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|'''Famous Face (•)'''
|'''Famous Face (•)'''
|You gain two dice to social tests in circumstances where you can leverage your lookalike status, but suffer a two-dice penalty whenever you try to hide in a crowd or in other areas where you want to avoid recognition.
|You gain two dice to social tests in circumstances where you can leverage your lookalike status, but suffer a two-dice penalty whenever you try to hide in a crowd or in other areas where you want to avoid recognition.
||<span style="color:darkred">'''Stench (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">Your breath and body odor are supernaturally foul, redolent of open graves and rotting flesh. Even Nosferatu object to your stink. Lose one die from seduction and similar Social dice pools, and lose two dice from Stealth pools against opponents who can smell, unless you are upwind.</span>
|'''Ingèune (•)'''
|'''Ingèune (•)'''
|You look completely innocent and blameless, making others believe in your good intentions much easier. Add two dice to any rolls related to avoiding suspicion or deflect blame, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
|You look completely innocent and blameless, making others believe in your good intentions much easier. Add two dice to any rolls related to avoiding suspicion or deflect blame, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
||<span style="color:darkred">'''Transparent (•)'''</span>
|<span style="color:darkred">For whatever reason, you aren’t a good liar, and it shows. Lose one die from any pools requiring Subterfuge. You cannot gain dots in Subterfuge.</span>
|'''Remarkable Feature (•)'''
|'''Remarkable Feature (•)'''

Revision as of 10:40, 5 April 2023

Alongside their Attributes, Skills, and Disciplines, Kindred also have Advantages from before they began the Chronicle. Advantages are broken down into different types — Merits, Backgrounds, Loresheets, and Bloodlines. The opposite end of Advantages are Flaws, which are ongoing problems for the characters.

Unless otherwise stated, Advantages and Flaws without a rating may be taken at any level from • to •••••.

For other Advantages see Loresheets or Coterie Backgrounds and Merits.