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|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Mortal Frailty'''</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Mortal Frailty'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Mend like a mortal, unable to rouse the blood. Cannot take Vampiric Resilience with this Flaw.</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Mend like a mortal, unable to rouse the blood. Cannot take Vampiric Resilience with this Flaw.</span>
|'''Abhorrent Blood'''
|Other vampires abort any bite attempts after the initial damage and anyone who tries to keep drinking from you must spend two points of Willpower each turn that they do so. Mortals and Thin-Blood Alchemy are not affected by this anomaly.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Heliophobia'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You fear sunlight as though you were a full vampire. You are susceptible to terror frenzy from sunlight.</span>
|'''Lucid Dreamer'''
|Most vampires don’t dream because they don’t sleep. You dream; you can recall and even sometimes control your dreams. Once per session, if you’re asleep by day you can ask the Storyteller to provide a clue from the previous night’s memories or a hint about the story suitable for dream revelation.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Night Terrors'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">During times of stress, or when your Beast is strongest, nightmares pull through and feel excruciatingly real. They may be disjointed hallucinations, or they may be a way for the Storyteller to feed theme or foreshadow events. Once per session, your night terrors onset and you take a one-die penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene.</span>
|'''Low Appetite'''
|When at Hunger 0 or 1, and when rising at sunset, roll two dice on your Rouse Check and take the highest of the two.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Plague Bearer'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You are still susceptible to mortal sickness: colds, flu, and other more severe infections. Every time you feed you must roll a die for each Hunger slaked, and if any come up a “1,” you’ve caught something nasty. (Effect is up to the Storyteller, but could range from die penalties to slow Health degradation.) Mortal medicine doesn’t cure you; only drinking a functioning immune system by slaking your Hunger to 0 does so. And of course, you run the risk of infecting anyone you feed on, using the same die roll as above.</span>
|Whether you consider yourself an atheist or devoutly religious, you remain too close to mortality for True Faith to affect you.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Sun-Faded'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You cannot use Discipline powers – including Thin- Blood Alchemy – in sunlight, and active powers cease when you enter sunlight. You can use them indoors by day, with a two-dice penalty, as long as you avoid any hint of sunlight.</span>
|'''Mortality's Mien'''
|Your aura does not appear vampiric or supernatural; instead it looks mortal to anyone able to detect supernatural creatures. You can also add two dice to any attempt to make yourself appear mortal in other regards, such as makeup.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Supernatural Tell'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Whether it’s your smell, your aura, or something even subtler, other supernatural entities can sense your presence. They may be curious, hungry, or irritated, but they definitely clock you. Lose two dice from Stealth pools and similar against supernatural opponents including other vampires.</span>
|'''Swift Feeder'''
|You sip delicately and quickly, neatly slaking one Hunger in one turn, including licking the wound closed. This Merit can only be used once per scene.
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Sloppy Drinker'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your bite is careless, or your fangs are ill suited to puncture skin cleanly. When feeding, make a Dexterity + Medicine test against a Difficulty equal to Hunger slaked to cover your feed marks before too much blood is spilled. On a failure, the wound is too ragged to close: the mortal may bleed out with Masquerade-threatening neck wounds.</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Twilight Presence'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">You make others uncomfortable around you. Most mortals don’t want to be around you at all, and other Kindred dislike you even more than they do regular thin-bloods. Only thin-bloods can adjust to your weird demeanor. Lose a die from Social pools involving anyone except thin-bloods.</span>
|| <span style="color:darkred">'''Unending Hunger'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your Beast always hungers for more, never finding sustenance with smaller sips. When feeding in a scene you sate one less Hunger than other thinbloods. This applies only once per scene.</span>

Revision as of 11:56, 5 April 2023

Alongside their Attributes, Skills, and Disciplines, Kindred also have Advantages from before they began the Chronicle. Advantages are broken down into different types — Merits, Backgrounds, Loresheets, and Bloodlines. The opposite end of Advantages are Flaws, which are ongoing problems for the characters.

Unless otherwise stated, Advantages and Flaws without a rating may be taken at any level from • to •••••.

For other Advantages see Loresheets or Coterie Backgrounds and Merits.