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(Added "Antebrachia Ignium" and "Dominion" from Players Guide)
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••

''By preparing two mystic circles in an arduous ritual the caster can instantly travel from one to the other. The journey is one-way, and the caster must designate one circle for departure while the “arrival” circle serves as an exit.''
''The caster of this Ritual manifests hungry flame from their flesh, using an enchanted coating of vitae like a buffer and can set items and people alight using the fire.''

'''Ingredients:''' Two charred circles of approximately a meter in diameter.
'''Ingredients:''' Sufficient vitae (from any vampire) to coat the caster’s arms up to the elbows, and a source of flame (such as a lighter).

'''Process:''' The caster burns the circles into the ground or floor with an open flame, then consecrates each circle. Consecration requires two hours of chanting per night and two Rouse Checks, for three consecutive nights. In total, this ritual takes twelve Rouse Checks worth of Blood from the caster.
'''Process:''' The vampire immerses their arms in the blood and withstands the urge to feed or frenzy. After extracting their arms, exposure to flame ignites the vitae rather than the vampire it coats. The vampire can then go on to set targets alight using the fire on their skin.

'''System:''' Once the circles are complete the caster need but step into the one designated for departure and concentrate for a turn, making a Ritual roll. The caster makes the Ritual roll each time they attempt to travel, but can only make one attempt per scene. On a win the caster vanishes, reappearing in an instant in the middle of the exit circle. There is no limit to the distance between the two circles, but they must be inscribed on the ground or on the floor of a building, not on the floor of a vehicle. The caster can transport one person or an object or objects totaling roughly human mass with them. Damaging either circle ruins the ritual completely and renders both circles inert. A vampire can only have one pair of these circles functional at any given time.
'''System:''' If the user is at Hunger 4 or more, make a hunger frenzy test at Difficulty 3 to avoid draining the ingredients. At any point during the night they may expose the vitae to fire and make a Ritual roll. Any success ignites flames on the vampire’s hands and arms, a spectacular display provoking a terror frenzy test (Difficulty 2) in all nearby vampires except the caster. They may touch others with Dexterity + Brawl in physical combat to inflict two Aggravated Health damage. Entering a grapple ignites the both combatants’ clothes, continuing the damage each turn until they make a Composure + Survival roll (Difficulty 3) to smother the burn. The caster is only resistant to flame on their arms, and burns as usual elsewhere. The fiery arms extinguish when the caster wills it or when the scene ends.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 280</sub>''
''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 102<br>Replaces "Creatio Ignis"</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••

''Performing this ritual turns the caster’s unliving heart to stone. This makes them immune to stakes but also, through some fluke of sympathetic magic, completely remorseless and cold-hearted automatons totally unreceptive to emotional and social cues. Even more so than normal.''
''The Blood Sorcerer makes themselves the sovereign of supernatural powers in their own domain, thwarting others’ use of most vampiric abilities.''

'''Ingredients:''' A stone slab and a wax candle drenched with the Blood of the caster.
'''Ingredients:''' Seal made of iron embedded over every doorway in the building.

'''Process:''' The caster lies on the stone slab with the candle on their chest letting it burn down to nothing over the course of a night. As the fir e reaches their chest, it causes one point of Aggravated damage and forces a terror frenzy roll: Difficulty 3. If the caster fails the frenzy roll, the ritual ends. If the caster does not enter frenzy, they make the Ritual roll. On a win the ritual completes; a critical win heals the candle-fire damage. The effect persists indefinitely, and should the caster wish to reverse the process they must repeat the ritual.
'''Process:''' The ritual takes three hours to cast. During this time, the caster must be embedding iron seals over every doorway, consecrating them with their own vitae, and carving sigils on the doors.

'''System:''' While under the effect of the ritual, the caster’s heart is literally made of stone. Stakes fail to penetrate it, breaking if forced. The caster also exhibits a complete emotional detachment, subtracting three dice from any Remorse rolls as well as active Social-related rolls, except for Intimidation and Dominate. The caster cannot employ Presence but gains three bonus dice to pools used to resist the effects of that Discipline.
'''System:''' Upon a successful Ritual roll, the Blood sorcerer stops any uses of Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, or Presence except by themselves. Any uses of the Disciplines within the building still cause any Rouse checks to occur, though the amount of Blood spent to perform the ritual varies – from Rouse Check for an apartment up to five for a large manor. The Ritual lasts indefinitely but can be broken by the destruction of at least one seal.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 281</sub>''
''<sub>Players Guide, pg. 103</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••

''The Kindred fear few weapons as they fear the dreaded stake created by this ritual. Thought to be the origin of the myth regarding stakes as the ultimate tool for slaying vampires, the Shaft of Belated Dissolution not only seeks out the heart of the vampire it’s aimed at but actually causes Final Death when reaching its target. If need be, the Shaft works toward this goal as a splinter, inching its way through the target vampire’s body to reach its goal.''
''This rare Ritual allows a vampire to drain blood and energy from any living creatures in the nearby area, allowing the caster to stave off Hunger without even having to bare their fangs.''
'''Ingredients:''' A dead body, a living tree, one fresh apple, one rotten apple.

'''Ingredients:''' A stake carved of rowan wood, inscribed with baneful runes.
'''Process:''' The vampire lays a dead body at the foot of a tree and places the healthy apple in the corpse’s mouth, followed by the rotten apple into the vampire’s. If the apple does not fit in the corpse’s mouth, the caster may hammer it in, dislocate the jaw, or otherwise rend the throat open, so long as it fits. As the body rapidly merges with the tree’s roots and trunk, blood from mortals up to 1 mile/kilometer away drains into the earth and out through the rotten apple in the vampire’s mouth, sating Hunger.

'''Process:''' The caster drenches the stake with two Rouse Checks worth of their Blood, while blackening it in an oak-wood fire while reading incantations over it. The ritual takes five hours to complete.  
'''System:''' The player makes a Ritual roll following the placement of the corpse and the apples. On a win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to one, despite any Blood Potency feeding penalties. On a critical win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to zero without killing. On a total failure, the vampire falls into a hunger frenzy. Depending on the number of kine in the Ritual area and the type of kine nearby, Stains may accrue; for example vampires with a Prey Exclusion may suffer Stains if this Ritual is used in an area heavily populated by their excluded class of mortal, whereas varied groups with more kine to draw from are less likely to bear an ethical cost.

'''System:''' This stake confers a three-dice bonus to any pool on any attempt to stake a vampire, whether hammered in while the victim sleeps, wielded in melee, or fired from a crossbow. The caster need not wield the stake themselves. If the attack roll wins with a margin of five or better, the vampire withers to dust in a single turn as if consumed by an invisible fire. If the stake hits, but the roll has insufficient margin to pierce the heart, the stake breaks off in the wound, the tip burying itself as it slowly begins to inch its way toward the heart of the victim. Depending on where it struck this can take hours or nights, but unless extracted by medical or mystical means, Final Death is assured. To remove it surgically someone other than the victim needs to win a roll of Dexterity + Medicine, Difficulty 6, in a process that takes up to four hours. If no medical expertise can be found, someone can remove the splinter by severing the afflicted limb – unless the splinter has already reached the torso.
A lot of blood is wasted with this Ritual, as all the mortals in the area lose a little blood to the earth, though the loss is not visible. For the remainder of the chapter, those kine suffer a one-die penalty to all Physical rolls and 1 Aggravated Health damage.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 281</sub>''
''<sub>Cults of the Blood Gods, pg. 56</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••

''This ward uses the standard rules for Warding Circles.''
''By preparing two mystic circles in an arduous ritual the caster can instantly travel from one to the other. The journey is one-way, and the caster must designate one circle for departure while the “arrival” circle serves as an exit.''
'''Ingredients:''' Two charred circles of approximately a meter in diameter.
'''Process:''' The caster burns the circles into the ground or floor with an open flame, then consecrates each circle. Consecration requires two hours of chanting per night and two Rouse Checks, for three consecutive nights. In total, this ritual takes twelve Rouse Checks worth of Blood from the caster.

'''Ingredients:''' The caster draws the Warding Circle with a rowan wand dipped in the mixture of ash from a still-burning fire and Blood.
'''System:''' Once the circles are complete the caster need but step into the one designated for departure and concentrate for a turn, making a Ritual roll. The caster makes the Ritual roll each time they attempt to travel, but can only make one attempt per scene. On a win the caster vanishes, reappearing in an instant in the middle of the exit circle. There is no limit to the distance between the two circles, but they must be inscribed on the ground or on the floor of a building, not on the floor of a vehicle. The caster can transport one person or an object or objects totaling roughly human mass with them. Damaging either circle ruins the ritual completely and renders both circles inert. A vampire can only have one pair of these circles functional at any given time.

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''<sub>Core Book, pg. 282</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 280</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••

''Using a dagger as an implement, the sorcerer can steal the blood from their followers or victims.''
''Performing this ritual turns the caster’s unliving heart to stone. This makes them immune to stakes but also, through some fluke of sympathetic magic, completely remorseless and cold-hearted automatons totally unreceptive to emotional and social cues. Even more so than normal.''

'''Ingredients:''' A silver dagger, other ritual components.
'''Ingredients:''' A stone slab and a wax candle drenched with the Blood of the caster.

'''Process:''' The sorcerer must succeed their Ritual Activation roll and do one Rouse check to successfully anoint the dagger in their blood, linking it to them. The ritualist must then use their dagger to draw blood from willing donors or victims, causing a minimum of one point of Superficial Damage. As long as the follower or victim and dagger remain below ground, they are linked.
'''Process:''' The caster lies on the stone slab with the candle on their chest letting it burn down to nothing over the course of a night. As the fir e reaches their chest, it causes one point of Aggravated damage and forces a terror frenzy roll: Difficulty 3. If the caster fails the frenzy roll, the ritual ends. If the caster does not enter frenzy, they make the Ritual roll. On a win the ritual completes; a critical win heals the candle-fire damage. The effect persists indefinitely, and should the caster wish to reverse the process they must repeat the ritual.

'''System:''' Once per night, the holder of the dagger may choose to feed from all individuals linked to the dagger. The user slakes one point of Hunger per individual linked. Each Kindred victim has their own hunger raise by one, whereas mortal victims instead take one point of Aggravated Damage. This ritual cannot bring the user’s hunger below the minimum imposed by their Blood Potency unless a mortal dies from this effect. If an individual goes to the surface, they lose their link to the dagger and are no longer subject to this theft of blood. Likewise, if the dagger ever breaches the surface, the ritual’s effect ceases.
'''System:''' While under the effect of the ritual, the caster’s heart is literally made of stone. Stakes fail to penetrate it, breaking if forced. The caster also exhibits a complete emotional detachment, subtracting three dice from any Remorse rolls as well as active Social-related rolls, except for Intimidation and Dominate. The caster cannot employ Presence but gains three bonus dice to pools used to resist the effects of that Discipline.

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''<sub>Fall of London, pg. 137</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 281</sub>''


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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••

''This rare Ritual allows a vampire to drain blood and energy from any living creatures in the nearby area, allowing the caster to stave off Hunger without even having to bare their fangs.''
''The Kindred fear few weapons as they fear the dreaded stake created by this ritual. Thought to be the origin of the myth regarding stakes as the ultimate tool for slaying vampires, the Shaft of Belated Dissolution not only seeks out the heart of the vampire it’s aimed at but actually causes Final Death when reaching its target. If need be, the Shaft works toward this goal as a splinter, inching its way through the target vampire’s body to reach its goal.''

'''Ingredients:''' A dead body, a living tree, one fresh apple, one rotten apple.
'''Ingredients:''' A stake carved of rowan wood, inscribed with baneful runes.

'''Process:''' The vampire lays a dead body at the foot of a tree and places the healthy apple in the corpse’s mouth, followed by the rotten apple into the vampire’s. If the apple does not fit in the corpse’s mouth, the caster may hammer it in, dislocate the jaw, or otherwise rend the throat open, so long as it fits. As the body rapidly merges with the tree’s roots and trunk, blood from mortals up to 1 mile/kilometer away drains into the earth and out through the rotten apple in the vampire’s mouth, sating Hunger.
'''Process:''' The caster drenches the stake with two Rouse Checks worth of their Blood, while blackening it in an oak-wood fire while reading incantations over it. The ritual takes five hours to complete.  

'''System:''' The player makes a Ritual roll following the placement of the corpse and the apples. On a win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to one, despite any Blood Potency feeding penalties. On a critical win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to zero without killing. On a total failure, the vampire falls into a hunger frenzy. Depending on the number of kine in the Ritual area and the type of kine nearby, Stains may accrue; for example vampires with a Prey Exclusion may suffer Stains if this Ritual is used in an area heavily populated by their excluded class of mortal, whereas varied groups with more kine to draw from are less likely to bear an ethical cost.
'''System:''' This stake confers a three-dice bonus to any pool on any attempt to stake a vampire, whether hammered in while the victim sleeps, wielded in melee, or fired from a crossbow. The caster need not wield the stake themselves. If the attack roll wins with a margin of five or better, the vampire withers to dust in a single turn as if consumed by an invisible fire. If the stake hits, but the roll has insufficient margin to pierce the heart, the stake breaks off in the wound, the tip burying itself as it slowly begins to inch its way toward the heart of the victim. Depending on where it struck this can take hours or nights, but unless extracted by medical or mystical means, Final Death is assured. To remove it surgically someone other than the victim needs to win a roll of Dexterity + Medicine, Difficulty 6, in a process that takes up to four hours. If no medical expertise can be found, someone can remove the splinter by severing the afflicted limb – unless the splinter has already reached the torso.
A lot of blood is wasted with this Ritual, as all the mortals in the area lose a little blood to the earth, though the loss is not visible. For the remainder of the chapter, those kine suffer a one-die penalty to all Physical rolls and 1 Aggravated Health damage.

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''<sub>Cults of the Blood Gods, pg. 56</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 281</sub>''

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''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 51</sub>''
''<sub>Sabbat Sect Book, pg. 51</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
''This ward uses the standard rules for Warding Circles.''
'''Ingredients:''' The caster draws the Warding Circle with a rowan wand dipped in the mixture of ash from a still-burning fire and Blood.
<div style='text-align: right;'>
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 282</sub>''
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'''Blood Sorcery''' •••••
''Using a dagger as an implement, the sorcerer can steal the blood from their followers or victims.''
'''Ingredients:''' A silver dagger, other ritual components.
'''Process:''' The sorcerer must succeed their Ritual Activation roll and do one Rouse check to successfully anoint the dagger in their blood, linking it to them. The ritualist must then use their dagger to draw blood from willing donors or victims, causing a minimum of one point of Superficial Damage. As long as the follower or victim and dagger remain below ground, they are linked.
'''System:''' Once per night, the holder of the dagger may choose to feed from all individuals linked to the dagger. The user slakes one point of Hunger per individual linked. Each Kindred victim has their own hunger raise by one, whereas mortal victims instead take one point of Aggravated Damage. This ritual cannot bring the user’s hunger below the minimum imposed by their Blood Potency unless a mortal dies from this effect.  If an individual goes to the surface, they lose their link to the dagger and are no longer subject to this theft of blood. Likewise, if the dagger ever breaches the surface, the ritual’s effect ceases.
<div style='text-align: right;'>
''<sub>Fall of London, pg. 137</sub>''


Revision as of 18:21, 4 April 2023


Thaumaturgy | Quietus | Koldunism | Akhu | Nahuallotl | Sadhana

The Tremere maintain that Blood Sorcery, or “Thaumaturgy” as they call it, was their invention. To hear the Banu Haqim give their version, “Quietus” was their blood right long before the Tremere became vampires. Other clans make the same statements. While its origins are murky, the dreaded nature of Blood Sorcery is not. Few Kindred trust the wielders of a power that can manipulate the vitae in their veins and turn Blood into poison.

Unlike other Disciplines, which could be described as advancing organically through the victims chosen by the vampire, practitioners of Blood Sorcery require teachers. The Tremere once relied on their pyramidic clan hierarchy to arrange tutelage for neonate apprentices, while the Banu Haqim stress the sire-childe relationship as being the best form of mentorship. These nights, many a Child of Haqim washes up in Europe or America far from their sire, and with the Pyramid broken Tremere neonates frantically search through moldy tomes and palimpsests for scraps of true lore. Genuine masters of this Discipline develop their own Rituals, though many guard them from others, revelling in the mystery surrounding their unknown cache of abilities. To practice Blood Sorcery is to twist one’s own Blood into submission. Any form of this power reminds a vampire that they’re far from human, as no mortal could wield magic in this way.


Discipline blood-sorcery.png
  • Type: Sorcery
  • Masquerade Threat: Low - High.
    The individual appearance of the powers and Rituals in Blood Sorcery varies as widely as their effects.
  • Blood Resonance: Sanguine.
    Although not inherent in the Blood itself, Blood Sorcery responds eagerly to blood from human occultists, sorcerers, and cult leaders, as well as hemophiles and bibliophiles.

Blood Sorcery is a special Discipline in that it both confers powers, like other Disciplines, and also unlocks the ability to perform Rituals up to and including the level the user holds in the Discipline. Ghouls of Blood Sorcerers or thin-bloods drinking from Sanguine temperaments gain temporary access to the Discipline powers, but not to Rituals. Its regular powers seem comparatively weak, but the versatility of the Rituals more than compensates, assuming the user can learn them. At character creation, a player can choose one Level 1 ritual if they have at least one dot in Blood Sorcery. Characters can buy new rituals at the cost of the ritual’s level x 3 experience points. Learning new Rituals during play requires both experience and time. Expect a Ritual to take at least the square of its rating in weeks to learn.