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'''Dominate''' •••
'''Dominate''' •••

''The vampire can rewrite whole swathes of the victim’s memories, as long as they can keep the victim’s gaze and full, uninterrupted attention. The vampire verbally describes the victim’s new memories, which the victim then accepts as their own. This power does not allow the user to investigate the victim’s true memories; it more resembles blindly painting over the old canvas.''
''You can turn your Dominate inwards, convincing yourself that lies are the truth. This isn’t used for the purpose of self-deception, but rather to resist supernatural interrogation.''

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check

'''Dice Pools:''' Manipulation + Dominate vs Intelligence + Resolve
'''Dice Pool:''' Intelligence + Dominate

'''System:''' The user rolls a contest of Manipulation + Dominate vs Intelligence + Resolve. Each point of margin allows the user to add or remove an additional memory. The victim recalls the edits vaguely, foggy ideations that can fall apart under close questioning. A critical win creates a flawless imprint, as real as any true memory.
'''System:''' Spend at least one hour in deep meditation, self-hypnosis, or some other form of isolated, intense thought. During this hour, you craft elaborate false memories; of your sire’s identity, the circumstances of your Embrace, your journey to the current city, and more. On a success, any attempt to use supernatural powers to interrogate you, or read your mind, fail. Be wary, however: On a failure, your memories become so jumbled that you always seem to be lying about who you are or what you want.

'''Duration:''' Indefinitely
'''Duration:''' One month, or until a trigger set by you when enacting this power (tell your Storyteller what it is).

<div style='text-align: right;'>
<div style='text-align: right;'>
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 257</sub>''
''<sub>Homebrew Content, pg. XX</sub>''


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'''Dominate''' •••
'''Dominate''' •••

''When using Dominate power, the vampire can now implant a posthypnotic suggestion, allowing its effect to remain dormant until a specific stimulus occurs. This trigger can be anything from a specific date, to a person (“When you meet Roland, tell him these words”), to hearing a specific phrase. The Submerged Directive never expires; people can conceivably walk around with an order buried in their mind for years. The user can only embed one suggestion per victim.''
''The vampire can rewrite whole swathes of the victim’s memories, as long as they can keep the victim’s gaze and full, uninterrupted attention. The vampire verbally describes the victim’s new memories, which the victim then accepts as their own. This power does not allow the user to investigate the victim’s true memories; it more resembles blindly painting over the old canvas.''

'''Cost:''' No additional cost
'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check

'''Dice Pools:''' Manipulation + Dominate vs Intelligence + Resolve

'''System:''' As per power amplified, though the Storyteller might want to make any rolls in secret. There’s no way of knowing if the submerged suggestion works until the conditions are met.

'''System:''' The user rolls a contest of Manipulation + Dominate vs Intelligence + Resolve. Each point of margin allows the user to add or remove an additional memory. The victim recalls the edits vaguely, foggy ideations that can fall apart under close questioning. A critical win creates a flawless imprint, as real as any true memory.

'''Duration:''' Passive

'''Duration:''' Indefinitely

''<div style='text-align: right;'>
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<sub>Core Book, pg. 257</sub>''
''<sub>Core Book, pg. 257</sub>''

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'''Dominate''' •••
'''Dominate''' •••

''You can turn your Dominate inwards, convincing yourself that lies are the truth. This isn’t used for the purpose of self-deception, but rather to resist supernatural interrogation.''
''When using Dominate power, the vampire can now implant a posthypnotic suggestion, allowing its effect to remain dormant until a specific stimulus occurs. This trigger can be anything from a specific date, to a person (“When you meet Roland, tell him these words”), to hearing a specific phrase. The Submerged Directive never expires; people can conceivably walk around with an order buried in their mind for years. The user can only embed one suggestion per victim.''

'''Cost:''' One Rouse Check
'''Cost:''' No additional cost

'''Dice Pool:''' Intelligence + Dominate

'''System:''' As per power amplified, though the Storyteller might want to make any rolls in secret. There’s no way of knowing if the submerged suggestion works until the conditions are met.

'''System:''' Spend at least one hour in deep meditation, self-hypnosis, or some other form of isolated, intense thought. During this hour, you craft elaborate false memories; of your sire’s identity, the circumstances of your Embrace, your journey to the current city, and more. On a success, any attempt to use supernatural powers to interrogate you, or read your mind, fail. Be wary, however: On a failure, your memories become so jumbled that you always seem to be lying about who you are or what you want.

'''Duration:''' Passive

'''Duration:''' One month, or until a trigger set by you when enacting this power (tell your Storyteller what it is).

<div style='text-align: right;'>
''<div style='text-align: right;'>
''<sub>Homebrew Content, pg. XX</sub>''
<sub>Core Book, pg. 257</sub>''

Revision as of 18:21, 2 April 2023


Snake Charming | Mesmerism | Mentis Imperium | Dementation

Dominate grants the vampire the ability to control the actions of others, manipulate their memories, and force living creatures into acts they would not perform of their own volition. At its most basic, Dominate enables a vampire to make a victim forget the feed they just endured or enjoyed. At its most dangerous, it allows Kindred to enslave entire crowds of kine. This is the Beast at its most cruel and controlling.

Dominate acts as a bludgeon to enforce the Masquerade, create submissive servants, and reinforce the self-assuredness of the vampire. When using this Discipline, Kindred feel omnipotent, although the wisest of them know that this too may be shackles of a kind, slipped upon them by the Blood.


Discipline dominate.png
  • Type: Mental
  • Masquerade Threat: Low
    Barring someone Dominating an entire auditorium to jump off the cliffs of Dover, it remains one of the more subtle vampiric powers.
  • Blood Resonance: Phlegmatic
    The blood of the submissive of the dominant, masters and slaves, captains of industry, power trippers, cult leaders and followers.

Most Dominate powers require eye contact with the victim. Once they establish contact, Dominate holds the gaze of the victim until the user conveys their command or commands, barring interference. Catching the eyes of someone actively attempting to avoid the vampire’s gaze requires a contest of the user’s Resolve + Intimidation vs the target’s Wits + Awareness. It is of course impossible to catch the eyes of someone squeezing their eyes shut or wearing a blindfold, but that person should be easy prey to other tactics.

Using Dominate in combat or in other frantic situations is limited to people attacking or otherwise interacting with the user directly, as everyone else’s attention is firmly focused on their own peril.

Unless the user has supernatural means such as Telepathy (Auspex 5) at their disposal, they must command the victim verbally. The victim must be able to hear the user and understand their language.

Without Terminal Decree (Dominate 5), commands resulting in obvious death or serious injury fail automatically. Subjects roll to resist commands resulting in other social or physical harm (such as undressing in public), commands that have a character go against their Convictions, and those that would have negative effects towards their Touchstones or their relationship with them.See individual powers for details. Vampires cannot use Dominate to extract information, as the victim becomes a mindless puppet while under its influence. For example, the Compel command “Speak” results in blabbering word salad, while someone Mesmerized to “tell what you know about the assassin” responds “what you know about the assassin.” Dominate cannot make subjects do something they could not do on command, such as “Sleep.” Ultimately, the Storyteller determines what the Discipline can accomplish, but they should take care that Dominate remains one Discipline of many, rather than the catch-all solution to every problem.

Dominate cuts to the core of vampiric mastery and predation. Thus, vampires must resist attempts to Dominate them. A vampire of lower (stronger) generation can resist Dominate attempts from higher generation vampires by spending a Willpower point, negating the effect completely.

On a total failure on the roll of any Dominate power, that vampire can no longer Dominate that target for the rest of the story.

Dominate threatens Humanity, especially if the vampire has any Principles involving personal freedom or forbidding violations of human integrity. Using it may incur Stains (p. 239).