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= LEVEL 1 =
= LEVEL 1 =
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''The stars write the natures of those on earth below them, or perhaps they reflect them. Combining astrology and hematomancy, the sorcerer draws out true information about allies, enemies, and mortals that catch their interest.''
'''Ingredients:''' The night sky; a silver mirror or platter; the blood, hair, spit, or flesh of the target
'''Process:''' In the middle of the night, the caster goes to an area with a clear view of the stars in the sky and places their target's biological material on the silver surface and spreads a Rouse Check's worth of blood over the surface. The caster spends up to a half hour watching their blood shape itself into patterns and images regarding the answers they seek about the subject.
'''System:''' A win on the Ritual roll reveals the target's greatest aptitudes (i.e., any Attribute or Skill 4 or higher) and their current Ambition. A critical win also reveals their current Desire and at least one of their Convictions. If the sorcerer knows the correct birth date or Embrace date of the target, they can add one die to the Ritual pool. Knowing both still only adds one die.
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''<sub>Blood Sigils, pg. 59</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''This ritual causes lower-order living creatures to find the ritual area repellent. Animals avoid the area, vermin scuttle away from it, and even plants may take on a pitiful appearance. Used as a low-level precaution against Animalism spies, this ritual also prevents infestations of the sorts of creatures who would be drawn to gore, carrion, and the other sorts of remains the Sabbat often leaves in its wake.''
'''Ingredients:''' Vinegar or alcohol
'''Process:''' The ritualist sprinkles the vinegar or alcohol on the floor and turns counterclockwise, visually circumscribing the area in which the lesser creatures are to be expelled.
'''System:''' If the ritual is successful, living creatures of animal intellect and below hastily vacate the area of about a hundred meters square. Thereafter, nothing prevents a directed or controlled creature from returning (but such things may be visible, and stand out due to their active expulsion), but such creatures won't do it of their own volition unless enraged or no other option to traverse it exists. The effects last for one scene or one night, whichever comes first.
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''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 50</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''The Tremere developed this ritual early in their ascent to power, which may help explain that ascent. Bind the Accusing Tongue prevents the target from speaking ill of the caster, ensuring the sorcerer's unspeakable acts remain that way.''
'''Ingredients:''' A picture, effigy, or image of the target, a lock of the target's hair, a black silken cord.
'''Process:''' The caster winds the cord around the hair and image while intoning the ritual charm.
'''System:''' A win on the Ritual roll prevents the target from saying, writing, or otherwise directly communicating anything negative or harmful — even, or rather especially, if it's true — about the caster without a Composure + Resolve test (Difficulty equals the caster's Blood Sorcery rating +2). On a critical win, the Difficulty of the test equals the caster's Blood Sorcery rating +3. The ritual lasts until the target succeeds on their test, or until the cord unwinds, at which point the hair and image crumble into dust.
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''<sub>Blood Sigils, pg. 60</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''Kindred sorcerers have learned to embed messages into their blood, or a vessel when feeding. Though there may be difficulties in sending the messenger to the recipient, the message is much less likely to be intercepted: this old art has come into vogue since the advent of the Second Inquisition.''
'''Ingredients:''' A drop of mercury and one rouse check’s worth of blood.
'''Process:''' The Kindred whispers a message to the mercury, which carries it through the blood collected in a ceremonially prepared bowl.
'''System:''' The Kindred encodes about one minute of speech into one Rouse Check worth of blood in a ritual bowl. The ritualist then designates one or more intended recipients of the message whose blood they have tasted. As part of the ritual, a Kindred, mortal, or beast messenger must consume the blood to transfer the message to their own body, otherwise the blood—and message—will rapidly sour.
The first person to consume the ensorcelled blood from the messenger automatically receives the message mentally if they are the intended recipient or possess A Taste for Blood. Any other imbiber must succeed on a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 3) to understand the message.
'''Duration:''' One month plus another month for each point of the margin of success.
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''<sub>Book of Nod Apocrypha, pg. 34</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''This Ritual expands upon the power A Taste for Blood allowing the user to learn more details about the subject studied, assuming the subject is a vampire.''
'''Ingredients:''' A silver cup filled with Blood from the subject. (One Rouse Check's worth).
'''Process:''' The user mixes their Blood with the subject's and repeats an incantation over the cup, spending an roughly an hour.
'''System:''' A win on the Ritual roll (see General Systems) allows the user to learn the generation and name of the subject as well as the subject's sire. A Critical Win also informs the user of any Blood Bonds active on the subject, as regnant or thrall.
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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 276</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
'''Ingredients:''' Mirror, sufficient human blood to write the message, UV light.
'''Process:''' The practitioner designates a type of individual in their mind — e.g., mortal, ghoul, vampire, male, a child, unemployed — and bathes a mirror in UV light. The sorcerer writes a message on the mirror with a fingertip, using human blood as the ink. The message appears on another reflective surface (a mirror, polished glass, water) the practitioner has seen before and can mentally recall, when the designated type of individual passes by.
'''System:''' The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when enchanting the designated surface. For every success the practitioner rolls, the message will repeat for each new individual of the chosen type who passes the surface. The message clears itself from the surface as soon as it's been read once. It appears in the handwriting and language in which the sorcerer wrote it.
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''<sub>Let the Streets Run Red, pg. 77</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''This Ritual allows the caster to bring plant life, such as roots, grass, and tree branches to act in their defense.''
'''Ingredients:''' Human blood, poppy seeds.
'''Process:''' The vampire casts a concoction of human blood and poppy seeds onto the earth, and in doing so rouses all plant life within a 5 yard/meter diameter. While these plants are rarely lethal in their attacks, they can successfully disable and alarm their victims.
'''System:''' A win on the Ritual roll following the casting of the Ritual ingredients animates the plant life. The affected flora causes a two-dice penalty to physical dice pools for those caught in the range of the Ritual, as plants trip and grip them. Victims who stay in the area for longer than a turn must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll (Difficulty 3), or be grappled and suffer one point of Superficial Health damage for each turn ensnared. If the caster achieves a critical win, the damage from plant attacks doubles. On a total failure, the plants attack the caster. The plants will target anyone who isn't the caster. They remain active until the end of the scene.
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''<sub>Cults of the Blood Gods, pg. 55</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''The vampire gains the ability to cling to walls like a grotesque insect or spider.''
'''Ingredients:''' A living spider.
'''Process:''' The caster fills a vial with their own Blood and crushes the spider into it, mixing the ground bits with the Blood before ingesting it. (This does not refund any Hunger gained.) The caster can only perform this ritual on themselves; others gain no benefit from drinking the mixture.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual yields the ability to cling to walls and ceiling for a scene, while a critical win extends the duration to a whole night. The caster must cling to the surface with both hands and feet; they move at approximately half their usual rate.
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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 276</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''This Ritual results in a Bloodstone, a magical tracker to which the caster always knows the direction as well as general distance. As the Camarilla retreats from modern technology, this previously neglected Ritual has seen a resurgence in use.''
'''Ingredients:''' A pebble of iron ore or a small magnet and a liter of blood from any source in a silver bowl.
'''Process:''' The user spills their Blood into the blood in the bowl and then recites a chant over it for an hour, repeating the chant over the next two nights. The pebble (or magnet) absorbs the blood over the three nights; upon successful completion, the liquid appears translucent.
'''System:''' Make the Ritual roll at the end of the third night. On a win the caster attunes their mind to the Bloodstone. The caster can unerringly sense the direction and distance to the stone. This effect lasts until the Bloodstone is destroyed or a week has passed. A caster can have and keep track to a number of stones up to their Resolve.
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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 276</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''This Ritual allows the caster to briefly douse their natural vampiric fear of fire.''
'''Ingredients:''' A holy object such as a crucifix, Bible, or Qur'an.
'''Process:''' The vampire must expose the holy symbol to a flame. The object does not need to be completely destroyed, just touched by the fire.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual roll following the burning of the holy object grants the character two additional dice on all rolls relating to resisting Rötschreck. A critical win results in the character needing to make no terror Frenzy rolls at all. The effect lasts for one night.
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''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 99<br>Replaces ''Dampen the Fear''</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''This Ritual increases the potency of a human's blood, allowing the Kindred to take the same sustenance from a smaller quantity of blood. Performing this ritual is central to club activities, allowing more mouths to taste from the same vessel and facilitating comparative culinary critique. Only humans can be targeted by this ritual; it has no effect on the Blood of Kindred.''
'''Ingredients:''' A half-full vial of the target's blood, five liters of unprocessed human blood no more than three hours old.
'''Process:''' The caster slowly pours the unprocessed blood into the vial, which never fills up so long as the vampire retains concentration. Once all the blood is added, the resulting half-vial of blood must be fed back to the target.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual roll makes the target's blood unusually rich and flavorsome. A sip from their veins slakes two levels of Hunger rather than one. On a Critical Win, two vampires can slake to Hunger 0 if they share the kill. If left alive, the effect on the target wanes after one week.
This Ritual makes the human's blood thick and hypercoagulable, prone to numerous medical complications. A second casting renders the blood too thick to drink and kills the target.
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''<sub>Forbidden Religions, pg. 76</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' • or •••
'''Ingredients:''' Scorpion poison, sufficient vitae to provoke a Rouse Check.
'''Process:''' The sorcerer mixes scorpion poison with their own vitae to draw the ward. The vampire can ward a single kine at level 1, or at level 3 inscribe the ward on a door so all who stay within the ward for that night are protected.
'''System:''' The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when another vampire tries to feed on the warded kine. The transgressor suffers one point of Aggravated Health damage if the caster wins the Ritual roll, or three points of Aggravated damage on a critical win.
Once the Herd Ward is triggered, a Kindred still trying to drink from the kine must roll Stamina + Resolve against Difficulty 4 for a normal Ward, or 7 for a critical-success Ward.
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''<sub>Let the Streets Run Red, pg. 77</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
'''Ingredients:''' Pigeon blood, wax, dog blood.
'''Process:''' The letter writer, who need not be the sorcerer, pens a missive in pigeon blood and clearly addresses the recipient. The sorcerer then melts wax and mixes it with dog's blood to seal the letter.
'''System:''' The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when anyone other than the recipient opens the letter. The victim suffers one point of Aggravated Health damage if the caster wins the Ritual roll, or three points of Aggravated damage on a critical win, and the letter destroys itself in a burst of flame.
Once the Letter Ward is triggered, anyone wanting to open the letter must roll Stamina + Resolve at Difficulty 4 for a normal Ward, or Difficulty 7 for a critical-success Ward.
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''<sub>Let the Streets Run Red, pg. 77</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''Normally tattoos, scars, and other changes to vampire flesh fade during the day's sleep. Yet some Kindred seek to make a mark on their own flesh, and give that mark permanence.''
'''Ingredients:''' Molten silver poured over a tattoo, brand, or other body modification.
'''Process:''' The vampire casting the ritual pours the molten silver over the target's tattoo, brand, or body modification. The target suffers damage from the molten silver, but once mended, the affected modification remains permanent.
'''System:''' A successful Ritual yields a permanent body modification for the target. This modification cannot be removed by any other means and is now considered part of the target's undying body. Pouring the molten silver onto the body modification inflicts one point of Superficial damage, which may be mended as normal.
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''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 99</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''Performed before dawn, this ritual allows the caster to awake at any sign of danger, fully alert as if awake during the night.''
'''Ingredients:''' The burnt bones and feathers of a rooster.
'''Process:''' The caster mixes the ashes with their own Blood, drawing a circle with the mixture around their place of sleep.
'''System:''' Do not make a Ritual roll unless true danger appears. If the caster is threatened during the day, make the Ritual roll then, with the caster rousing on a win. For the duration of the scene the vampire ignores the daytime penalties for staying awake. On a critical win, the effects last until the following dawn.
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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 276</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •
''Wary Tremere created this ritual to protect themselves from the minions of vengeful rivals. This ward uses the standard rules for Wards (p. 275).''
'''Ingredients:''' Nothing apart from the usual requirement of the caster's Blood.
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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 276</sub>''
= LEVEL 2 =


Revision as of 13:36, 18 January 2024


Thaumaturgy | Quietus | Koldunism | Akhu | Nahuallotl | Sadhana

The Tremere maintain that Blood Sorcery, or Thaumaturgy as they call it, was their invention. To hear the Banu Haqim give their version, Quietus was their blood right long before the Tremere became vampires. Other clans make the same statements. While its origins are murky, the dreaded nature of Blood Sorcery is not. Few Kindred trust the wielders of a power that can manipulate the vitae in their veins and turn Blood into poison.

Unlike other Disciplines, which could be described as advancing organically through the victims chosen by the vampire, practitioners of Blood Sorcery require teachers. The Tremere once relied on their pyramidic clan hierarchy to arrange tutelage for neonate apprentices, while the Banu Haqim stress the sire-childe relationship as being the best form of mentorship. These nights, many a Child of Haqim washes up in Europe or America far from their sire, and with the Pyramid broken Tremere neonates frantically search through moldy tomes and palimpsests for scraps of true lore. Genuine masters of this Discipline develop their own Rituals, though many guard them from others, revelling in the mystery surrounding their unknown cache of abilities. To practice Blood Sorcery is to twist one's own Blood into submission. Any form of this power reminds a vampire that they're far from human, as no mortal could wield magic in this way.


Discipline blood-sorcery.png
  • Type: Sorcery
  • Masquerade Threat: Low - High.
    The individual appearance of the powers and Rituals in Blood Sorcery varies as widely as their effects.
  • Blood Resonance: Sanguine.
    Although not inherent in the Blood itself, Blood Sorcery responds eagerly to blood from human occultists, sorcerers, and cult leaders, as well as hemophiles and bibliophiles.

Blood Sorcery is a special Discipline in that it both confers powers, like other Disciplines, and also unlocks the ability to perform Rituals up to and including the level the user holds in the Discipline. Ghouls of Blood Sorcerers or thin-bloods drinking from Sanguine temperaments gain temporary access to the Discipline powers, but not to Rituals. Its regular powers seem comparatively weak, but the versatility of the Rituals more than compensates, assuming the user can learn them. At character creation, a player can choose one Level 1 ritual if they have at least one dot in Blood Sorcery. Characters can buy new rituals at the cost of the ritual's level x 3 experience points. Learning new Rituals during play requires both experience and time — requiring the square of its level in weeks, though a good teacher or excellent grimoire may shorten this period.