonuses such as status or additional die when meeting the methuselah they resemble.
||'''Semblance of the Methuselah (• - ••)'''
||'''Up All Night (•• or ••)'''
|With an appearance strikingly similar to a methuselah, gain one die on rolls to impress, intimidate or attract the attention who recognize your face. As well as gain other bonuses such as status or additional die when meeting the methuselah they resemble.
|For purposes of the Blush of Life, eating or drinking, and sexual intercourse, treat your Humanity score as one point higher than it is (maximum 10), or two points higher if this merit was purchased for 4 dots. Unavailable to Nosferatu, and only available at •• for Hecata.
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|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Bondslave (••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Bondslave (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Related to the act of feeding, taking one does not mean the character must take the others.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Related to the act of feeding, taking one does not mean the character must take the others.</span>
|'''Bonds of Fealty (•••)'''
| Your powers of Dominate do not require a target’s eye contact so long as the target is blood bound to you.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Two Masters (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You can be Blood Bound to two individuals at the same time.</span>
|'''Enduring Bond (•)'''
| Your bonds last longer than those of other Kindred. Complete and partial blood bonds only weaken every other month, not every month.
== '''Blood Ties''' ==
''Every Kindred has blood ties to their own sire, even if that sire’s identity is unknown, and these model various expressions of those ties. Caitiff and Duskborn cannot choose these.''<br><br>
{| class="mildtable" style="width:105%" ;
! style="width: 15%;" | '''Merit'''
! style="width: 35%;" | '''Description'''
! style="width: 15%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Flaw'''</span>
! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
|'''Consanguineous Sense: (••)'''
| You instinctively recognize those in your direct bloodline when you get within a few paces from them. A Resolve + Awareness test at Difficulty 3 lets you determine if a Kindred within about 3 meters of you shares your bloodline.
|'''Consanguineous Influence (••)'''
| When you use a mental Discipline against a member of your own clan or a direct ancestor or descendant, you gain one bonus die to do so, or 2 bonus dice if the character is only one or two generations removed from you.
|'''Sins of the Fathers (•• or •••)'''
| You do not show any telltale signs of diablerie, if committed upon a direct descendant. Powers such as "Scry the Soul" or "A Taste for Blood" do not detect your crime. As a three dot Merit, this works when committing diablerie upon any member of your own clan.

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|<span style="color:darkred">Take your clan’s variant Bane (see p. 56) in addition to your regular Bane. The Storyteller can prohibit this Flaw if the second Bane would cause problems for, or lack impact in, the chronicle.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Take your clan’s variant Bane (see p. 56) in addition to your regular Bane. The Storyteller can prohibit this Flaw if the second Bane would cause problems for, or lack impact in, the chronicle.</span>
== '''Diablerie Flaws''' ==
''A Storyteller may allow these Flaws may be selected as normal, or impose them upon players’ characters as the consequence of a Messy Critical, Bestial Failure, or win at a cost result on a test involving Diablerie.''<br><br>
{| class="mildtable" style="width:105%" ;
! style="width: 15%;" | '''Merit'''
! style="width: 35%;" | '''Description'''
! style="width: 15%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Flaw'''</span>
! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Blatant Diablerist (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Discipline Powers or Merits that reveal past evidence of diablerie, such as "Scry the Soul" or "A Taste for Blood" always reveal diablerie, even if the test would otherwise fail or fail to reveal other information.</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Inherited Bane (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You gain another clan’s bane in addition to your own. Tremere may select this Flaw to gain the Salubri clan bane (Players Guide, p. 47) without having committed Diablerie.</span>

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! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
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| '''Tempered Will (••)'''
| style="border:1;" |
| You are always aware of when someone is using Dominate and Presence against you. Once per session, when resisting Dominate or Presence, you may add two additional dice to your resistance pool. Only someone with no dots in either Dominate or Presence can take this Merit.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Living on the Edge (••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Weak-Willed (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Even when they are aware that someone is attempting to sway they may not use the active resistance systems to avoid the attempts.</span>
| '''Soothed Beast (•)'''
| Choose a storyteller character as your obsession. Once per session when in the presence of your obsession, you can choose to ignore one Bestial Failure or Messy Critical. If this character dies you immediately gain three Stains, but can choose a new obsession at the beginning of the next session.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Risk-Taker ()'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">When confronted with a risky temptation that the character hasn't done before, they suffer a two-dice penalty for all actions till they participate or the scene ends.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">When confronted with a risky temptation that the character hasn't done before, they suffer a two-dice penalty for all actions till they participate or the scene ends.</span>
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| '''False Love (•)'''
| style="border:0;" |
| Choose a storyteller character as your obsession. When in their presence, treat your Humanity as one dot higher (max 10) for purposes of the Blush of Life, eating or drinking, and sexual intercourse. If this character dies you immediately gain three Stains, but can choose a new obsession at the beginning of the next session.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Weak-Willed (•••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Knowledge Hungry ()'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Even when they are aware that someone is attempting to sway they may not use the active resistance systems to avoid the attempts.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">At character creation, pick a topic that your character hungers to study. When your character comes across books, tutorial videos, college seminars, or other methods of learning about their chosen subject, make a Willpower roll at Difficulty 3 to resist chasing their obsession.</span>

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| '''Check the Trunk (•)'''
| '''Check the Trunk (•)'''
| You have easy access to an armory or cache of tools and hardware. None of these items can exceed a value available to a character with Resources 2. Common items found in a cache could include a sawed-off shotgun, rusty bolt cutters, half a roll of duct tape, homemade stakes, half empty squeeze bottles of lighter fluid, and whatever else the Storyteller allows. Take an additional two dots in Preparedness pools (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 410) for items within this Resource band.
| You have easy access to an armory or cache of tools and hardware. None of these items can exceed a value available to a character with Resources 2. Common items found in a cache could include a sawed-off shotgun, rusty bolt cutters, half a roll of duct tape, homemade stakes, half empty squeeze bottles of lighter fluid, and whatever else the Storyteller allows. Take an additional two dots in Preparedness pools (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 410) for items within this Resource band.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Knowledge Hungry (•)'''</span>
||<span style="color:darkred">'''Prestation Debts'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">At character creation, pick a topic that your character hungers to study. When your character comes across books, tutorial videos, college seminars, or other methods of learning about their chosen subject, make a Willpower roll at Difficulty 3 to resist chasing their obsession.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You owe another Kindred (or two others) two minor boons. The debt-holder wields more power and influence than you within vampire society, though not necessarily within your sect. They receive a one-die bonus in Social combat against you while they hold your marker. They may call in either of these debts at any time.</span>
| '''Side Hustler (••)'''
| '''Side Hustler (••)'''
| Once per session you can get your hands on an item, a piece of information, or access to an event as if you had two dots in the appropriate Resources, Contacts or Influence Background. (Items obtained with Resources likely have to be returned intact.) Often this requires you to spend part of the night calling in markers and pressing your informal network.
| Once per session you can get your hands on an item, a piece of information, or access to an event as if you had two dots in the appropriate Resources, Contacts or Influence Background. (Items obtained with Resources likely have to be returned intact.) Often this requires you to spend part of the night calling in markers and pressing your informal network.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Prestation Debts'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You owe another Kindred (or two others) two minor boons. The debt-holder wields more power and influence than you within vampire society, though not necessarily within your sect. They receive a one-die bonus in Social combat against you while they hold your marker. They may call in either of these debts at any time.</span>
| '''Tempered Will (••)'''
| You are always aware of when someone is using Dominate and Presence against you. Once per session, when resisting Dominate or Presence, you may add two additional dice to your resistance pool. Only someone with no dots in either Dominate or Presence can take this Merit.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Risk-Taker (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">When confronted with a chance to indulge a risky temptation you haven’t done before (such as snorting a new drug, imbibing vampire blood, or taking a Kindred lover), you suffer a two-dice penalty to all actions until you either partake of the new experience or the scene ends. This Flaw doesn’t compel you to do something suicidal ... but you may not always accurately predict the full consequences of your actions.</span>
| '''Untouchable (••••)'''
| '''Untouchable (••••)'''
| Once per story you can escape all official punishment for a crime that would otherwise see you destroyed or cast out of your sect, though you may be privately reprimanded or face consequences through unofficial channels.
| Once per story you can escape all official punishment for a crime that would otherwise see you destroyed or cast out of your sect, though you may be privately reprimanded or face consequences through unofficial channels.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Weak-Willed (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Take a one-die penalty to Social pools against your leader or superior. Even when you’re aware of an attempt to sway you mentally or emotionally (such as with Dominate or Presence), you may not use the active resistance systems to avoid those effects.</span>

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|<span style="color:darkred">Even if you already possess a Discipline you must drink the Blood of someone who possesses it in order to buy dots in it. Cannot be taken with the Favored Blood Merit (see p. 126).</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Even if you already possess a Discipline you must drink the Blood of someone who possesses it in order to buy dots in it. Cannot be taken with the Favored Blood Merit (see p. 126).</span>
|'''Death-Proof (•)'''
|Cannot learn Oblivion, but immune to it.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Walking Omen (•)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Walking Omen (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Any scrying, premonitions, or other forms of future or fortune telling in your domain regularly points to you as a source of disaster and misfortune. The effects of this Flaw are ultimately up to the Storyteller, but it should at the very least cause one serious altercation per story.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Any scrying, premonitions, or other forms of future or fortune telling in your domain regularly points to you as a source of disaster and misfortune. The effects of this Flaw are ultimately up to the Storyteller, but it should at the very least cause one serious altercation per story.</span>
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|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Word-Scarred (•)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Word-Scarred (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your body or a portion of it is covered in ancient texts of vampiric lore. Perhaps your sire inscribed them upon you, or they appeared on their own after the Embrace. The major occult foe or force in the chronicle often interferes in your life, seeking to imprison, flense, mind-wipe, Blood Bond, or otherwise neutralize you. (They would never lower themselves to recruit a Caitiff, don’t be silly. You’re just a lost, disobedient book to them.) Maybe two such forces fight over the right to edit you! Any other character who “reads” the full text on your skin learns a terrible secret regarding Gehenna, Noddist prophecy, Bahari mysteries, or the like. You and the Storyteller may decide this together, or it may be a mystery to you!</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your body or a portion of it is covered in ancient texts of vampiric lore. Perhaps your sire inscribed them upon you, or they appeared on their own after the Embrace. The major occult foe or force in the chronicle often interferes in your life, seeking to imprison, flense, mind-wipe, Blood Bond, or otherwise neutralize you. (They would never lower themselves to recruit a Caitiff, don’t be silly. You’re just a lost, disobedient book to them.) Maybe two such forces fight over the right to edit you! Any other character who “reads” the full text on your skin learns a terrible secret regarding Gehenna, Noddist prophecy, Bahari mysteries, or the like. You and the Storyteller may decide this together, or it may be a mystery to you!</span>
== '''Elder and Methuselah''' ==
''These Merits and Flaws only apply to Elder and Methuselah characters. They have no dot value; each Flaw balances a Merit, and vice versa. They thus do not count against the maximum dots in Advantages and Flaws allowed to be selected during character creation or purchased through experience.'' ''<sup>(Homebrew, pg. XX)</sup>''<br><br>
{| class="mildtable" style="width:105%" ;
! style="width: 15%;" | '''Merit'''
! style="width: 35%;" | '''Description'''
! style="width: 15%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Flaw'''</span>
! style="width: 35%;" | <span style="color:darkred">'''Description'''</span>
|'''Loyal Childe'''
|This Childe is built as an Ancillae and when you call, they come as soon as possible, usually appearing once per Story.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Vengeful Childe'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">This Childe is built as an Ancillae and their merits are spent on a personal "army" that seeks your destruction.</span>
|You have an ancient castle or other acquired property. This counts as a rating 3 Haven, with 4 Haven Merits.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Death Wish'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You have an unconscious wish to die the True Death. Twice per Session, the Storyteller might ask you to reroll a successful Skill check. This second roll can be enhanced by spending Willpower as normal. The least successful of the two rolls is the actual result of your action.</span>
|You have a long-term relationship with another Elder, whom witholds no secrets, and vice versa. The Paramour is built as an Elder, and when called they come as soon as possible, usually appearing once per Story. Given the emotional ties that unite you to your Paramour, whenever you are unable to contact them or something happens to them, receive three die penalty to all rolls not related on locating or saving it.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Jilted Paramour'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You ''had'' a long-term relationship with a fellow Elder, who did not take the breakup well. You both know many of each other's secrets and this has caused a stalemate thus far. The Paramour is built as an Elder and might be behind inexplicable failed enterprises or against you directly when the Storyteller decides to.</span>
|You go out of your way to prepare contingency plans, vary your movement patterns and habits, and otherwise make yourself a difficult target. Once per story, you can choose to automatically succeed in a roll against an Ambush.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Extreme Paranoia'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Whenever someone you know performs an act that appears selfless, you must make a successful Frenzy check against a Difficulty decided by the Storyteller to resist branding them traitors and attack them in Fury Frenzy.</span>
|Once per story, you can choose to automatically overcome a Frenzy check. For the rest of the Scene, all subsequent provocations are at +1 Difficulty.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Ennui'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You have seen enough to know that nothing is ever truly new. You rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming you know all there is to know. You are unable to perform Insight and Awareness rolls on people you already know unless you spend Willpower.</span>
|'''Beckoning Resilient'''
|Similar to the merit Bond Resistance (pg. 181), your Blood rebels against control from the Antediluvians. Add two die to your dice pools to resist the Beckoning.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Beckoned'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Similar to the flaw Bond Junkie (pg. 181), the Call is too sweet for you to resist. Subtract two die from your dice pools to act against the Beckoning. This flaw should only be taken if the Storyteller opts to use the mechanical system for the Beckoning.</span>
|'''Military Force'''
|You easily manipulate a human institution which prevails through force — such as the local police, crime family, biker gang, etc. Direct control of human mobs is always frightening to Elder vampires. As a result, they often band together to curtail such aspirations in their peers. Usually, an Elder can only keep a small force before his rivals close in to stop his power grab. Build them as a well-armed group of Gifted Mortals and when you call, they come as soon as possible, usually appearing once per Story.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Emotional Isolation'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You have seen friends and family swept away in the river of time. To avoidthe pain you have emotionally isolated yourself. When you accrue Stains from those around you getting hurt, you cannot mitigate them with your Convictions. For the purpose of interacting with humans, you receive a penalty akin to at least Humanity 5. Additionally, any penalty to interact with humans due to low Humanity also apply to Kindred.</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Routine'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">If others studied your behaviour closely, they might be able to take advantage of it to do you harm. If the circumstances are appropriate, once per Story, the Storyteller might ask you to automatically fail a roll against an Ambush.</span>

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|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Mortal Frailty'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Mortal Frailty'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Mend like a mortal, unable to rouse the blood. Cannot take Vampiric Resilience with this Flaw.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Mend like a mortal, unable to rouse the blood. Cannot take Vampiric Resilience with this Flaw.</span>
|'''Abhorrent Blood'''
|Other vampires abort any bite attempts after the initial damage and anyone who tries to keep drinking from you must spend two points of Willpower each turn that they do so. Mortals and Thin-Blood Alchemy are not affected by this anomaly.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Heliophobia'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You fear sunlight as though you were a full vampire. You are susceptible to terror frenzy from sunlight.</span>
|'''Lucid Dreamer'''
|Most vampires don’t dream because they don’t sleep. You dream; you can recall and even sometimes control your dreams. Once per session, if you’re asleep by day you can ask the Storyteller to provide a clue from the previous night’s memories or a hint about the story suitable for dream revelation.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Night Terrors'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">During times of stress, or when your Beast is strongest, nightmares pull through and feel excruciatingly real. They may be disjointed hallucinations, or they may be a way for the Storyteller to feed theme or foreshadow events. Once per session, your night terrors onset and you take a one-die penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene.</span>
|'''Low Appetite'''
|When at Hunger 0 or 1, and when rising at sunset, roll two dice on your Rouse Check and take the highest of the two.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Plague Bearer'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You are still susceptible to mortal sickness: colds, flu, and other more severe infections. Every time you feed you must roll a die for each Hunger slaked, and if any come up a “1,” you’ve caught something nasty. (Effect is up to the Storyteller, but could range from die penalties to slow Health degradation.) Mortal medicine doesn’t cure you; only drinking a functioning immune system by slaking your Hunger to 0 does so. And of course, you run the risk of infecting anyone you feed on, using the same die roll as above.</span>
|Whether you consider yourself an atheist or devoutly religious, you remain too close to mortality for True Faith to affect you.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Sun-Faded'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You cannot use Discipline powers – including Thin- Blood Alchemy – in sunlight, and active powers cease when you enter sunlight. You can use them indoors by day, with a two-dice penalty, as long as you avoid any hint of sunlight.</span>
|'''Mortality's Mien'''
|Your aura does not appear vampiric or supernatural; instead it looks mortal to anyone able to detect supernatural creatures. You can also add two dice to any attempt to make yourself appear mortal in other regards, such as makeup.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Supernatural Tell'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Whether it’s your smell, your aura, or something even subtler, other supernatural entities can sense your presence. They may be curious, hungry, or irritated, but they definitely clock you. Lose two dice from Stealth pools and similar against supernatural opponents including other vampires.</span>
|'''Swift Feeder'''
|You sip delicately and quickly, neatly slaking one Hunger in one turn, including licking the wound closed. This Merit can only be used once per scene.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Sloppy Drinker'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your bite is careless, or your fangs are ill suited to puncture skin cleanly. When feeding, make a Dexterity + Medicine test against a Difficulty equal to Hunger slaked to cover your feed marks before too much blood is spilled. On a failure, the wound is too ragged to close: the mortal may bleed out with Masquerade-threatening neck wounds.</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Twilight Presence'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You make others uncomfortable around you. Most mortals don’t want to be around you at all, and other Kindred dislike you even more than they do regular thin-bloods. Only thin-bloods can adjust to your weird demeanor. Lose a die from Social pools involving anyone except thin-bloods.</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Unending Hunger'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your Beast always hungers for more, never finding sustenance with smaller sips. When feeding in a scene you sate one less Hunger than other thinbloods. This applies only once per scene.</span>

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|'''Blood Empathy (••)'''
|'''Blood Empathy (••)'''
|The ghoul can feel if their regnant is in danger or otherwise, needs them immediately, this does not allow for telepathic communication.
|You share a closer bond to your domitor than most ghouls, able to sense their emotional and psychological state, even when not physically in their presence. An astute ghoul can “feel” if their current domitor is in peril or requires their presence immediately, but it does not allow for direct telepathic communication. You feel Blood Empathy at a distance of one mile or less from your domitor, and the domitor to whom you feel Blood Empathy is the one whose blood you have most recently consumed. Note that this does not require a Blood Bond, though the effect feels stronger if one is present.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Baneful Blood<br>(•—•••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Baneful Blood<br>(•—••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">The character experiences the bane of their first domitor, this does not change if they get a new domitor.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">The character experiences the bane of their first domitor, this does not change if they get a new domitor. You experience the domitor’s bane at one level for each dot in this Flaw.</span>
|'''Unseemly Aura (••)'''
|'''Unseemly Aura (••)'''
|Their aura has become indistinguishable from a Kindred.
|Their aura has become indistinguishable from a Kindred.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Crone's Curse (•••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Crone's Curse (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">The character appears at least a decade older than they actually are which reduces their health tracker by one.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">The character appears at least a decade older than they actually are which reduces their health tracker by one.</span>
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| <span style="color:darkred">'''Distressing Fangs (••)'''</span>
| <span style="color:darkred">'''Distressing Fangs ()'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Having developed fangs like kindred, the character suffers one die on Social pools with mortals.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Having developed fangs like kindred, the character suffers one die on Social pools with mortals.</span>
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|<span style="color:darkred">Your debtor is a Neonate, Ancilla, Elder, Primogen member, or even a Prince depending upon dot rating.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your debtor is a Neonate, Ancilla, Elder, Primogen member, or even a Prince depending upon dot rating.</span>

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|'''Haven: Laboratory<br>(• +)'''
|'''Haven: Laboratory<br>(• +)'''
|Each dot of this merit contributes to dice rolls related to one Science or Technology specialty or for Alchemy pools when using Fixatio. Not available in one dot havens.  
|Each dot of this merit contributes to dice rolls related to one Science or Technology specialty or for Alchemy pools when using Fixatio. Not available in one dot havens.  
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shared<br>(• —or •••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shared<br>(• or •••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your haven is not entirely your own. Other Kindred, besides you and your coterie, have access to it and can make decisions about it without consulting you. Tremere chantries, Nosferatu warrens, and Ministry temples might be one or two-dot shared havens.</sup></span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your haven is not entirely your own. Other Kindred, besides you and your coterie, have access to it and can make decisions about it without consulting you. Tremere chantries, Nosferatu warrens, and Ministry temples might be one or two-dot shared havens.</sup></span>
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|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Adversary (• +)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Adversary (• +)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Another kindred who perhaps liked the character, but now goes out of their way to ruin their lives in anyway they can. Rated two levels higher than the Mawla value.</sup></span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Another kindred who perhaps liked the character, but now goes out of their way to ruin their lives in anyway they can. Rated two levels higher than the Mawla value.</sup></span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Secret Master (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Requires Mawla 1+. Once per story your Mawla requires you to do a minor task which cannot become public. If you fail to complete this, next story it increases from the equivalent of a minor boon to a major boon. If the task is still left unresolved, this flaw is replaced by 2 or more combined dots of Shunned or an Adversary.</sup></span>

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|<span style="color:darkred">Breaking the rules or weaseling out of something owed has netted this character the ire of this Sect. Stay out of sight and mind and nothing will happen until they prove their worth again but until then take a 2 dice penalty to Social tests with the offended Factions. </sup></span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Breaking the rules or weaseling out of something owed has netted this character the ire of this Sect. Stay out of sight and mind and nothing will happen until they prove their worth again but until then take a 2 dice penalty to Social tests with the offended Factions. </sup></span>
| style="border:1;" |
| '''City Secrets (•)'''
| style="border:1;" |
|You have somehow acquired a damning secret about the city’s Kindred power structure, perhaps specifically about someone in it. Decide the exact nature of the information with the Storyteller. You can take this Background a maximum of three times, with a different secret each time.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shunned (••)'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Shunned (••)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Despised by a Sect, a line was crossed that never should have been, and now members of this group actively work against them at any opportunity.</sup></span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Despised by a Sect, a line was crossed that never should have been, and now members of this group actively work against them at any opportunity.</sup></span>

Latest revision as of 15:52, 16 September 2024

Alongside their Attributes, Skills, and Disciplines, Kindred also have Advantages from before they began the Chronicle. Advantages are broken down into different types — Merits, Backgrounds, Loresheets, and Bloodlines. The opposite end of Advantages are Flaws, which are ongoing problems for the characters.

Unless otherwise stated, Advantages and Flaws without a rating may be taken at any level from • to •••••.

For other Advantages see Loresheets or Coterie Backgrounds and Merits.